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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

houyhnhnmland asked:

Love the most recent post, and so excited to see Edward Hopper's style featured in it (he's one of my favorites)! Would you ever consider including H. R. Giger's name in one of your prompts?

aiweirdness answered:

I gave this a try but remembered his name slightly wrong at first so um

here’s a chemistry laboratory painted by H. R. Giles, Pensacola FL real estate agent

An impressionistic square painting with brightly colored vials and flasks, in golds and greens and reds.

subtly different version by H. R. Giger

Looks like the interior of a hive from the movie Alien
what this blog is about


I know I’ve talked about it before but it never ceases to amaze me that the city of Toronto created this labyrinthine series of underground walkways that stretch for kilometres under the heart of downtown and they called it the fucking PATH. like how much more ominous could that even be. It doesn’t even stand for anything it’s just the PATH, all caps. What fucking fae named this artisanal bakery maze.

It doesn’t!!! even stand!! for anything!!!

“PATH is downtown Toronto’s enclosed pedestrian walkway linking 29 kilometres of shopping, services and entertainment connecting Toronto Coach Terminal to Maple Leaf Square/Air Canada Centre. The Acronym (PATH) does not stand for anything - just signals that there is a pathway.”

Like I always lose my mind at this. If it doesn’t stand for anything it’s not an acronym Toronto!! Toronto!!!!!!!!!


Copying my tags:


I’m not exaggerating about the part without a ceiling:


This is, by the way, right under Bay & Bloor, dead centre of the city and some of the most expensive real estate in Canada. It radiates an incredible aura of menace.


Okay far more poeple have reblogged this than I thought and I just wanted to clarify- the horror of the PATH is not that it all looks like a spooky basement where you’re about to get murdered. There ARE spots like that, but to understand the ~vibe~ of the PATH, you have to understand that it is essentially one very large mall co-designed by like, 70+ different corperations who all have different aesthetics. SO, the PATH looks like that, but it also looks like this


and like this


and like this


and like this


Here’s an entrance to the PATH at Union


And here’s another- also at Union


And here’s another a few blocks away, though tbh I have never been able to enter here because it always seems to be locked, no matter how much I want Wendy’s that day. 


And you’d think these mixed aesthetics would make it easier to navigate, or at least figure out where you are, but again, there are over 70 different entities designing this shit and not one original thought between them. So while you may well know when you step from one property to the next, whatever the look of your current section it’s more than likely they’re a nigh identical section somewhere further just to confound your mortal sense. 

Basically, everyone tagging this with the Magnus Archives is very correct- If any place on earth could be the true domain of the Spiral it’s the PATH, and it’s just a shame Jonny didn’t know about it before the show wrapped up. 


Oh my God


It’s actually a great illustration of the failures of capitalism. The PATH isn’t something designed by the city, instead each building has their own section. And because of that, the signage isn’t just inconsistent, it’s actively hostile to you leaving that section. Every incentive points towards keeping you in that one area and not making it easy to find another building.

Also one time I tried to leave the PATH at night through a small set of double doors and while the doors leading to a small atrium opened, the doors leading to the outside were locked, and had I not caught the first doors before they closed I would’ve been trapped in an unheated 2m square between-space, neither in the PATH nor out of it, overnight

Source: questbedhead what this blog is about

the sheer amount of artistic talent put into these panels to portray the right feeling on clark’s face is amazing


None of the images in the notes look like eachother but they all look like Clark wtf




Every time this graces my dash I can’t help but laugh until I’m on the verge of tears

Source: justiceleaque what this blog is about