
Has blocat @AnthonyCody

Estàs segur que vols veure aquests tuits? Això no desblocarà @AnthonyCody.

  1. ha retuitat
    fa 7 hores

    What does one of the co-founders of ‘Critical race theory’ make of Sen. Ted Cruz comparing it to the KKK? “It would be laughable if it weren’t so dangerous and it weren’t so familiar,” tells

  2. ha retuitat
    fa 7 hores

    Seeds coated in toxic neonic pesticides are killing bee colonies and making Nebraska residents sick. For the sake of public & ecosystem health, we need stricter regulations for pesticide pollution!

  3. ha retuitat
    fa 20 hores

    Terrific piece on how the ruinous reign of Milton Friedman is at last coming to an end. (Except for education where his hold seems to be intensifying!)

  4. ha retuitat

    Can't wait for thr Catholic church to offer Matt Gaetz communion. He has the qualifications to be a priest.

  5. ha retuitat
    19 de juny

    *It's not that they're dumb, it's that they don't care.* New on the Critical Race Theory wars (and why exposing GOP ignorance on the topic is a hopeless strategy)

  6. ha retuitat
    18 de juny

    Yes we should Do one for native Americans....Get rid of Columbus day... How about that?

  7. ha retuitat
    18 de juny

    Oh, the HORROR of having a federal holiday that recognizes Native Americans!

  8. ha retuitat
    18 de juny
  9. ha retuitat
    18 de juny

    Finally reading this NYT expose on working conditions for Amazon warehouse workers & I’m struck by how much Bezos’ thinking about workers parallels education reform assumptions about teachers

  10. ha retuitat
    18 de juny

    The biggest money maker in Edtech is data collection and it's theoretically illegal.

  11. ha retuitat
    16 de juny

    I started saying “enslaved people” instead of “slaves,” and you should consider making this change too. Slave is an identity; it says, “This is who they are.” Enslaved is a circumstance; it says, “This is what was done to them.” The language we use matters.

  12. ha retuitat
    16 de juny

    Leaked audio of Sen. Joe Manchin call with billionaire donors provides rare glimpse of dealmaking on filibuster and January 6 commission by ,

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  13. ha retuitat
    16 de juny

    OMG. Each week for 3 yrs, privatization lobbying group funded by has produced fake news segments & distributing them to local news stations, many hyping for-profit online charter chain & via

  14. ha retuitat
    17 de juny

    Op-eds are popping up in Black and Latinx newspapers across the country. They're written by local orgs and say Uber/Lyft are a "lifeline" and "empower" drivers. Turns out, a multimillion-dollar PR scheme is behind those op-eds. The latest fr me &

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  15. ha retuitat
    17 de juny

    When I moved Arkansas 29 years ago, I was shocked and appalled to learn that corporal punishment was still practiced in many of Arkansas schools. This is how far we've come since then.

  16. ha retuitat
    18 de juny

    Really? Manchin wants to limit the Attorney General’s ability to deem a voting rights violation without a court finding and doesn’t want a state’s participation in a consent decree governing voting rights to be a basis for required pre-clearances.

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  17. ha retuitat
    18 de juny
  18. ha retuitat
    17 de juny

    When you repeatedly said for the past 6 years that you would fund public schools if we only had the revenue to do so…. this is what you meant, right?

  19. ha retuitat
    17 de juny

    Candidate for US House about his opponent: “I really don't want to have to end anybody's life for the good of the people of USA.That will break my heart. But if it needs to be done, it needs to be done. Luna is a f---ing speed bump in the road.”

  20. ha retuitat
    17 de juny

    Now let’s make Election Day a national holiday.


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