Bogos Binted?


“We chose the term “asexual” to describe ourselves because both “celibate” and “anti-sexual” have connotations we wished to avoid: the first implies that one has sacrificed sexuality for some higher good, the second that sexuality is degrading or somehow inherently bad. “Asexual”, as we use it, does not mean “without sex” but “relating sexually to no one”. This does not, of course, exclude masturbation but implies that if one has sexual feelings they do not require another person for their expression. Asexuality is, simply, self-contained sexuality.”

The Asexual Manifesto, Lisa Orlando and Barbara Getz, 1972

  • budgiesmuggled-deactivated20210:


    Passing: Profiling the Lives of Young Trans Men of Color (2015).

    [ID: Excerpts from interviews with Sasha Alexander, a trans man of color from Brooklyn. He is wearing a snapback, a patterned button-down shirt, and jewellery.
    Discussing why he initially came out as another identity, he says, “When I came out, when I was 12, I was living as a lesbian. As a butch, as a stud. I was never introduced to language around being trans.”
    Explaining the process to figuring out his FTM identity as an adult, he says, “I met a black trans man, and it was a really different experience. Where I actually completely saw myself in him. And it was the first time that I was like, oh my god, I didn’t realise that was possible.”
    Regarding the nuance of his manhood, he says, “In being a trans man, to me… I’m, like, many different things in that. And everybody holds that differently. I think one of the hardest things to deal with is how the world binarily treats you, based on your presentation.” END ID.]
  • tauruspropaganda:


    I haven’t bothered y’all in a sec but does anybody wanna help me with this one? this is all i have rn and tomorrow my paycheck will be split directly in half by my giant phone bill and i’d still need some help with transportation money and to help my mom since i’m the only source of income, please 🥺

    v*nmo c*shapp p*ypal

  • petiri:

    Hello friends! I am raising money for my car payment for this next month. The total due is 348.48. (DM me if you want docs/proof) I had to spend the rest of my check on school expenses so unfourantely I don’t have enough to cover the car payment this month. I would really appreciate if anyone can kick any money this way. 


    Cashapp: $PetiriMunyikwa

    Venmo: @Petiri-Munyikwa


  • lgbtmazight:

    “He is taking a course on Marxist ideology. He says, “The only real solution is to smash the system and start again.” His thumb is caressing the most bourgeois copy of the communist manifesto that I have ever seen, He bought it at Barnes and Noble for twenty-nine U.S. American dollars and ninety-nine cents, Its hard cover shows a dark man with a scarved face Waving a gigantic red flag against a fictional smoky background. The matte finish is fucking gorgeous. He wants to be congratulated for paying Harvard sixty thousand dollars To teach him that the system is unfair. He pulls his iPhone from his imported Marino wool jacket, and leaves. What people can’t possibly tell from the footage on TV Is that the water cannon feels like getting whipped with a burning switch. Where I come from, they fill it with sewer water and hope that they get you in the face with your mouth open So that the hepatitis will keep you in bed for the next protest. What you can’t tell from Harvard square, Is that when the tear gas bursts from nowhere to everywhere all at once, It scrapes your insides like barbed wire, sawing at your lungs. Tear gas is such a benign term for it, If you have never breathed it in you would think it was a nostalgic experience. What you can’t learn at Barnes and Noble, Is that when they rush you, survival is to run, I am never as fast as when the police are chasing me. I know what happens to women in the holding cells down there and yet… We still do it. I inherited my communist manifesto, It has no cover— Because my mother ripped it off when she hid it in the dust jacket of “Don Quixote” The day before the soldiers destroyed her apartment, Looking for subversive propaganda. She burned the cover, could not bring herself to burn the pages, Hoped to God the soldiers couldn’t read, They never found it. So she was not killed for it, but her body bore the scars of the torture chamber, For wanting her children to have a better life than she did, Don’t talk to me about revolution. I know what the price of smashing the system really is, my people already tried that. The price of uprise is paid in blood, And not Harvard blood. The blood that ran through the streets of Santiago, The blood thrown alive from Argentine helicopters into the Atlantic. It is easy to say “revolution” from the comfort of a New England library. It is easy to offer flesh to the cause, When it is not yours to give.”

    Catalina Ferro, “Manifesto” (via dialecticsof)

    I feel like people do need to remember that there is a very real, very painful, very human element to the word “revolution”.

    (via nuanced-subversion)

  • mmm-asbestos:

    ok i know it’s out of nowhere but can i have yall’s opinion on burger king and then on kfc

  • #why?? #okay i like the charcoal flavor on burger king burgers and their fries have a good texture #kfc uhhh i prefer popeyes i guess




    I, Tonya (2017)
    Little Women (2019) 
    The Queen’s Gambit (2020)

  • roboticonography:


    You know what’s wild? Remembering that children hear things for the first time without context and are literally like, “What?”

    I just said “See you later, alligator” to a four-year-old and I think it was the first time they had ever heard that.  They froze in their tracks, looked at me completely bewildered then replied, “See you later, chicken” and kept walking.

    My friend’s four-year-old put on a backyard puppet show for me, the sole audience member.

    Halfway through the show, she asked me if I liked it, and I replied, “I can’t wait to see what happens next! I’m on the edge of my seat!”

    Hearing this, she carefully put down her puppets, came over to where I was sitting, and explained, “You can use the whole seat. It’s more comfy.”

  • #nxkdbck


    fixating on games is like “oh boy! i haven’t played this in months!” and then you end up playing 60+ hours and never touch it again until the cycle starts up again

  • #me picking up the sims 4 again just to build a giant gothic vampire community center


    “I am a man.” - On February 12, 1968, Memphis sanitation workers, the majority of whom were Black, went on strike demanding recognition for their union, better wages, and safer working conditions after two trash handlers were killed by a malfunctioning garbage truck. The strike gained national attention and dragged on into March. Striking workers carried copies of a poster declaring “I AM A MAN,” a statement that recalled a question abolitionists posed more than 100 years earlier, “Am I not a man and a brother?”

  • coolberniebernie:


    be glad I don’t ever draw like backgrounds/scenes because if I did it would look like how rooms in yugioh 5ds look


    Just plops a full size bed (with optional hospital accessories) in a:

    • Blue void
    • Hotel room
    • Country club bar
  • definite-human:


    It’s honestly amazing what a tight grip vocabulary and branding have on people. One of my close friends always describes himself as like, totally moderate liberal, not any kind of socialist or anything, economically, maybe even would have been a republican fifty years ago, but his entire thesis is that we need to abolish growth as a metric for measuring wealth with the ultimate goal of eliminating the monetary price value form as broadly as possible such that the necessities of life are guaranteed as a human right, from each according to his ability to each according to his need. Sometimes I’ll point out like hey man you gotta be pulling my leg right that’s not exactly a capitalist point of view but he always doubles down like no I’m a centrist.

    …alright, new plan: we’re all centrists now. let’s just…collectively gaslight the US into a better Overton window 😅

  • #im down fkdbfkf




    mcdonalds gave me the boys toy in my happy meal and ive been transgender ever since



  • katadesmoi:

    making art is literally actually like doing an exorcism u have to get it out of ur brain. u have to

  • fire-is-her-water:




    My doggo, Ezri, who rarely barks and mostly borks.

    When I got her, she’d been abused and would cower and pee at almost everything, and had been mistreated when she’d barked, so she never would. One day months after I had her she got excited on a walk and borked at a bird, and then immediately cower-peed. I had to re-teach her to bark by gathering her whole human pack and having everyone bark and howl and feed her treats and pet her till she got excited enough to join in, and then got more treats. Took a while but I was able to teach her to bork on command (and she’s gotta be excited or she just stares at me like “Sorry, the bork system needs charging”) and she’ll do it happily when she’s excited to go for a walk or upon seeing a friend, and at birds. I love her croaky borking, especially when she started off terrified of making a joyful noise.


    Originally posted by haidaspicciare

    What kind of dog is Ezri? I love her!!

    I… did not expect this post to blow up this much but I am delighted at all the tags and replies and Ezri has been told the internet thinks she’s a Very Good Dog. :D

    She’s a German spitz - in the same family as keeshonds and pomeranians. She might be crossed with something else as her freckled coat, non-pointy nose, and personality are not standard for her breed (they’re usually a lot more high energy and excitable - she’s super laid back and chill). She’s a bit less fluffy than breed-standard too, mostly because she’s grown out from her spring/summer trim (not usually necessary/good for her type of coat but she gets terribly itchy otherwise). It also makes her look like a puppy of a large breed:


    Ezri’s best friend is Murder Cat, who is a gentle friend to humans and Ezri, but does things to mice that would make Hannibal Lecter go “Isn’t that a bit much?”


    I got Murder Cat as a kitten, and she used to try to nurse on everything when she was small. Eventually, she settled on her favourite thing to nurse on, Ezri, who has never had puppies and a little confused at first but eventually went with it. She grew out of it, but they have stayed snuggly buddies ever since.


    New Years here is full of fireworks outside and Ezri gets Vry Scared. I usually set her up somewhere with a snuggly spot right by me, and Murder Cat comes and does this all night: 


    She goes everywhere with me in my bakfiets (cargo bike) and lets me warm my hands in her fur on cold days.


    And her ears disappear if I say her name to get her attention.


    ok so great thanks for coming to my TED talk about my dog, good night, drive safe
