- hello hello!


let me introduce myself -

☾ sapphire/eden

☾ twenty one years old

☾ she/they

☾ requests status: open

☾ absolutely batshit crazy πŸ˜›


☾ hello hello! my name’s sapphire but you guys can also call me eden, i don’t really have a preference between the two. i’ve had an affinity for writing since i was old enough to understand words, and my birthday is 03/24.

☾ this is a fanfic blog that i have finally decided to make on its own (my old one was @edens-breathless-melodies but i’m moving everything here).

☾ i currently write for haikyuu, bnha, the arcana, and obey me.

☾ this blog can contain/interact with dark content and nsfw content, so if you are a minor, please do not interact with me.

☾ ao3

☾ twitter (where i get my writing inspo)


☾ masterlist (will post at a later date) + tags:

πŸ’¦. - thirst posts

✨. - nsfw

πŸ’Œ. - anon asks

🧸. - fluff

πŸ’”. - angst

🩹. - hurt/comfort

🌱. - asks

β˜€οΈ. - moots


☾ i’m going to state this again - if you are under 18 years old/don’t have an age in your bio, i will not hesitate to block you.

+ this is to keep both myself and you safe, so please just do us both a favor and listen.


☾ writing belongs to @edens-melodies please do not repost without permission ☾


☾ updated: 03.26.2022



every now and then i remember that pitbull is alive and probably fucking multiple girls at once while listening to his own music and i shudder a little bit


Futakuchi thinks your perfume is intoxicating (alternately: POV you run the flower shop in @prettyiwa​’s fic and someone has been studying)

Translation under the cutβ€”listen with earphones! πŸ’š

CV: Nakazawa Masatomo (we got one, folks!)


DISCLAIMER: This audio is way beyond my current level so PLEASE feel free to correct mistakes!!! I’m still learning the language and this is to help me practice. Thumbnail art is by me.



Keep reading

(via prettyiwa)






okay but I did not know that there is a story about f. scott fitzgerald nervously showing ernest hemingway his penis because zelda said he couldn’t satisfy a woman with it and ernest hemingway was like “lol no dude you’re fine”

what are the modernists even

the best part of that story in context is that before they pull out their dicks, hemingway spends the better part of a chapter physically describing fitzgerald in great detail, claiming to be grossed out by him but obviously, obviously uncomfortably attracted

oh my god, it got better. I just went to find an excerpt and

Scott was a man then who looked like a boy with a face between handsome and pretty. He had very fair wavy hair, a high forehead, excited and friendly eyes and a delicate long-lipped Irish mouth that, on a girl, would have been the mouth of a beauty. His chin was well built and he had good ears and a handsome, almost beautiful, unmarked nose. This should not have added up to a pretty face, but that came from the coloring, the very fair hair and the mouth. The mouth worried you until you knew him and then it worried you more.

ernest hemingway calm down and control your thirst a little

“The mouth worried you until you knew him and then it worried you more“ is a hell of a line 

No Homo: A Literary Masterpiece

(via yournewapartment)

What to do if you suddenly find yourself homeless









  • Find your nearest food bank or mission, for food
  • grocery stores with free samples, bakeries + stores with day-old bread
  • different fast food outlets have cheaper food and will generally let you hang out for a while.
  • some dollar stores carry food like cans of beans or fruit


  • Sleeping at beaches during the day is a good way to avoid suspicion and harassment
  • sleep with your bag strapped to you, so someone can’t steal it
  • Some churches offer short term residence
  • Find your nearest homeless shelter
  • Look for places that are open to the public
  • A large dumpster near a wall can often be moved so that flipping up the lids creates an angled shelter to stay dry


  • A membership to the YMCA is usually only 10$, which has a shower, and sometimes laundry machines and lockers.
  • Public libraries have bathrooms you can use
  • Dollar stores carry low-end soaps and deodorant etc.
  • Wet wipes are all purpose and a life saver
  • Local beaches, go for a quick swim
  • Some truck stops have showers you can pay for
  • Staying clean is the best way to prevent disease, and potentially get a job to get back on your feet
  • Pack 7 pairs of socks/undies, 2 outfits, and one hooded rain jacket


  • first aid kit
  •  sunscreen
  •  a travel alarm clock or watch
  •  mylar emergency blanket
  •  a backpack is a must
  •  downgrade your cellphone to a pay as you go with top-up cards
  •  sleeping bag
  •  travel kit of toothbrush, hair brush/comb, mirror
  •  swiss army knife
  •  can opener

Reblog to literally save a life

if there is a Dollar Tree near you, they have entire food aisles

Planet Fitness also has $10 memberships. you can shower and they have free food days! pizza night 1st monday every month, bagel tuesday the 2nd tuesday every month.

Save a life reblog

i am so glad that i renblogged this however so long ago. i saw this post and shared it with others in mind, but now i am the one who really needs this. id like to think of this as good karma i guess

also a good list if anyone ever needs to run away from home for whatever reason.

If you are homeless due to domestic violence, contact your local dv shelter to see if they have beds available! No just spousal abuse, parental abuse as well. They oftentimes have additional services that help with job hunting and finding permanent housing.