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AFR Live
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The Financial Review's reputation for news-breaking, agenda-setting and authoritative analysis finds new expression in AFR Live, a series of premium, independent and hard-hitting business events.


Telstra CFO Vicki Brady, speaking at the Financial Review CFO Live summit 2021

Growth strategies post pandemic

CFO’s take centre stage as they drive a business-led recovery.

Federal education minister Alan Tudge suggested the financial shock of the pandemic on universities has been overstated.

Universities face future of disruption

Beyond debates about shoring up the pandemic-hit business models in the short term, the longer-term future of higher education could see much bigger disruption.

  • The AFR View
Vice Chancellor Peter Høj says a $1 billion funding grant for higher education should be continued.

The unicorn fantasy is not going to save unis: vice-chancellors

University chiefs say they have slashed spending as hard as they can but the tough times are still to come.

  • Tess Bennett


  • 11 October 2021
  • Sydney
Matthew Kean headshot

Energy and Climate Summit

In association with Deloitte

  • 8 & 9 November 2021
  • Sydney

Infrastructure Summit

In association with Deloitte

  • 22 November 2021
  • Sydney

Super & Wealth Summit

In association with Deloitte

  • 1 December 2021
  • Sydney

Property Summit

Presented by Cushman & Wakefield

  • 6 December 2021
  • Sydney
AFRLive headshot

CFO Live



President Xi’s ideological control could kill foreign student market

The risk that China could pull the plug on allowing its students to travel overseas for study is becoming a closer reality.

  • Julie Hare and Ronald Mizen

Universities count losses, search for gains

Australian universities are adapting to a dramatically different business model, but closed borders are exacerbating the financial arguments with Canberra.

  • Jennifer Hewett

Forced research collaboration a COVID-19 upside

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced universities and industry to collaborate more closely.

  • Natasha Gillezeau

Catch up: Higher Education Summit webcast

University leaders on a sector in crisis

Time to agree on ‘purpose’ of universities: Catherine Livingstone

The businesswoman and university chancellor says Australia needs a ‘meeting of minds’ about the role of universities, after which the fractious issue of funding can be debated.

  • Tess Bennett

Regions bear weight of skill shortages

One in five occupations are now suffering from skills shortages, with the regions most badly affected, new analysis shows.

  • Julie Hare

Stop tinkering, build consensus around unis: Plibersek

Strong bipartisan support for the university sector should be a ‘no brainer’, says the opposition spokeswoman on education.

  • Updated
  • Julie Hare

Unis are financially fit to ride out pandemic storm: Tudge

The university sector needs to stop crying poor and ride out the COVID storm under its own strength, says Alan Tudge.

  • Julie Hare

Revenue from foreign students crashes 28pc

Revenue from international students has declined by 28 per cent in just one year and on current trends the sector will be valued at just $20 billion by the end of the year, exactly half what it was worth in 2019.

  • Julie Hare

Why this CEO is wary about eating lunch with the Financial Review

Universities Australia’s Catriona Jackson talks a sector in $2 billion of pain, her food reviewing, work in politics – and the crime of pineapple on pizza.

  • Julie Hare


CBA recruits MLC trio for KKR wealth joint venture

Colonial First State chairman Rob Coombe has hired three of his former colleagues at National Australia Bank’s MLC Wealth.

  • Aleks Vickovich

What will Australia do with its mountains of super money?

By mid-century our super savings will have long outgrown Australia’s sharemarkets, banks and the entire economy. We need to think about the implications of this now.

  • Jeremy Cooper


Filecoin working with Holon on decentralised computer storage network

Protocol Labs, which is building a decentralised storage network to challenge the likes of Google, Microsoft and AWS, will work with Sydney-based Holon.

  • James Eyers

The new game in super and wealth

Turning the non-bank superannuation and financial advice model into a profitable business, at scale. Who will be managing the money?

IOOF’s CEO in driver’s seat as big banks flee wealth scene

As a young analyst, Renato Mota played a role in helping the banks enter wealth management. Now, he is doing more than anyone in Australia to help them get out.

  • Aleks Vickovich


Higher education facing challenges on all fronts

Future-proofing higher education in the midst of a crisis

  • Alana Piper


Pan-Australia digital government emerges

The shape of a radically different federation began to take shape this week at the Australian Financial Review’s Government Services Summit.

  • Tom Burton

Leaders debate the future of digital government

COVID-19 saw millions turn to governments for better service delivery. How will the momentum for whole of government digital service delivery continue?

Putting citizens first the next digital transformation challenge

Once, a summit about ‘government services’ would have seemed oxymoronic. But both the consumer and digital age are catching up with the public sector at once.

  • The AFR View

Five lessons from COVID-19 that will change us all

The disruption from technology and digitisation is in ‘equal parts overwhelming and exciting’, says Deloitte Access Economics chief executive Pradeep Philip.

  • Julie Hare and Paul Smith

Government IT gold rush coming to an end: Pezzullo

Home Affairs boss Mike Pezzullo says the IT sector needs to prepare for a shake-up that will hit their profits.

  • Ronald Mizen

Tech shift needed to counter China’s data supremacy

Australia risks being left behind by China if it doesn’t speed up the development and deployment of disruptive technology, says NSW government minister Victor Dominello.

  • Paul Smith