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Mojarto for Artists

Mojarto has long been the pioneering art entity in the country; bringing together artists, collectors, dealers, galleries and resellers onto a single powerful online platform. With a state of the art user experience, and leading edge art portal backed by some amazing analytics and data, Mojarto has changed the way art is promoted in the country.

  • We empower our artists. At Mojarto, we empower artists to make use of our platform and processes to promote their art in the manner of their choice. With a personalized Login ID and password, artists can upload as many works as they choose, and set the prices they choose for their art. They can even open their works of art up for the creation of prints.
  • We promote our partners.Mojarto promotes the work of its artists, galleries and resellers, in many different ways, including online and social marketing. We do our best to ensure that all your works are showcased to the growing online audience, and build traffic and conversions for you.
  • We build careers. We believe that the promotion of art in this country is important to the growth of artists and their careers. Mojarto, through its showcasing of emerging and mid-career artists, aims to build the careers of all artists we work with. We work with many different entities in the art world, and try and connect artists with not just collectors, but also dealers, critics, writers, and galleries to promote their art.

How to sell art on Mojarto?

Mojarto works as simply as possible. If you’re an artist creating works that we like, and we believe our collectors will like, you can sell them on Mojarto in 4 simple steps.

  • About user STEP 1

    Sign Up

    Apply to join us as a partner artist. You only need to provide your basic details and a bio-data to start with, along with 5 sample works. Our Curation team will evaluate your application and let you know if we can showcase your works on Mojarto.

  • About photograph STEP 2

    Photograph and upload your art

    Take a high quality image - just like the others on this site - of your art, and upload it with all the relevant details. You can price your art the way you choose and Mojarto will promote your art for you, including using data and analytics to showcase your art to the right collectors.

  • About packaging STEP 3

    Pack and Courier

    When a collector buys your work, we’ll inform you, and all your need to do is pack and courier your artwork as per our basic specifications.

  • Receive your payment STEP 4

    Receive Payment

    Mojarto believes in prompt payment and transparency. You will receive your payment within 21 working days of confirmation from the buyer.


See what our partner artists say about us
Frequently Asked Questions

Register and Use

  • How do I register as an artist with Mojarto?

    Registering with Mojarto is a simple and fast process. Click here and select I am an Artist. Fill up a simple form with your basic details – your bio data, statement of work and five sample images with pricing and pay the nominal registration fee. Our curators will evaluate your portfolio and then decide whether to partner with you. Once you’ve submitted a registration request, we will take 1 week to get back to you over email.

  • What is the criteria for registration?
    Mojarto looks at your works from a buyer’s perspective. We evaluate your art for style, technique, vision and suitability in the market at the time that you apply. Overall, we look for artworks which are both meaningful and collectible, and we like artists who are original. If you want a general idea of the kind of works we would normally accept, you can browse our partner artists on the site
    To maintain a consistency in our brand ethics and values, and to be fair to our partners, we are selective in accepting our partner sellers.

    Some criteria to keep into consideration
    • You must be 18 years of age
    • We only accept original works of art, no reproductions or copied works
    • We do not compromise in quality and consistency while reviewing are applicants
    • We encourage applications from artists who have substantial active years of experience in art world. To be fair to the artists we give preference to applicants who have a formal education in visual arts, have exhibited at regional/national/international exhibitions and have attended significant art residency programs and workshops.

    • Please note
      • Decisions are made based on feedback from an advisory panel and at Mojarto’s discretion.
      • All decisions are final, and no further queries will be entertained.
  • Can artists living outside of India register?

    Mojarto is a transparent and equal opportunity platform. Yes, you can apply even if you live outside India. However, you will need an Indian bank account for us to credit your payment in Rupees. We do not remit payments to artists in other currencies and into overseas bank accounts at the moment.

  • If I register with Mojarto, may I also register elsewhere?
    Mojarto believes in giving you complete freedom and control over the sale of your art, so you can put up your work on multiple sites. However, we do insist that the specific works put up on Mojarto are not put up for sale elsewhere. This is only to ensure that buyers don’t end up purchasing artworks that have already been sold.

    If you do register with multiple sites, do remember that :

    • Your pricing must be similar across all your places of sale.
    • Data suggests that the best chances you have of selling your art is by showcasing as many works of your art with us as possible. In this way buyers have more choice, and can get to know your style a little better.
    • Showcasing a larger number of works helps our site analytics work for you. It will suggest your works of art to collectors who are likely to buy them.
  • How many works can I upload?
    Mojarto gives its artists complete control over the sale of their art. You can upload 20 original artworks at one time on your profile. You will get the option of uploading more artworks if your artworks get sold. In addition to the 20 original artworks you can put up your artworks to be sold as prints. Prints are affordable digital reproductions which make your art more accessible and helps you enter more homes.
  • Who should I contact with more questions?

    If you need more help, feel free to email us at and we’ll do our very best to help you!

  • Where is Mojarto based? May I visit your office?

    We are based in New Delhi, and our registered office is B 50 A, 2nd Floor Archana Complex, Greater Kailash – I, New Delhi 110048. You’re always free to drop by for a visit!

  • Is there a registration fee?

    Yes, there is a non-refundable one time registration fee of Rs. 500.0 payable after you have completed the registration process. Our curatorial team makes sure to review each application with extreme efficiency and the fee is charged towards evaluation of portfolios and is non-refundable.

Pricing and Promotion

  • How will you market my art?

    Mojarto promotes the work of its artists in many different ways, through PR, Digital Marketing, building traffic and views for your pages and talking about you on Social Media channels. We do our best to ensure that all your works are showcased to the right audience, and in the right manner.

    On the site itself, we may choose to feature you as Artist of the Week, invite you to participate in exhibitions, and your work may be selected by our Guest curators or internal assortments & curations. We also run promotions and discounts among our collectors. But the best advertising we have is your art itself, so do upload all your new works of art as soon as possible. And remember to title and describe them well.

  • How should I set the prices for my work?
    You are free to set your prices on Mojarto, and we’re sure you know that how you price your art will directly impact the sales you will have on Mojarto. Here are a few ways in which you can determine what should be the price of your artworks
    • Compare your art: Before setting a price for your artwork, compare it with the price fetched by similar works (style, medium, dimensions etc) in the market. Remember to check for the prices of pieces sold, and not for the prices being asked by artists.
    • Price by cost: You can also estimate the cost of the materials and time and effort put in by you into the work of art and set a price above that. However, do remember to do a quick comparison as described above before settling on a price.

    Don’t forget to account for the Mojarto commission of and couriering costs into your asking price. In addition, our team may advise you from time to time on the right kind of pricing. Mojarto also reserves the right to reject any artwork if it feels it is inappropriately priced. The most important thing to remember about pricing your artwork is to be consistent. A collector should be able to look at your collection of works and understand the logic behind why you have priced a certain piece at a certain rate, otherwise it will be very hard for the collector to justify the purchase to himself/herself!

  • How are prints priced?

    The pricing of prints is based on the size of print and the medium of printing. The commission structure for prints is also different from that of original art. Since the printing, couriering and other logistics are handled by Mojarto, we keep a commission of 60% and give a Royalty of 40% of the Listed price of the print to the artist.

  • What happens if a work is not sold for a long time?What happens if a work is not sold for a long time?

    There is always the possibility that an artwork may not have sold within 6 months of its listing on the site. If this happens, we suggest that you remove the listing proactively, or refresh your portfolio with other, newer artworks. Sometimes, despite the fact that we do stringent quality checks on the images uploaded, you may find that an artwork isn’t sold because the image uploaded on the site may not be the best representation of that artwork. If you believe this may make a difference, you can re-shoot and re-upload a new image after removing your listing.

  • How will I be informed of the sale of my work?
    Mojarto keeps its partner artists updated. You will be informed of the sale of your work over email and SMS on the contact details you’ve provided us at the time of registration. Ii is therefore, essential to be contactable to the Mojarto team. Please provide alternate numbers wherever possible – you can also provide the number of a family member or a friend in a case we need to reach you in an emergency.

    There is also a ‘Notification’ section on your dashboard where the details of all the pieces you’ve sold will pop-up. So don’t forget to keep logging in to Mojarto to check your notifications.

  • What if I don’t receive a notification?

    Mojarto tries to keep our partner artists as updated as possible. We will try to reach you multiple times, both over email and SMS once an artwork is sold. If there is a sale of your work, and you are not contactable for over 48 hours, we will, unfortunately, need to cancel the order. This directly affects our reputation and yours as well, so it is absolutely essential to be always contactable to the Mojarto team.


  • When will I get payments for my work?

    You will receive your payment within 21 working days of the buyer confirming that he/she has received the artwork. Remember, that payments will be processed only after confirmation on the site/ by email from the buyer, that they are satisfied with the delivery and the condition of the artwork. These payments will be made into your registered bank account, so do keep your bank account and PAN details updated at all times! Click here to update them right away.

  • I want to change my bank account, how do I do that?

    You can modify any of the details in your profile with us. Just log in and edit anytime. You’ll also receive a confirmation email and SMS once this is done.

Photographing and Uploading

  • How do I photograph my work?
    The photograph you upload of your artwork is the only reference the buyer has to the final product he or she is buying. It is essential that the image you upload truly represents of the beauty of the art you have created.

    In its basics, photographing your artwork is very simple. You can use any basic digital camera to photograph your work.

    • Shoot : Set up your artwork completely upright – stretch out a canvas or a painting against a wall; place sculptures on an even, clean, light surface. Shoot in bright, soft light and make sure your images aren’t too dark or too light. When you take a photo of your paintings or your other art, make sure that your camera is parallel to the artwork, and keep minimal space around the object you’re shooting to get a large, clear image. While shooting sculptures, shoot multiple images from different angles so a buyer can get a 360 degree view of the artwork.

      Remember to ensure that the camera flash isn’t visible in the image. It obscures the view of the artwork.

    • Edit : When editing, keep it simple, and as close to the original as possible. The image should not be smaller than 1920 x 1920 pixel to ensure a good visual experience for the buyer and atleast 200 dpi to enable open edition prints. Make sure you crop all edges from the image, and do not include any frames or mounts on a painting.

      Remember, your image needs to conform to these specifications to be accepted, to make sure you follow these guidelines while shooting and editing.

    • Upload : Mojarto provides you a simple drag and drop screen to upload your art. This can be found in your login section.

  • What should be the size of the images I upload on the site?

    Your image resolution needs to be minimum of 1400 x 1400 pixel for good viewing experience of the buyer. If you are making the artwork available for Digital prints, which we recommend you do, the resolution needs to be a minimum of 200 dpi and the required size may increase up to 2000 x 2000 pixel.


  • What are prints?
    Prints are a reproduction of your artwork, printed on paper or canvas. You can choose to open up any of your work for the sale of prints. Prints are a great way for you to increase your sales, as well as gauge the popularity of different styles or specific artworks if you’re unsure of them.
    • The pricing of prints will be decided by Mojarto and is based on the listing price of the original, print sizes and a number of other factors.
    • Mojarto will process orders, get the prints made of the highest quality and make payments directly to your registered bank account
    • Mojarto charges a commission of 60% on prints and give you a Royalty of 40% of List Price (exclusive of Taxes).
  • In case I wish to sell prints of my art, who has to make the prints and courier them?

    In the case of prints, Mojarto will handle all the printing and couriering for you. You only need to decide the type of the prints you want to sell through Mojarto.

  • How are prints priced?

    The pricing of prints is based on a the size of print and the medium of printing. The commission structure for prints is also different from that of original art. Since the printing, couriering and other logistics are handled by Mojarto, we keep a commission of 60% and give a Royalty of 40% of the Listed price (ex of Tax) of the print to the artist.

  • What are open edition prints? How are they different from limited edition prints?

    Open edition prints are reproductions of an original piece of art on paper or canvas, and can be re-printed as long as the artist wishes them to be available. On the other hand, limited edition prints are printed by the artist who is a print maker and usually prints a limited series. These prints can be etchings, wood cuts, lithographs, or serigraphs. They are hand printed by the artist and normally are numbered as ‘ 1 of 10’, ‘2 of 10’ etc.. These are as good as original works of art. Because open edition prints will always be available to anyone who wants to purchase them, they will cost less than a limited edition print. On Mojarto, we allow artists to open up their works to open edition prints only.

  • Can I make prints available on both paper and canvas?

    You have the option of choosing between paper and canvas prints being available, and you can even allow the sale of both formats.

  • What are the specifications of the paper or canvas that Mojarto will print on?
    We do our best to ensure that the prints produced at Mojarto matches the high quality of artwork that is available on our site.
    • Paper : We print on Hahnemühle Museum Etching 350 gsm, 100% cotton rag, natural white. This paper has the texture of a traditional etching board and is of archival quality.
    • Printer : Epson Stylus Pro 11880, printed with pigments inks, with a wider variety of colours in inks for more vibrant print quality.
    • Spray : UV and water resistant sprays will be used on the final prints, that protects the surface of the print from all sorts of environmental damage.
    • Canvas Prints : Canvas prints are also available through Mojarto, but they will not be available framed. We will use Harman by Hahnemühle Canvas 450 gsm, poly-cotton, white for our prints.
  • What happens to the copyright of my work?

    Even if you choose to open up an artwork for prints on Mojarto, the copyright of your artwork is retained by you. Mojarto will not reproduce your original artwork in any form, other than what you authorize for the sale of prints.

Packing and Couriering

  • Who has to courier the work to the buyer?

    As the artist, you have to pack and courier the artwork to the Mojarto Hub. Remember, you need to include a colour printout of the Authenticity Certificate, inserted into an envelope, in the package when you courier it! Also print and post the Invoice you will raise on Mojarto to us along with the artwork. We will not be able to pay you without a signed invoice from you.

  • In case I wish to sell prints of my art, who has to make the prints and courier them?

    In the case of prints, Mojarto will handle all the printing and couriering for you.

  • Which courier should I use?

    Using a good quality and reliable courier is essential to ensure a good impression on the buyer, as well as on Mojarto. Choose from one of the following couriers who have been certified by Mojarto. Courier the artwork to the address mentioned, and upload the details of the courier on the Mojarto tracking site here. Remember, you need to include a colour printout of the Authenticity Certificate, inserted into an envelope, in the package when you courier it!

  • What happens if an artwork is damaged in transit?
    Sometimes, buyers claim that an artwork was damaged in transit. In such scenarios, the buyer is expected to contact us, and we’ll arrange for the return of the artwork to you, as well as a full refund for the buyer. However, we must point out that since you will be packing and couriering your artwork yourself, it is your responsibility to ensure that
  • Can you give me the complete guidelines to packing my artwork?
    Packing your artwork neatly and professionally not only leaves a good impression on the buyer, it also minimizes the chances of damage during couriering. To pack your artwork neatly and professionally, you’ll need the following material
    • Glassine Paper/Butter Paper
    • Bubble Wrap/Thermocol
    • Sealant like sellotape brown packing tape
    • Masking tape
    • A container for the painting – a tube for a roll, and a crate for framed/stretched artwork.

    Here’s how you should pack your art.

    • Ensure paintings are completely dry before packing them. Research the correct amount of drying time before packing and keep a few extra days as a buffer.
    • Protect the painting with a layer of butter paper on the painted surface. Any material that comes in contact with the surface of the painting could potentially damage it.
    • Use the correct types of packing paper like glassine/ butter paper as the first layer between the painting and any packing material like bubble wrap or newspaper. DO NOT use printed paper, newspaper, or anything printed with ink to create the first layer of packing.
    • Now the roll the canvas/ paper and cover it in a layer of bubble wrap to protect from moisture.
    • Insert this roll into a PVC or Cardboard tube and seal it from both ends.
    • If you are sending the artwork as stretched or framed, secure the glass by sticking masking tape in a cross across the glass.
    • Now cover it in a layer of bubble wrap, giving special attention to the edges. Finally, place this work in a wooden crate with a thermocol layer on all sides, seal and courier it.
  • Should I courier it framed or rolled?

    Mojarto always recommends couriering it rolled to reduce the chances of damage. However, if you have a painting that’s been framed well, and you don’t wish to remove it from the frame, you may consider couriering it as is. We do however, recommend that you read our packing guidelines and adhere to them before packing a framed painting.

Artists Support Center

Welcome to our Artist Support Center. Our partner artists are the backbone of Mojarto, and recognizing this, we have built this space as a central resource for you to resolve all your queries. This section will also tell you how to use Mojarto to your advantage, and how to showcase and promote your art better. Get browsing now!

The Basics

This section will give you some basic and simple guidelines that are important for you to know as a partner artist of Mojarto.

How to photograph and upload your art

The photograph you upload of your artwork is the only reference the buyer has to the final product he or she is buying. It is essential that the image you upload truly represents of the beauty of the art you have created.

Photographing your artwork is very simple. You can use any basic digital camera to photograph your work.

  • Shoot : Set up your artwork completely upright – stretch out a canvas or a painting against a wall; place sculptures on an even, clean, light surface. Shoot in bright, soft light and make sure your images aren’t too dark or too light. When you take a photo of your paintings or your other art, make sure that your camera is parallel to the artwork, and keep minimal space around the object you’re shooting to get a large, clear image. While shooting sculptures, shoot multiple images from different angles so a buyer can get a 360 degree view of the artwork.

    Remember to ensure that the camera flash isn’t visible in the image. It obscures the view of the artwork.

  • Edit : When editing, keep it simple, and as close to the original as possible. The image should not be smaller than 2000 x 2000 pixel to ensure a good visual experience for the buyer and atleast 200 dpi to enable open edition prints. Make sure you crop all edges from the image, and do not include any frames or mounts on a painting.

    Remember, your image needs to conform to these specifications to be accepted, to make sure you follow these guidelines while shooting and editing.

  • Upload : Mojarto provides you a simple drag and drop screen to upload your art. This can be found in your login section.

How to pack your art

Packing your artwork neatly and professionally not only leaves a good impression on the buyer, it also minimizes the chances of damage during couriering. To pack your artwork neatly and professionally, you’ll need the following material

  • Glassine Paper/Butter Paper
  • Bubble Wrap/Thermocol
  • Sealant like sellotape, brown packing tape
  • Masking tape
  • A container for the painting – a tube for a roll, and a crate for framed/stretched artwork.

Here’s how you should pack your art.

  • Ensure paintings are completely dry before packing them. Research the correct amount of drying time before packing and keep a few extra days as a buffer.
  • Protect the painting with a layer of butter paper on the painted surface. Any material that comes in contact with the surface of the painting could potentially damage it.
  • Use the correct types of packing paper like glassine/ butter paper as the first layer between the painting and any packing material like bubble wrap or newspaper. DO NOT use printed paper, newspaper, or anything printed with ink to create the first layer of packing.
  • Now the roll the canvas/ paper and cover it in a layer of bubble wrap to protect from moisture.
  • Insert this roll into a PVC or Cardboard tube and seal it from both ends.
  • If you are sending the artwork as stretched or framed, secure the glass by sticking masking tape in a cross across the glass.
  • This will ensure that even in the event of breakage, the broken glass does not damage the work. Wrap the artwork in a plastic sheet and tape it into place.
  • Now cover it in a layer of bubble wrap, giving special attention to the edges. Finally, place this work in a wooden crate with a thermocol layer on all sides, seal and courier it.

How Prints work on Mojarto

In order for you to increase your reach among younger buyers who are just beginning to collect art, Mojarto gives you the option of creating prints of your artworks for sale. Over the years, we’ve realized that collectors start their collection with prints, and our experience suggests that the sales of prints will help collectors who are starting out to appreciate and respect how art can transform their homes.

Mojarto offers open edition prints for sale. Open edition prints are reproductions of your artwork that are printed digitally on paper or canvas and can be reproduced endlessly. Because open edition prints will always be available to anyone who wants to purchase them, they are priced lower than a limited edition print.

Here’s what you need to know about Open Edition prints at Mojarto.

  • You can open up any of your artworks for sale as prints provided they are priced higher than Rs 20,000.
  • The image you upload of your artwork needs to be at least 200 dpi for prints to be made available for sale.
  • You have the option of choosing between paper and canvas prints being available, or even allow both formats.
  • The sizing of prints will be decided by Mojarto and is based on the image quality, size of the original and size of the printing paper/canvas and other factors.
  • The pricing of prints will be decided by Mojarto and is based on the listing price of the original, print sizes and a number of other factors.
  • Mojarto will process orders, get the prints made of the highest quality and make payments directly to your registered bank account. The prints are professionally packed and couriered by the printer directly to the buyer.

We do our best to ensure that the prints produced at Mojarto matches the high quality of artwork that is available on our site.

  • Paper: We print on Hahnemühle Museum Etching 350 gsm, 100% cotton rag, natural white. This paper has the texture of a traditional etching board and is of archival quality.
  • Printer: Epson Stylus Pro 11880, printed with pigments inks, with a wider variety of colours in inks for more vibrant print quality.
  • Spray: UV and water resistant sprays will be used on the final prints, that protect the surface of the print from all sorts of environmental damage.
  • Canvas Prints: Canvas prints are also available through Mojarto, but they will not be available framed. We will use Harman by Hahnemühle Canvas 450 gsm, poly-cotton, white for our prints.

How to courier your art

There are only 3 rules to couriering your art to the Mojarto Hub. Courier it fast, use a reliable courier and make sure your track it! Once we’ve confirmed the sale of your artwork, do courier it within 3 working days. Using a good quality and reliable courier is essential to ensure a good impression on the buyer, as well as on Mojarto. Choose from one of the following couriers who have been certified by Mojarto. Courier the artwork to the address mentioned, and upload the details of the courier on the Mojarto tracking site here.

Remember, you need to include a colour printout of the Authenticity Certificate, inserted into an envelope, in the package when you courier it! Also courier us the printed and signed invoice for us to process your payment. You will receive your payment once the delivery of the art has been confirmed by the collector.

How to use Mojarto to the fullest

Mojarto promotes the work of its artists in many different ways, including online marketing, social media marketing and much more. Additionally, there are a few things you can do as an artist, to promote your own art.

  • You can create your own social media marketing plan. Like and promote Mojarto onFacebook, Twitter and other social media to ensure your work artwork gets publicity among your own personal set of friends and acquaintances. Let your social circle know every time you upload a new work of art.
  • Use the power of the Internet and technology to further promote your art. Think of ways in which Mojarto can support your work, and inform us accordingly. For example, if you’re having an exhibition of your own works at a location, let us know, and we will try to host your own online exhibition on Mojarto at the same time.
  • Collaborate with us in other ways. We work with writers, critics, dealers and anyone who has a contribution to make in the art industry. If you believe you can add value to the work we do, and contribute to the growing world of art of the same time, do reach out to us.
  • Ensure that you showcase a full range of your art for collectors to choose from. Our data has shown that artists who display too few works (less than 5-6) have lesser chances of making a sale.

Remember that once you sign up with us, you will have both an online and offline profile to manage. An artist is also known for the places his work is exhibited in, so make sure to work only with reputed partners, whether online or offline. Also, make sure that the works you display at one place, aren’t available for sale at other places as well. It affects the reputation of both, you as the artist, as well as the promoter.

Data Protection Policy & Guidelines


As per Indian IT Act 2000 section 43 requires every Data Controller who is processing personal data to notify the Information Commissioner unless they are exempt. Failure to notify is a criminal offence.
Organisations and people about which we hold information are referred to in this policy as Data Subjects. Tara Roy, the Director has been designated as the Data Protection Compliance Officer, the Data Controller for the organisation.

Information we hold

  • We hold three types of information which are covered by this policy

  • organisational information – publicly available information about organisations and some confidential information

  • personal information – information about individuals such as names, addresses, job titles

  • sensitive personal information – in general this kind of information is only held about Company Bank Details. Information about organisations is not covered by the Data Protection Act.

    However there is sometimes ambiguity about whether certain information is personal or organisational.
  • We will not hold information about individuals without their knowledge and consent. It is legal requirements that people know what we are doing with their information and who it will be shared with.

  • We will only hold information for specific purposes. We will inform data subjects what those purposes are. We will also inform them if those purposes change.

  • If we buy in a mailing list we cannot use it for any other purpose than the original Data Controller specified – we must check original use.

Access to Information

  • We will seek to maintain accurate information by creating ways in which data subjects can update the information held.

  • Information about Data Subjects will not be disclosed to other organisations or to individuals who are not members of our organisation, staff or trustees except in circumstances where this is a legal requirement, where there is explicit or implied consent or where information is publicly available elsewhere.

  • Data Subjects have the option not to receive marketing mailings from us or other organisations.

  • Data Subjects will be entitled to have access to information held about them by us and for what purpose within 40 days or submitting a request.

  • Subject to any rules of the organisation awarding the funding, information will not be retained once no longer required for its stated purpose, we will not keep more than a project requires or surplus information ‘just in case’. We will establish retention periods and a process to delete personal information when no longer required.

  • At the beginning of any new project or type of activity the member of staff managing it will consult the Data Controller about any data protection implications.

  • There may be situations where we work in partnership with other organisations on projects which require data sharing. We will clarify which organisation is to be the Data Controller and will ensure that the Data Controller deals correctly with any data which we have collected.

Data Security

  • We have procedures for ensuring the security of all electronic personal data. Paper records containing confidential personnel data are disposed of in a secure way. Project documents and staff records are all kept in a locked filing cabinet, IT equipment containing personal information is kept in a looked room or cupboard when not in use.

  • All passwords should contain upper and lower case letters, a number and ideally a symbol. This will help to keep our information secure from would-be thieves. There is no point protecting the personal information we hold with a password if that password is easy to guess.

  • We will make sure all portable devices – such as memory sticks and laptops – used to store personal information are encrypted.

Our Commitment

  • We have a set of procedures covering all areas of our work which we follow to ensure that we achieve the aims set out above.

  • We have established a business continuity/disaster recovery plan and we take regular back-ups of computer data files which are stored away from the office at a safe location.

  • All new staff will be given training on the data protection policy and procedures. They will be told how they should store and handle personal information. Refresher training should be provided at regular intervals for existing staff.

  • We will carry out an annual review of our data protection policy and procedures.

Appendix - The Data Protection Principles defined by the Information Commissioners Office (ICO)

Whenever collecting information about people you agrees to apply the Eight Data Protection Principles:

  1. Personal data should be processed fairly and lawfully

  2. Personal data should be obtained only for the purpose specified

  3. Data should be adequate, relevant and not excessive for the purposes required

  4. Data should be accurate and kept up-to-date

  5. Data should not be kept for longer than is necessary for purpose

  6. Data processed in accordance with the rights of data subjects under this act

  7. Security: appropriate technical and organizational measures should be taken unauthorized or unlawful processing of personal data and against accidental loss or destruction or damage to personal data.

  8. Personal data shall not be transferred outside the EEA unless that country or territory ensures an adequate level of data protection.

Note : Incase of any assistance please call our nodal officer on below number

Company No : 9599773979

Email Id :