Mohammed ZubairAkaun disahkan


Fact-Checker, Co-founder | Analysing misinfo/disinfo across India | E-mail: | insta :

Menyertai November 2017
Dilahirkan pada 29 Disember


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  1. Tweet Dipinkan
    7 Sep

    Have you been following the scale of media misinformation that debunked the past month? We have been able to do so because you fund us. Consider donating to so that we can continue to bring truthfulness to news and information. Donate:

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  2. 9 jam lalu

    Save Altnews number +917600011160. You can forward the claim along with the image/video you received on family whatsapp. If the claim is viral & false. We'll fact check and write an article, On an average, we get 300-500 messages, Will try & reply back to as many as possible. :)

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  3. 10 jam lalu

    If received more than 25 requests on official number +917600011160 to fact check below newspaper clipping, Imagine the virality of this fake claim across India. 😭🤷🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️

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  4. 10 jam lalu

    PM went to construction site of Parliament building at around 8:45 PM "Without prior intimation and security detail" so that a whatsapp message could be sent to PR whatsapp group so that it could be shared on twitter by journalists. 😭😭🤷🏾‍♂️

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  5. Mengetweet Semula
    12 jam lalu

    Sentence of the day. without prior intimation and security detail

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  6. 17 jam lalu

    I think star anchor Anjana Kashyap deserves to be greeted the way PM was welcomed when he landed in India.

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  7. 23 jam lalu

    Thank you Emergency Response Team, Bangalore for the amazing customised gift. Proud to be part of this wonderful group of volunteers. Jasba!

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  8. 25 Sep

    More than 350 comments congratulating a fake account. 🤦🏾‍♂️ Until yesterday this account was pretending to be Sanjana Yadav.

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  9. Mengetweet Semula
    25 Sep

    ऐसे एकतरफा रिपोर्टर संपादक दया के पात्र हैं..ये लोग US के झंडे दिखा रहे हैं.अपनी सरकारों से कभी नहीं पूछा कि आंकड़े क्यों छिपाए.मरने वालों से मक्कारी क्यों की.लाशों को कुत्तों ने क्यों नोचा.संसद में कैसे बता दिया कि O2की कमी से कोई नहीं मरा.दुम हिलाने से झंडे नहीं लगा करते मिस्टर

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  10. 25 Sep

    Anjana ji ko Vannakkam!

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  11. 25 Sep

    हाल में हैदराबाद के सैदाबाद बलात्कार और हत्या मामले के आरोपी की मौत के बाद कुछ तस्वीरें और वीडियोज़ इस घटना से जोड़कर शेयर किये जा रहे हैं. इसमें से एक वीडियो ब्राज़ील का है और दूसरा कर्नाटका की एक घटना से जुड़ा है. पढ़िये |

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  12. 25 Sep

    Fake ID. Until recently his twitter handle was @Mahadev_Bhakt9

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  13. Mengetweet Semula
    24 Sep

    My father was born here, how can I be a Bangladeshi? Asks the father of Shaheed Moinul Hoque.

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  14. 25 Sep

    A fake letter portraying PM Modi urging citizens to buy only India-made products on Diwali has again been revived ahead of the festival. |

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  15. 25 Sep

    Two videos of gory murders - one from Brazil and another from Karnataka - are circulating against the backdrop of the rape-murder of a minor girl in Saidabad. The accused in this case was 'found dead' on railway tracks. |

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  16. Mengetweet Semula
    25 Sep
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  17. Mengetweet Semula
    25 Sep

    “Propaganda Fails! ensures deep engagement with the US Democrat government," Republic TV's Arnab Goswami announced the topic for debate. Even the headlines were about the bilateral talks, and not one mentioned . reports.

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  18. Mengetweet Semula
    25 Sep

    “First they said prove your citizenship – we did that by attending hearing after hearing,” said Akina Khatun. “Now even that is not enough it seems.” NRC busted decades of lies. What NRC couldn't achieve, govt wants to achieve it through eviction!

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  19. Mengetweet Semula
    25 Sep

    Girls were thrown out of the rented house in rainy season because the society had issues with clothes they wear. This is nothing new in Ahmedabad. Young girls and boys find lots of problem in hiring a accomodation in this glorified city of Ahmedabad.

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  20. Mengetweet Semula
    25 Sep

    Asomiya Pratidin led with images of injured policemen. The clip of the lone man with a stick charging towards the policemen was cut at the point where the police fired at him. What happened after that moment was edited out.

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  21. 24 Sep
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