Brisbane: Shoes thrown at Federal Immigration Minister Peter Dutton at refugee ceremony

Federal Immigration Minister Peter Dutton had two sneakers thrown at him at an event in B

14 June – Immigration Minister Peter Dutton was the victim of a shoe throwing incident as he attended a welcome ceremony for refugees in Brisbane this morning.

The minister was about to deliver a speech at Welcomefest, at Annerley, when a man stood up and yelled at him, before throwing two sneakers at him.

A 33-year-old man from Ocean View, near Dayboro, was arrested over the incident.

He later told reporters: “I think (Mr Dutton) should be ashamed for what his Government is doing and how asylum seekers are being treated in detention centres.”

He accused Mr Dutton of hypocrisy over the Government’s policy of turning back asylum seeker boats.

“Here he is welcoming refugees, but his Government isn’t welcoming refugees at all — they’re doing the absolute opposite,” Mr Sprigg said.

The 33-year-old was charged with one count of public nuisance and is expected to appear before the Brisbane Magistrates Court on June 30.

Melbourne: Banner in solidarity with anarchists facing persecution in Spain

In Melbourne on the night of June 13 a banner was hung for the June 13 International Day of Solidarity with Anarchists Facing Persecution from the Spanish state. The banner was hung from a cyclone fence that directly faces busy Punt Rd in Richmond, right near Richmond station and not far from the MCG sports ground.

Solidarity with all anarchist comrades facing persecution via Operation Pandora and Operation Pinata repressive police actions! 

Melnourne: Graffiti action for long term anarchist prisoners

12 June – Graffiti appeared in Melbourne on the night of June 11, the International Day of Solidarity with Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. The graffiti appeared on walls overlooking the busy West Gate Freeway that connects the Western Suburbs of Melbourne with the rest of the city. The painted slogans included ‘Free All Anarchist Political Prisoners’, ‘Free Emma Sheppard‘ and ‘Free All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners.’

Melbourne: Graffiti attack on Labour party HQ during protest

5 June – Vandals have defaced the Victorian Labor party HQ in melbourne with pro-refugee slogans during a protest against Labors stance on asylum seekers and mandatory detention.

The protesters painted slogans such as ‘Justice 4 Refugees” and “ALP ur no different to LIBS” during a brazen daylight attack, which they filmed and released online.

The protesters were drawing attention to the plight of the Rohinga refugees and the indifference offered them by the government and the Labor opposition.

Toowoomba: Pro-traditional marriage doctor cops vandalism spray

2 June – Anti-marriage equality campaigner David van Gend got a rude shock when he returned home from an interstate visit this week.

The Toowoomba doctor found his medical centre vandalised with the word “Bigot” painted in red spray paint on the side of his office, along with his surname in black paint.

An encircled letter A – a common symbol for anarchists – was also left on the building.

Dr van Gend is president of the Australian Marriage Forum which recently attracted controversy when it raised $20,000 to pay for two ads on opposing marriage equality during the Mardi Gras.

SBS rejected the ads, but they were screened in prime time on Channels 7 and 9 instead.

Toowoomba Police confirmed they were investigating the graffiti attack.

“My point in noting it is not because it worries me particularly, I’m used to this,” Dr van Gend told the Brisbane Times.

“It’s a symbol of the whole intimidation and demonisation of one side, and one side only, of this debate, and it must stop.”

“I get so much of this, but usually it’s anonymous trolls online,” he said.

“Internet trolling is one thing, but this is malicious damage. I don’t own the building. It’s someone else’s property they’ve vandalised.”

Dr Van Gend says his name plaque on the building has previously been defaced and his staff have received abusive phone calls.

Dr Van Gend believes the same-sex marriage debate has become “unhealthy”.

“Anyone who stands up for the law of the land, for saying that marriage is between a man and a woman… is attacked, not argued with,” he said.

“And that’s what happened [the vandalism to his surgery] yesterday”.

Dr Van Gend says he is not opposed to debating the issue, but he is opposed to threats and abuse.

He says it would be beneficial for both sides of the argument if people “assume goodwill on each other’s side, argue a case, and then vote.”

He says the vandalism attack is “a sad comment on the approach of the pro gay marriage people to any of us who dare raise our little heads and say ‘keep marriage the way it’s always been’.”

“The mother and father unit is so strong, but people are frightened to put their head up, because they won’t only get their surgery defaced by vandals, but they’re going to be treated like they are some sort of moral pariah.”

Apart from a stance against same-sex marriage, same-sex adoption and same-sex surrogacy, the Australian Marriage Forum also argues against the idea that homosexuals are “born that way” and disapproves of the “normalisation” of same-sex relationships being introduced into school education.

Kuala Lumpur: Repression against anarchists in Malaysia


26 May – Police in Malaysia have launched a witch hunt for two anarchists who they are accusing of being the ‘masterminds’ of the anarchist May Day demonstration in Kuala Lumpur during which a bank window was smashed by rocks and the bank’s security guard was slightly injured.

Police are alleging they found a bag left behind at the bank that led them to a 30 year old factory worker from Shah Alam. The worker’s house was raided on May 2nd and a number of items were seized including posters, a Guy Fawkes / Anonymous mask, pamphlets, a slingshot and some smoke bombs.

Police held a press conference on May 26th with the seized items on display and released photos of two anarchists named Markio and Ocha who they say they now want to arrest and charge under Section 148 and Section 4 (using corrosive or explosive substances or offensive weapons) of the Malaysian criminal code. Of course the scum press in Malaysia happily obliged the police by immediately broadcasting their photos and issuing ‘news reports’ that just repeated everything the police said word for word.

Solidarity With The Wanted Comrades Markio And Ocha!

Solidarity With The Malaysian Anarchist Movement!

Fuck The Malaysian Police!


Perth/Melbourne/Sydney: Indigenous protesters occupy colonial offices

25 May – Grandmothers Against Removals protested on ‘Sorry Day’ in Perth against the continuing stolen generations of Aboriginal children.

The rally started by occupying the head office of so-called ‘child protection’, then marched to the Sorry Day event organised by Reconciliation WA.

The public was informed of the current child-removal crisis until police repressed the protest.

The strong action finished off with dances from clans from the East to West coast.

End the fear, end the racism, end the removals. Grandmothers and other family members affected by continuing stolen generations are getting organised and fighting back for self-determination.

25 May – Aboriginal warriors have taken over the department that continues the longstanding, genocidal policy Aboriginal child removal.

31 May – Warriors of the Aboriginal Resistance – WAR have occupied Rio Tinto’s HQ on Collins Street, in Melbourne CBD.

The action was taken in protest against the forced closure of aboriginal communities, and Rio Tintos continued destruction of indigenous homelands and sacred sites.

2 June – Last night, the campaign for affordable housing for Aboriginal people in Sydney stepped up a gear when about 500 people occupied the offices of Deicorp in Redfern. Aboriginal activists from the Redfern Aboriginal Tent Embassy and a large number of supporters, including students , flooded into the lobby and up the stairs chanting “Deicorp, Deicorp, we won’t stop – get your hands off the Block!” before settling into a half-hour sit in to protest the companies planned redevelopment of Redfern’s famous indigenous Block.

Bangkok: Graffiti attack on Criminal Court of Thailand

24 May – According to reports from the mainstream media in Thailand a person or persons unknown sprayed anarchist ‘Circle A’ symbols on the outside of the Criminal Court of Thailand in Bangkok in the early hours of May 24th. It is the first time in history that the court house, known colloquially as Ratchada Criminal Court, has been vandalized. Fence barriers and a bus stop outside the court were also spray painted with anarchist ‘Circle A’ symbols.

The graffiti has caused something of a panic within the Thai establishment and was removed not long after it had been reported but not before journalists were able to photograph it. A spokesperson for the court judiciary has stated that it should not be assumed that there was a political motivation behind the graffiti. Thai authorities stated that their first priority will be to review CCTV footage from around the court house.


Melbourne: Graffiti action in Melbourne for Mumia Abu Jamal

17 May – Graffiti action in Melbourne’s CBD in solidarity with the revolutionary US political prisoner Mumia Abu Jamal.

Mumia is currently hospitalized due to an extremely serious medical condition and he is being denied proper medical care – his life is in great danger.

The fascist North American state was unable to execute Mumia via ‘legal’ methods for the trumped up charges he has been imprisoned on since 1981 so now they are trying to execute him again but this time via medical neglect and malpractice.

We took to the streets of Melbourne’s CBD with spray-paint on May 17 to express our anger and outrage at the malicious and vindictive actions of the tyrannical North American state and it’s repressive ‘correctional’ system and sprayed ‘Free Mumia’ tags at various locations throughout the city as a visual reminder to passers-by that even in far away places such as these stolen territories administered by the colonial entity referred to as Australia, Mumia’s situation has been and continues to be well known – especially now given the perilous situation Mumia is currently enduring.

We add our voices to the international chorus of solidaritarians who are demanding the following:

(1) Adequate diagnostic testing of Mumia’s health be done (2) That Mumia’s doctor be able to communicate freely and regularly with the prison infirmary physicians who are delivering Mumia’s medical care (3) His doctor be allowed meaningful and regular phone access with Mumia. (There are no phones in the hospital, in the infirmary, his calls are limited to 15 mins and and he has limited access to the day room where the phones are). (4) Allow Mumia’s chosen doctor to conduct an onsite medical examination, and (5) as many have said, it is past time for Mumia to be released from prison!

This action took place within the context of our ongoing Winter offensive of graffiti and propaganda actions in solidarity with anarchist and other revolutionary prisoners worldwide.

Subversive Tagging & Propaganda Cell

Melbourne: Thousands blockade CBD to protest against proposed WA remote communities closure

1 May – About 5,000 marchers have gathered for a vocal but peaceful protest at the corner of Flinders and Swanston streets in central Melbourne to protest against the proposed closure of up to 150 remote communities in Western Australia.

The marchers, some carrying gum leaves, were led by mounted police to the intersection near Federation Square.

The protestors carried signs reading: “Stop moving Aboriginal people on”, “Racism is a lifestyle choice” and “Close the gap, not the communities”.

The march was organised by the Warriors of Aboriginal Resistance “in solidarity with Aboriginal communities facing closure” in WA.

“The shutdown [is] a proud expression of Aboriginal sovereignty and a clear signal to the Government that our resistance is rising.” organisers said in a statement.

Mollie Kerby travelled from Castlemaine, in central Victoria, to attend the protest with her four-year-old daughter and said she was passionate about the issue.

“I can’t believe we even have to be here to protest,” she said.

“I never thought it would be an issue. Where are people going to go? It’s absolutely appalling.”

Protester Margaret Gardiner, from the Wurundjeri people, said everyone was concerned about the treatment of Aboriginal people.

“It’s time, I think, for us all to use this as an example now, to get together and unite and try to work towards a better future for ourselves, and therefore everyone else in Australia,” she said.

“It usually takes something such as this to get people united.”

The protest, the third since March, shut down part of Melbourne’s CBD, bringing traffic to a standstill.

Some trams were caught up in the protest for hours and police warned commuters it would take a lot longer than usual to get home.

The protest came during the busy evening peak ahead of the Collingwood and Carlton football match at the MCG celebrating coach Mick Malthouse’s 715th game.

There were similar protests in Perth, Darwin, Adelaide and Alice Springs as well as in Wellington, New Zealand.