A the start of November, the Informal Anarchist Federation – International Revolutionary Front released claims taking responsibility for placing an explosive package and, a week later, for burning down a school. A call was also released for international direct action.
1. 325: On 11 of November 2012, covered by the night and with desires of revolutionary solidarity to the imprisoned anarchists from around the world, we burnt one state elementary school in Paniki, Manado. We salute our action to all of our brothers and sisters from Informal Anarchist Federation – International Revolutionary Front(FAI – IRF).
Maybe, many of the comrades will be asking why we put a fire in a school? It’s a simple answer.
First, school is a prison. And there’s no other excuse to defend the school and write it out from the list of targets of revolutionary actions. In school, we can’t learn about freedom, bravery, uniqueness and revolutionary solidarity. We learn nothing but the situation of society that imposes on our dignity as a human being. Continue reading “Manado, Indonesia: actions, call, from International Conspiracy for Revenge”