Philippines: Soldarity statement from the Black and Green Forum and Solidarity Eco-Camp


Eco-Camp is an activity organized by Mobile Anarchist School with the help by Local Autonomous Network (LAN) both active in the Philippines. Last April 2012 was the first camping held in Tanay Rizal, Philippines. It was attended by various collectives and individuals totaling around 40 people who participated the various activities and discussions in the camp. The objective of the eco-camp was to discuss the different issues confronting our current society and to find solidarity actions that can help expose and popularize our issues.

After series of activities in 2012, the LAN decided to expand its activities on ecological issues due to concrete manifestation of the crisis impacting the archipelago.

The second eco-camp gathering was organized by LAN and the Mobile Anarchist School in March 2013 to heighten our education campaign and to strengthen the relationship with other affinity groups and build an international network better able to work towards intensifying our impact by making solidarity actions globally. Continue reading “Philippines: Soldarity statement from the Black and Green Forum and Solidarity Eco-Camp”

Greece: Banner over the Aegean Sea, in solidarity with the fisherfolk’s fight in the Manado Bay (Indonesia)

Contra Info: In the context of Contra Info call for propaganda actions against repression, in the first days of August we placed a banner close to a coast and a crossroad on Kalymnos, an island where the traditional way of fishing and sponge diving has been performed for too many decades. This was our small token of solidarity with the ongoing struggle of the Malalayang traditional fisherfolk, who proudly resist a mega-project along the Manado coast, in Indonesia. We thus wanted them to know they are not alone.

Read and spread the call for solidarity and resistance against the mega-project of Coastal Reclamation in Manado (June 2012): in English / Spanish / Indonesian

The banner reads in Greek-English-Indonesian:

From Greece to Indonesia, sabotage against Capital/Power
Strength, fisherfolk of Manado
Solidarity with the fight in Manado-Indonesia
Long live sporadic direct action

Melbourne: Forum on the austerity measures and debt crisis in Greece

Forum on the austerity measures and debt crisis in Greece: Friday March 29th, 7pm – 11pm at 251 High Street Northcote, Melbourne

A few comrades in Melbourne have organised a forum on the austerity measures & debt ‘crisis’ in greece set for Thursday, March 29th, in Northcote. Melbourne. On the night comrades in the antagonist movement in greece will be talking to us live via skype. We have a hospital worker from the workers collective occupation / self management of Kilkis general hospital speaking to us and two other speakers confirmed, including a member of ESE (greek anarchist sydicalist organisation) who will provide us with updates on the struggle, especially regarding base unions and workers occupations. There will be a rembetiko band (greek ‘outlaw’ folk) playing afterwards, as well as a short film from the antagonist movement and some anarchist poetry during the night.

All funds raised are going to prison solidarity initiatives for imprisoned anarchist comrades in greece. Continue reading “Melbourne: Forum on the austerity measures and debt crisis in Greece”

Sydney: Anarchist Vandals salute Lambros Foundas

Indymedia. In the early hours of the 10th of March, exactly two years since Lambros Foundas was gunned down by uniformed pigs in the street of Athens, some anarchist vandals targeted the Marrickville branch of the Beirut Hellenic Bank.

We sprayed “BURN BANKS” “FOR LAMBROS” “FOR SOCIAL REVOLUTION” on the windows of the bank, put superglue in the ATM card slots and covered the screens with paint.

This minor act of sabotage was carried out in memory of Lambros, an anarchist, social fighter and member of Revolutionary Struggle. He lived with the courage and conviction to translate his anti-authoritarian beliefs into action and he died on his feet, for that we will never forget him.

Eternal Honour to Lambros Foundas, Solidarity with the Revolutionary Struggle and Immediate Freedom for Pola Roupa, Nikos Maziotis and Kostas Gournas.

For generalised attacks on all machinery of capital and the state!

Melbourne: graffiti

In solidarity with the Greece uprising and with the determination to affect our cities, anarchists painted late night messages around the Northcote area of Melbourne.


On the front walls of the Pankoaki Brotherhood building (a nationalistic Greek association) was painted: “SOLIDARITY WITH THE GREEK UPRISING”. On the fence next door was painted something about the Australian situation: “REVENGE 4 TERRENCE D BRISCOE, FIRE TO THE PRISONS”, a reference to a recent Aboriginal death in custody in the NT: death via beating at the hands of the police. Continue reading “Melbourne: graffiti”

Sydney: Solidarity With Greece demo that resulted in the complete evacuation of the Greek Consulate, the arrest of 6 comrades and an 11 hour Noise Demo at City Central Police Station

Indymedia: On Wednesday the 15th of February, following a 3 day General strike and massive rioting in the street of Athens and other cities throughout Greece, participants of the Occupy Sydney movement staged a demonstration in solidarity with the Greek revolt.

At approximately 12.30pm, while the city streets were full of tourists, shoppers and many office workers on lunch, a black bloc carrying an “Occupy Sydney” banner marched from the Martin Place Occupy camp down Castlereagh Street to the Greek Consulate chanting “A FATE WORSE THEN DEATH FUCK THE IMF. The comrades made speeches declaring solidarity with the popular revolt across Greece then left two objects in the doorway of the consulate and quickly dispersed. One object was a large fake Molotov made out of an empty petrol tin with red cellophane coming out the top, the other was an empty, black foam box labelled “PANDORA’S BOX: DO NOT OPEN” with the titles of various financial institutions: “IMF, European Central Bank” etc, labelled along the sides.

Continue reading “Sydney: Solidarity With Greece demo that resulted in the complete evacuation of the Greek Consulate, the arrest of 6 comrades and an 11 hour Noise Demo at City Central Police Station”

2011 p.1

Photo by newtowngraffiti: 'Some low-life has splashed the bower bird sculpture with yellow paint

15 February: Attack on sculpture in Redfern

Sculpture on corner of Redfern St and Botany Rd, in Redfern attacked with paint early in morning of 7th anniversary of Thomas Hickey’s murder by NSW police. Flyers were thrown around the area with the following text:

Everyday we pass by these spiked poles we cannot help but be reminded of the unforgivable murder of TJ. It is as if it has been erected to remind us of what we cannot forget- the black deaths, the bloody colonisation which has been for the last two centuries.

This disgusting tangle of metal seemingly circumvents criticism because it is portrayed like some kind of gift of art. Let’s be honest about this, clearly this structure has been engineered to prevent people from gathering in the square. Its imposing presence occupies the entire space and its very form intimidates anyone who dares to linger. Could this obstruction be any more blatant in its design?

As if the damn police towers that lay before it, and the cretins there who make it their job to imprison, murder, torture, harass and watch our every move need also a tribute metres away. This structure enrages us, we can’t let the mechanisms of colonisation, and state repression bulldoze forward. The anti vandal squad (the ever efficient urban art critics) might wash this paint off tomorrow. But is will still remain a hideous mark of gentrification.

This attack is proof that they can’t stop everything, they can’t stop us talking to you now, in reality they can’t stop me and you. This attack we make tonight is for TJ, and everyone murdered by the state (of which there is too many than we could ever list).



From Facta Non Verba #2

6 July: Hellenic Bank in Marrickville attacked

In the early hours of 6/7/11 the Hellenic Bank in Marrickville was attacked and the windows smashed.

This attack was carried out as a minimal response to the murderous savagery of the Greek police on the 28th and 29th of June General Strike against the Troika’s repressive austerity measures. And also to express our solidarity with the imprisoned fighters for social liberation in Greece. Even here far away in Australia we look on and are inspired by the dignified struggle against capitalist domination in Greece.

Solidarity is our weapon.

Fire to the prisons.

-Midnight koalas-

19 October: Melbourne – Politician’s Office Smashed and Paintbombed

Last Wednesday night we attacked the office of Australian Labour Party MP Jenny Macklin, who postures herself as Indigenous Affairs minister. We did this because the Australian government is a government of occupation and ongoing colonization of the Indigenous people of this country. Our actions are in solidarity with the Indigenous people who have been invaded, whose land has been stolen, who have been forcibly removed from their homelands, from their families, whose cultures and languages have been irreversibly damaged, and who are still experiencing ongoing waves of attacks at the hands of our colonial government, of this very office of “Indigenous Affairs”.

We also carried out this attack because as non-Indigenous citizens of this country we are coerced into a situation where we materially benefit from the colonization of Indigenous peoples. We have learnt to deny the reality of the origins of our material wealth – we are the “lucky country”. The myth of luck disguises the reality of war and occupation upon which our lives are built. We are born into a society that tells us that this colonial activity is a good thing, that it is “for us”, that it is “for them”. That capitalist, materialist culture is “good”. Is “beneficial”. That everyone deserves the “great Australian dream” built on the spoils of colonial war. But the dream is a myth. We act because we want to break the monotony of this existence. We do not believe that material comfort is the sole quality which makes life “good”. We act because we do not believe in the cultural superiority of capitalism, and reject the missionary logic of assimilating Indigenous peoples to provide them with a “better” life. We do not believe a life based solely on consumption that is devoid of real emotion, community, individuality and joy is a “better” way of life. This society is boring. It’s empty, unfulfilling, dissatisfying. It is built on a web of lies, pain and suffering, haunted by the almost erased memories of ways of life we have lost.

We reject this culture of denial. We reject a society that is telling us that we must accept the categories given to us by society, be it either “oppressed” or “oppressor”, “colonized” or “coloniser”. We are against colonization. We are against the assimilation of the world into white supremacist capitalist culture. Everyone is resisting this system every day in countless different ways, from the seemingly insignificant – like every time someone shoplifts from Woolworths, doesn’t buy a ticket on the train, turns off their tv because they’re sick of the mindless bullshit; to community walk-offs, and rioting in the streets. This is one way we are choosing to not only resist but intensify our resistance and our lives. Through this action we are reclaiming our dignity and clearly stating our refusal to be “obedient” citizens of colonial Australia.

– Unaustralians