Monthly Archives: August 2021

Running Down the Walls 2021 is September 12th!

Since 1999, prisoners and supporters throughout North America have participated in the annual event known as Running Down the Walls (RDTW) often running or walking simultaneously in many cities and prisons at once. This is a 5k non-competitive run/jog/walk/roll in order to raise awareness and funds for the numerous political prisoners currently held in North American prisons. The 2021 event is scheduled for Sunday, September 12th.

Every year, prisoners and supporters of political prisoners organize solidarity events with Running Down the Walls. In previous years, we’ve had runs in Albuquerque (NM), Arcata (CA), Ashland (OR), Bellefonte (PA), Boston (MA), Buffalo (NY), Chico (CA), Denver (CO), Elmore (AL), Inez (KY), Los Angeles (CA), Lowell (MA), Marion (IL), Minneapolis (MN) New York (NY), USP Navosta (TX), Pelican Bay (CA), Phoenix (AZ), Tucson (AZ), Seattle (WA), and Toronto, Ontario.

This annual event is also one of the primary fundraisers for the ABCF Warchest Program – a fund designed to assist political prisoners who normally received little or no financial support with monthly checks. Other funds raised should be used to support local groups of your choosing, whether that is your own organization or another group you’d like to support. The choice is yours. Warchest video.

List of Running Down the Walls events for 2021 (alphabetically, by city)

Austin Running Down the Walls
5K run/walk/roll
September 11, 2021, 6pm
Southern Walnut Creek Trail- Govalle Neighborhood Park, 5200 Bolm Road,
Austin, TX 78721
Register at
Sliding scale fee of $20-100 ($40 strongly recommended). Each paid and registered participant will get a t-shirt (design available here).
Pay online via PayPal to [email protected] or you can bring cash/check/money order to the event.

Chicago Running Down the Walls
We will run/walk/caravan around Cook County Jail in solidarity with political prisoners and the movement to abolish prisons.
Gather at 2pm at Cook County Jail Complex
5k starts at 3pm
That evening we are having a show at the Orphanage. 643 W. 31st Street in Bridgeport. The show starts at 8pm.

Los Angeles Running Down the Walls

LA ABCF will be hosting a virtual event on September 12th from 11am – 1pm PST. We will be hosting a Twitter Storm (as well as Instagram, and facebook) . Please join us and participate in both the exercising portion and in tweeting out support for political prisoners. Feel free to make noise all day for those imprisoned.

Donate at
Facebook event

Lowell/Lawrence Running Down the Walls
5K run/walk/roll
September 12, 2021
Boarding House Park, 40 French Street, Lowell.
Follow Pandemic Safety.
11am check in

NYC Running Down the Walls 
5k Run/Walk/Jog/Bike/Hang
: 2:00-7:00pm, Sunday, September 12th, 2021
WHERE: Prospect Park– Lincoln Road/East Lake Drive, east of the Terrace Bridge. Map.
COST: $10 registration (if COVID permits, will include food/drink afterwards. TBD)
You can donate online by going to or venmo: @nycabc

After making the difficult decision to not hold last year’s event in person, we are very much looking forward to gathering as a community for the first time in a long time. Please stay tuned to our website, sign up for our newsletter, and follow us on twitter (@nycabc) for updates.

This year we hope to expand the amount of runs in prisons and other cities, as well as increase the amount of funds raised for community projects. NYC ABC‘s goal with this year’s run is $4,000.

Philly Running Down the Walls
Sunday, September 12, 2021
11 am sharp (Yoga warm-up at 10am)
FDR Park
Check out promo video!

Philadelphia Anarchist Black Cross invites you to our fourth annual Running Down The Walls (RDTW)! Join us for another revolutionary 5K run/walk/roll and day of solidarity amplifying the voices of our comrades behind bars, lifting them up in their struggles, and maintaining material support. If you would like to participate in light yoga and warm-up stretches before, please arrive by 10am and bring a mat if you can.

Running is not required! You can also walk or roll. 5K is two loops around the park and at a walking pace will take about 45-60 minutes. Light refreshments and socializing will take place in the park afterward.

This year’s event is in honor of Mumia Abu-Jamal. Join us as we once again raise energy and funds for the freedom struggle of another Philly comrade and long-term Black liberation prisoner. This year marks the 40th year that Mumia has been behind bars as a voice for the voiceless. Due to multiple health issues from medical neglect, he needs our support now more than ever.

Pittsburgh Running Down the Walls
Sunday, September 12th
Friendship Park (Bloomfield)
$5-20+ Sliding scale donation

Last day to register for Philly’s Running Down the Walls

Today is the **last day** to register for Philly #runningdownthewalls! –> Don’t miss this meaningful 5K to raise funds & support for Mumia Abu-Jamal and 18 other #politicalprisoners.

Running is not required. We welcome all forms of participation, remote or in-person.

Mumia needs us more than ever. He suffers from coronary artery disease, diabetes, liver cirrhosis from years of untreated Hepatitis C, and Psoriasis. Incarceration is going to kill him, and that is why #FreedomIsTheOnlyTreatment. We HAVE to bring him home this year.

Your participation in #rdtw also supports the ABCF Warchest – a fund that sends monthly stipends to Political Prisoners and Prisoners of War who have insufficient, little, or no financial support. Since initiation in November 1994, the program has dispersed more than $140,000.

So let’s come together, inside and outside prison walls. Let’s run/walk/roll for revolution, for Mumia Abu-Jamal, and the freedom of all Political Prisoners and Prisoners of War!

Register for the #RunForMumia today at

NYC ABC PP/POW Updates 8.24.21

Here’s the latest compilation of every other week updates:

NYC ABC, along with several other individuals and prisoner support
crews, now send hard copies to all political prisoners and prisoners of
war we support.

If you consistently mail the latest updates to a specific prisoner,
please let us know so we can insure there’s no overlap. The goal is to
have copies sent to all of the prisoners we list.

We’ve also been told that some prisoners are not receiving the copies
sent in, yet we aren’t getting rejection notices. If you are in steady
contact with a prisoner, please ask them whether or not they are
receiving the updates and let us know.

Free ’em all,
Post Office Box 110034
Brooklyn, New York 11211
[email protected]

Philly ABC letter writing event for Sundiata Acoli 8.26

Black August began in the 1970s to mark the assassination of the imprisoned Black Panther, author, and revolutionary George Jackson during a prison rebellion in California. Each year in August we take time to honor captured freedom fighters of the Black Liberation struggle as we study, train and recommit to the struggle for freedom year-round.

In lieu of our normal Monday night letter-writing, we will be co-hosting a Black August event with Philly Jericho. We will be focusing on sending meaningful letters of solidarity to long-term political prisoner Sundiata Acoli. Sundiata was a prominent member of the Harlem chapter of the Black Panther Party. After targeting by the FBI’s illegal COINTELPRO, Sundiata continued the struggle underground with the Black Liberation Army. In 1973 he, Zayd and Assata Shakur were stopped by New Jersey state troopers. Zayd Shakur was killed, while Assata was wounded and taken into custody. One state trooper was killed during the incident and another injured. Sundiata was later captured and sentenced to life plus 30 years in a politically charged and biased trial. We will also send birthday cards to political prisoners with birthdays in September: Leonard Peltier (the 12th) and Maumin Khabir (the 15th).

Never written a letter to a prisoner before? No Problem! Join us at Clark Park (stone platform near 45th and Chester) and we will go over some of the basics and have all the letter-writing supplies and snacks available.

If you are unable to make the event, please send your solidarity to Sundiata at:

Sundiata Acoli (Squire) #39794-066
FCI Cumberland
P.O. Box 1000
Cumberland, MD 21501

David Gilbert receives commuted sentence from outgoing Governor Cuomo

Excuse the corporate media article but this is what is out there right now. David will now go to the parole board for release.

ALBANY — Just hours before leaving office, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo granted clemency to five men, including the commutation of the 75-years-to-life sentence of David Gilbert, a former member of the radical Weather Underground who in 1981 took part in the robbery of a Brink’s armored truck in Rockland County that left two Nyack police officers and a security guard dead.

David with his son, Chesa Boudin

Steve Zeidman, a CUNY Law School professor who began representing Gilbert in 2019, said Monday evening that his client is one of the oldest and longest-serving among the state’s roughly 38,000 inmates. He said that Gilbert has expressed deep remorse for his role in the crime, and while behind bars has taken part in efforts such as the creation of an AIDS education program that became a statewide model as the epidemic was raging in the 1980s and ’90s.

Zeidman, who directs the law school’s Criminal Defense Clinic, said that beyond the impact on Gilbert personally, Cuomo’s action sends a message to incarcerated people who fear they have no chance for release. “When a governor issues clemency, it echoes, it reverberates, it spreads hope,” he said.

Gilbert’s son, Chesa Boudin, was elected district attorney for San Francisco in 2019. His mother, Kathy Boudin, was also incarcerated for decades for her part in the heist, and received parole in 2003.

The Times Union’s Paul Grondahl wrote in November about the efforts of Chesa Boudin and Green Island’s Jeff Jones, a family friend and former ’60s radical turned environmental advocate, to press Cuomo to release Gilbert from prison — especially due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“As someone who has known David since 1966, I’m just ecstatic,” Jones said Monday evening. ” … He’s a guy who deserves to be out of prison.”

Gilbert and Kathy Boudin were in a transfer truck waiting for the getaway car carrying the robbers and the $1.6 million they had stolen from the Brink’s truck at the Nanuet Mall. Boudin received a sentence of 25 years to life after hiring a lawyer, pleading guilty and accepting a plea deal; Gilbert defended himself and went to trial.

“My father was not present in the courtroom for much of the trial and nobody advocated for him, which is why it is a bad idea to represent yourself,” Chesa Boudin told Grondahl. “My mother and father did the exact same thing and had identical culpability in the crime. My mother served 22 years in prison and was paroled 17 years ago, while my father is still in prison. It’s an example of criminal justice imbalance.”

Boudin noted that his father is perhaps the only person his age who has served as many years in state prison who was unarmed during the commission of the crime. Another Brink’s robbery co-defendant, Weather Underground member Judith Clark, who drove the getaway car, was granted parole in 2019 after Cuomo commuted her 75-years-to-life sentence in 2016. Prosecutors and law enforcement bitterly opposed her parole and called it an insult to the victims’ family members.

Tarred by scandal, Cuomo is scheduled to relinquish his office at 11:59 p.m. Also Monday, he commuted the sentences of four other individuals who will not have to go before the parole board to earn release. They are:

  • Greg Mingo, 68, convicted of four counts of second-degree murder as well as burglary and weapons charges, who has served 39 years of a 50-years-to-life sentence;
  • Robert Ehrenberg, 62, was convicted of two counts of second-degree murder as well as robbery and burglary charges, who served 28 years of a 50-year-to-life sentence;
  • Ulysses Boyd, 66, convicted of one count of second-degree murder and weapons charges for an incident in which he was not the gunman, who has served 35 years of a 50-years-to-life sentence.
  • Paul Clark, 59, convicted of three counts of second-degree murder and one count of second-degree attempted murder, who served 40 years of an aggregate 58 years and 4 months-to-life sentence.

As with Gilbert’s case, Cuomo cited the men’s efforts to educate themselves and do good works while incarcerated.

Note: An earlier version of this story gave an incorrect first name for attorney Steve Zeidman.

Solidarity With International Anarchist Political Prisoners

WHAT: Political Prisoner Letter-Writing with NYC Anarchist Black Cross
WHEN: 7pm, Tuesday, August 24th, 2021
WHERE: Virtual (not in person)

The Anarchist Black Cross (ABC) originally began as a channel for mostly Jewish anarchist emigres from the Russian empire to support revolutionaries locked up for struggling against Tsarism in the early 20th century. Known at first as the Workers Red Cross, then the Anarchist Red Cross, and eventually as the Anarchist Black Cross, the early ABC would raise awareness and funds, keep up correspondences and send money and food packages to their imprisoned comrades. After the Bolsheviks seized power the work remained to support non-Communist Party approved revolutionaries, re-imprisoned by the new bosses for continuing the fight against the old ones, and Alexander Berkman continued the work from exile in Berlin.

As the decades passed the increasing urgency of countering fascism and the great depression shifted priorities, and the ABC fell away as  an organization (though many comrades continued the work of supporting political prisoners). It was revived by Albert Meltzer and Stuart Christie in the 1960’s, and while originally focusing on veterans of the ongoing struggle against Franco’s regime, it expanded rapidly to other include other struggles and international chapters. Former political prisoner Lorenzo Kom’boa Ervin revived it in the belly of the ‘american’ beast, and today we see ABC chapters throughout the world.

Whatever the demands of time and place, the watchword of the ABC has always been solidarity. As Albert Meltzer said: “It is not intended to be a charity. It is to organize solidarity for victims of the class war.“ If by class war we mean the intersecting struggles against all forms of oppression—and we do—then we stand by Albert’s words. Regimes and pandemics come and go, but true solidarity is for ever.

As we have said before, it is matter of anarchist principle for us that we do not only support anarchist political prisoners, but all those engaged in struggles against oppression. But now, as has been the case for over a century, anarchist prisoners around the world are in need of solidarity.

So NYC ABC and Page One Collective answer the call for a Week of International Solidarity With Anarchist Political PrisonersLearn theirnames and stories, write them letters, spread the word. Until All Are Free! 

Please note, the list provided above includes Joshua Stafford aka Skelly, who has been released to halfway house.

Bundle of books available to purchase for incarcerated readers

NYC Books through Bars offers this wonderful program where you can buy a bundle of books and they get all the books at the end of the month. They then use these books to fulfill requests made by people in prison and jail. Check it out and order at

Following July’s drive featuring titles from AK Press–550 books collected!–we revisit our friends at Grove Press, who a year ago collaborated on what still stands as our most successful monthly campaign to date. Generating an astounding 1,600 books in just two weeks, it brought special attention to Albert Woodfox’s memoir of incarceration, Solitary, who we had the good fortune of interviewing about his experiences. This time we selected another three titles that also spotlight the diversity of Grove’s catalog, representative of a storied publisher long committed to fighting censorship and social injustice. Alif the Unseen is a debut work of fantasy that pulls upon Arabic folklore to spin a cyperpunk tale worthy of Neil Gaiman. Lakota Woman is a classic of indigenous literature, the story of Mary Brave Bird and her activism within the Native American movements of the 1970s and ’80s.  And Wilmington’s Lie is the recent Pulitzer Prize-winner that documents the long forgotten but brazen coup of white North Carolinians against an integrated city in the late 19th century.

Order the bundle for just $30 for the next week at

Phone zap for Eric King- Thursday/Friday 8.19- 8.20!

Let’s End Eric’s Mail Ban!

Eric King is a 35-year-old political prisoner who is being severely singled out by the federal Bureau of Prisons for abusive and illegal treatment. He has been in solitary confinement for 1,000 days+ and all contact with the outside has been cut off or severely restricted. He cannot receive/send mail, make phone calls, or get visits except for very limited contact with his attorney, mother, and wife. Eric NEEDS our help now.

On August 19 & 20th from 9am-5pm Mountain Time, call & email to demand that Eric King (#27090-045) be allowed phone, mail, and visit contact with the outside world, just like all other federal prisoners:

Barb von Blanckensee, Director
North Central Region,
Bureau of Prisons (BOP):
(913) 621-3939
[email protected]

Bullet points when calling/emailing:

  • It is known that Eric has been consistently targeted with physical and emotional torture because of his political views.
  • It is absolutely wrong that he cannot receive/send mail, make phone calls, or get visits except for very limited contact with his attorney, mother, and wife. These are basic rights–even in federal prison.
  • This retaliation against Eric must stop!!!

New Illustrated Guide to Political Prisoners released

NYC Anarchist Black Cross has released their new Illustrated Guide to Political Prisoners and Prisoners of War (Version 14.6). Download it here.

“We’ve finished the latest version of the NYC ABC “Illustrated Guide to Political Prisoners and Prisoners of War” and it’s available for viewing (and download). This update includes updated mini-bios, photos, and address changes for several prisoners. Unfortunately, we are adding a prisoner to the guide this month–Water Protector Jessica Reznicek. We are thankful to remove Kings Bay Plowshares 7 prisoner Clare Grady (halfway house)!”