Things they’d have difficulty believing in Salt Lake City XXVI

15 09 2008

The past few weeks in fundie . . .

  1. Minister aids and abetts the breaking of a Commandment. Fundie JoAn Karlos took it upon herself to decide what other members of the public can read by stealing a sex education book from the public library on the grounds that she deemed it “obscene.” A local clergyman decided to pay the $100 fine, to which the fundie responded: “I’m blessed. I’m very blessed. It’s extremely generous because I know they don’t have a lot of money.” Larceny for Jesus . . . what a great moral example to be setting your children. The fundamentalist brain strikes again! (Boston Globe)
  2. “Who are the British creationists?”: according to ths BBC report, the neurological virus known as Biblical creationism has spread across the Atlantic and is now infecting the UK. Think 28 Days Later, only this time with glossolaliating zombies. Much, much scarier.
  3. A senior Saudi official has “qualified” his remarks that it is permissible to kill broadcasters of “immoral” television content. Moderating his views significantly, he believes they should be put to death only “in the due process of law.” (Scotsman)
  4. Eleven people were killed in a Congo soccer stadium riot after a soccer player tried to use “witchcraft” to win a match. I’m not making this up. And don’t laugh: the offering of prayers to magic sky fairies are routine in American football. (Reuters)
  5. In Canada, a 42-year-old man used a “witchcraft club” to groom two teenage boys whom he subsequently molested. (
  6. In Zimbabwe, Dolores Umbridge of the Ministry of Magic sentenced four people to 18 months each in jail under the Suppression of Witchcraft Act. It is not known if any Dementors were involved in the capture of the offenders. (
  7. According to the governor of Nigeria’s Akwa Ibom State, loving Christian pastors have been lovingly throwing children into the street, suspecting them of witchcraft. Says the governor: “They even attempted to [lovingly] burn some children alive in the state. We’ve rescued children who have been [lovingly] almost burnt to death on the basis that they are into witchcraft.” (The Sun News On-line)
  8. In Papua New Guinea, an elderly woman was beaten by local villagers after they accused of her using witchcraft to cause flash floods. (The Australian)
  9. In that hotbed of liberal pluralist democracy known as Camden, New South Wales, a residents’ group that had only recently rejected an application to build a Muslim school has welcomed a proposal to build a Catholic school. Spokesman Emil Sremchevich explains: “It’s very simple: people like some things but don’t like other things. Some of us like blondes, some of us like brunettes. Some of us like Fords, some of us like Holdens. Why is it xenophobic just because I want to make a choice? If I want to like some people and not like other people, that’s the nature of the beast.” The English, Mr Sremchevich: you’re doing it wrong. (The Sydney Morning Herald)
  10. Nice try, dickhead. A US man tried to get out of paying his taxes by declaring himself a citizen of heaven rather than the United States. Wait a minute . . . where have I seen this before? (DesMoines Register, via Fundies Say the Darndest Things)
  11. Hindu fundamentalists gang-raped one nun and burnt another alive as they stormed an orphanage in the Indian state of Orissa. (
  12. According to fundie news outlet OneNewsNow, there is “shock and sadness in the Christian community over word that famed Christian music singer Ray Boltz has publicly announced he’s living a homosexual lifestyle.” There’s a lump in my throat, too.

Irfan’s Camden commenters leave messages of peace and goodwill

25 12 2007

Via Ninglun, Irfan Yusuf has a great post on the Camden anti-Muslim rally. The picture and tagline are worth the price of admission alone . . .

Foreign un-Australian ragger from Lakemba nurses the wounds of her son after he got smashed by patriotic Aussies acting on the orders of Hon Rev Fred Nile MLC.

. . . but I thought I’d share with you the touching messages of some of his commenters:

“Jesus is the Son of God or he isn’t.
It is the essential tenet of Christianity. Neither jews nor muslims believe Jesus is the Son of God. Jews have ignored God. Muslims worship Satan. The only thing the three religions have in common is the historical fact that Abraham existed. That’s all.”

“If you’d been to a proper Christian school they should have caned your black arse into red blood and blue bruises every day. You are ugly enough to be the face of Satan here amongst us. Your words are deceptive and poisonous and your heart is evil.

Begone Satanic thing. We shall not betray our Lord and Our Country.”

Read the rest of this entry »

Things they’d have difficulty believing in Salt Lake City II

21 12 2007

The week in fundie . . .

  1. How to deal with criticism the Catholic way: censor it. (Via The Frame Problem)
  2. Blow Up Jeff: suicide-bomber recruiting video aimed at children (Via Pharyngula)
  3. Fred Nile demonstrates the good Christian values upon which this country was founded by organising a hate rally against a Muslim school (Sydney Morning Herald)
  4. Jesus wants you to hate yourself (if you’re gay): Alternet looks at the phenomenon of “sexual reorientation therapy.”
  5. Republican presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee on AIDS, c. 1992: victims should be quarantined. Huckabee on women, c. 1998: a “wife is to submit herself graciously to the servant leadership of her husband.” Mike Huckabee, c. 1998, on what’s ailing American society: “It is now difficult to keep track of the vast array of publicly endorsed and institutionally supported aberrations—from homosexuality and pedophilia to sadomasochism and necrophilia.” Mike Huckabee on non-believers, c. 1998: they’re evildoers. (Via Fundies Say the Darndest Things)

On a lighter note: the Top Ten Most Embarrassing Ways to Die in the Holy Bible.

Australians are not racists . . .

20 12 2007

. . . and anyone who thinks otherwise is going to get smashed up the arse by about 30 Aussies.

UPDATE: See also New Lines From a Floating Life