Panaji sindhi scammer naina premchandani refuses to pay servants , yet has plenty of money for expensive clothes

Proving that sindhi scammer school dropout cbi naina premchandani is a miserly fraud, she refuses to pay servants properly for cleaning her very large house, does not want to pay more than Rs 2000, yet she has enough money to purchase and wear very expensive clothes

The main beneficiary of the google, tata masterminded government SLAVERY racket on the domain investor, is the Kolhapur/panaji sindhi scammer schooldropout cbi employee naina premchandani who looks like actress sneha wagh, her scammer sons karan, nikhil, greedy goan gsb fraud housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, who are falsely promoted as domain investors though they do not spend any money on domains, do not have any online income
Being greedy fraud companies google, tata, indian internet companies are extremely vicious in criminally defaming the real domain investor and rewarding shameless scammers like Kolhapur/panaji sindhi scammer schooldropout cbi employee naina premchandani who looks like actress sneha wagh, her scammer sons karan, nikhil, panaji’s top EXTORTIONIST greedy goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro wife and daughter of goa’s scammer security agencies cheater caro, nayak
Google. tata’s online fraud racket on hardworking citizens has made Kolhapur/panaji sindhi scammer schooldropout cbi employee naina premchandani extremely wealthy and she is purchasing very elaborate and expensive clothes
On one outing with her scammer son karan premchandani, scammer naina was spotted wearing a layered ghagra with a sleeveless multicolored top, red dupatta,and purple skirt. The outfit must have cost at least Rs 1800.
The servants are leaving naina’s house because she is paying them very less money, refuses to pay more than Rs 2000 for her very large house, yet she can afford to splurge on expensive clothes . Hence servants are leaving every month.

Bank FIRC for domain sale legally proves ntro, raw, cbi, government SLAVERY racket since 2010

Ntro, raw, cbi were aware that their lazy greedy google, tata sponsored fraud employees were not paying any domain, website expenses since 2010. Yet in a major FINANCIAL FRAUD, the government agencies falsely claimed that their well paid employees who refused to purchase any domain despite getting a monthly government salary for making fake claims of domain ownership, owning the domains of a private citizen
To ensure that the FINANCIAL FRAUD was not exposed, the ntro, raw, cbi employees criminally defamed the domain investor, to destroy her credibility so that no one believed her, though she was telling the truth, while the greedy google, tata sponsored lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi employees enjoyed at her expense, getting monthly government salaries without doing any work, without investing money in domains
Due to the CRIMINAL DEFAMATION of google, tata, government agencies who falsely claimed that their favorite goan bhandari call girl raw employee sunaina chodan and other fraud raw/cbi employees who did not pay for domains, owned the domains, the real domain investor, could not sell her domains, and could not even get any advertising, so she was forced to write articles to pay domain renewal expenses.
Instead of admitting that their sex, bribery racket, financial fraud forced the domain investor to write articles, the ntro,raw, cbi employees hysterically started making FAKE service tax allegations when ntro’s SEX RACKET rewarding their favorite goan bhandari call girl raw employee sunaina chodan who was not interested in purchasing any domain, yet got credit, government salary because of tata, google, great goan SEX RACKET since 2012
Since ntro, raw, cbi’s favorite goan bhandari call girl raw employee sunaina chodan did not pay for any domain, like other raw/cbi employees she could not sell any domain, and when the private citizen sold a domain and received payment to her bank account, with bank FIRC, it proves ntro, raw, cbi, government SLAVERY racket since 2010

International labor organization should be aware of indian government HOUSEWIVES FRAUD since 2010, falsely claiming that housewife raw/cbi employees greedy frauds are working online

CPS investigations defense attorney Oklahoma

NTRO/raw employees continue with their computer work fraud should not be trusted involved in housewives fraud since 2010 without being questioned by the indian government

Due to the high levels of BANKING, COMPUTER WORK FRAUD, DATA THEFT beating the $140 million TCS data theft in the indian internet sector, no one is interested in a career online, because the fraud companies like google, officials like NTRO employees especially mhow monster puneet, j srinivasan are SOCIOPATHS refuse to acknowledge the person who doing the computer work, investing money online
In all other professionals like Human resources, stock broking, law, hospitality, the companies and officials will acknowledge the person who is spending their time doing the work, making money, getting experience in the industry sector only the google controlled indian internet sector refuses to do so. So the sugar baby raw/cbi employees are focussing on their career, they are least interested in working online after the indian government ONLINE, FINANCIAL FRAUD is confirmed.

Other fraud housewife raw/cbi employees never had any online income at all, and are least interested, yet indian government shamelessly continues with its online fraud., DUPING countries, companies and people worldwide with its FAKE STORIES of domain ownership, online income
Only in the indian internet sector. led by google, companies and officials are SECTION 420 FRAUDS, LIARS, ROBBERS that they areROBBING data of a single woman engineer, domain investor and then making FAKE CLAIMS about fraud raw/cbi employees
The activities of other raw/cbi employees can be easily traced using their linkedin profiles.
when the liar, cheater, robber, school dropout housewives getting raw/cbi salaries are only COOKING. HOUSEKEEPING for their shameless fraud families, why does the indian government want to DUPE countries, companies and people with fake stories of computer work?

Government agencies making fake claims about teams, young scammers not doing computer work are openly involved in government SLAVERY

R&AW/cbi refuse to correct it fake team records rewarding young scammers, CHEATING,EXPLOITING,criminally defaming hardworking older single woman engineer
One of the best indications that government CORRUPTION levels in india are the highest in the world making life hell for citizens like the domain investor,is how for 9 years,R&AW/cbi refuse to correct it fake team records CHEATING,EXPLOITING,criminally defaming hardworking single woman engineer
There is no one helping the domain investor at all, especially after her retirement savings were stolen in 2012 , yet in a major government fraud and government slavery, raw/cbi are making up FAKE team STORIES to CRIMINALLY DEFAME,CHEAT, EXPLOIT the hardworking single woman engineer in the worst manner, deny her the income and opportunities she deserved with their 100% FAKE TEAM stories.
In one of the most sophisticated BRIBERY rackets of raw/cbi employees who are targetting hardworking indian paypal account holders, though the well paid government employees are aware that no one is helping the hardworking person in any way at all, they are falsely claiming that well connected lazy greedy frauds, usually young and good looking, are part of the team of the hardworking person
They then criminally defame the hardworking person actually doing the work in the worst manner, to deny the person the income and opportunities she deserved, and give government jobs to the fake team member who is young and goodlooking, making up 100% FAKE STORIES that the young scammer is doing the work using stolen data, obtained by hacking the computer of the hardworking person, usually from a poor and powerless community.
In reality the young scammer is only enjoying himself or studying or working elsewhere (not internet related ) yet the government agencies continue making up FAKE TEAM stories to get massive bribes from the lazy greedy young scammer, who is getting a monthly government salary without doing any computer work at all in one of the most shocking cases of government slavery which the mainstream media refuses to cover .
When the well connected young scammer is not interested in doing any kind of computer work, why is the state, indian government making up fake stories that the young scammer is doing the work, in a clear case of discrimination, ageism, government slavery

Dishonest LIAR indian tech, internet companies specialize in FAKE TEAM stories in government slavery racket on hardworking single women domain investors

In other worst cases of government slavery on indian paypal account holders since 2010 in the world, CORRUPT LIAR government agencies allegedly BRIBED by google, tata making up 100% FAKE TEAM STORIES to CHEAT, EXPLOIT, ROB hardworking harmless indian paypal account holders, and get monthly government salaries for google, tata sponsored lazy greedy goan call girls, cheater, robber housewives, scammer students, cheater stock broker amita patel, haryana fraud mba hr ruchika kinge and other frauds who do no computer work at all, do not invest money in domains
Showing that indian tech, internet companies and government agencies are far worse than the nigerian fraudsters in online fraud, they are falsely linking google, tata sponsored high status well connected frauds with the domain investor, when there is no connection at all, to get all the tata sponsored frauds government jobs, falsely claiming that the frauds are online experts, domain investors.
Google, tata, indian internet companies and government agencies are aware that the google, tata sponsored lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi employees are not on talking terms with the domain investor, in most cases, they HATE the domain investor, and have criminally defamed her in the worst manner, making up 100% fake malicious stories to ruin her reputation.
Yet only to CRIMINALLY DEFAME the single woman, deny her credit for the computer work she does, money she invests and risk she takes, they are falsely associating the various raw/cbi employees with her to reward the raw/cbi employees while denying the hardworking single woman the income and opportunities she deserved
After being duped by the fake rumors spread by the false raw/cbi employees since 2010, the domain investor is slowly realizing that all the ntro/raw/cbi employees hate her and will never contact her, but continue to make up FAKE TEAM stories so that they can continue the government SLAVERY racket

It is time that countries, companies, people are aware of the government slavery racket on indian paypal account holders, domain investors, falsely associating raw/cbi employees with the domain investor to criminally defame the private citizen, deny the person the income and opportunities she deserved since she alone is a skilled webmaster, domain investor, prolific writer while google, tata sponsored lazy greedy frauds get monthly government salaries for FAKING bank account.

NTRO, raw, cbi upset that government slavery in indian internet sector is exposed after computer work fraud of their employees is confirmed

Alleged bribed by google,tata, NTRO, raw, cbi are openly involved in government slavery in indian internet sector, falsely claiming that the well paid lazy greedy google, tata sponsored raw/cbi employees like greedy goan gsb housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, sindhi scammer school dropout naina chand, goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, bengaluru brahmin cheater nayanshree who do not spend any money on domains, webhosting own this and other domains, websites, to get all these frauds a monthly government salary at the expense of the real domain investor.
Due to the slavery the domain investor has no free time and less money, so she is forced to protest, telling the raw/cbi are paying monthly salaries to lazy greedy fraud housewives like greedy ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, sindhi scammer school dropout naina chand, goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, bengaluru brahmin cheater nayanshree, indore robber deepika, ruchika who are only providing cooking, cleaning services for their fraud families, do no computer work at all.
Yet in a clear case of cybercrime panaji robber riddhi nayak caro’s husband CHEATER CYBERCRIMINAL caro, working in goa’s scammer security agencies is ROBBING the data of a hardworking single woman engineer doing computer work and then falsely claiming that his extortionist wife riddhi rober, who is actually cooking, cleaning is doing the computer work
When the government blindly believes in the complete lies of panaji’s greedy goan gsb CYBERCRIMINAL CHEATER couple robber riddhi and caro to pay robber riddhi a monthly cbi salary for FAKING computer work it becomes a case of government SLAVERY since tata, google’s favorite FRAUD cbi employee ROBBER riddhi nayak caro is only providing COOKING, CLEANING services for her husband CROOKED CYBERCRIMINAL caro

International labor organization (ILO) should be aware that google is BRIBING the indian government to treat google competitors like slaves since 2010

Since 2010, google has bribed the indian government to commit horrific labor law violations on goa 1989 jee topper, a single woman engineer, treating her worse than a slave refusing to acknowledge the work she did, and also also criminally defaming her in the worst manner with fake stories without any kind of proof

In one of the biggest cases of modern slavery which the international labor organization should aware, IIT kharagpur alumni sundar pichai led google, tata, indian tech and internet companies have allegedly BRIBED the indian government to commit labor law violations on goa 1989 jee topper, a google competitor, treating her like a slave refusing to acknowledge the computer work she does, money she invests online, since 2010, and falsely claiming that the domains, computer work is done by google, tata sponsored lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi employees who are actually not doing any kind of computer work at all.

Google, tata, indian internet companies are openly involved in large scale CYBERCRIME, stealing all the data of the hardworking single woman, hacking her computer, using brainwave reading, stealing her correspondence, after criminally defaming her in the worst manner making FAKE ALLEGATIONS without any kind of proof,. The multiple complaints against domain fraudster R&AW employee amita patel on quora, google reviews, by sachin p, abhishek g, and others prove that all the allegations are 100% false, since the gujju, goan, sindhi scammers and are others who are actually cheated will use their real name,

It is an indication of widespread FINANCIAL FRAUD, labor law violations that the indian government refuses to check financial records, or even the daily time table of the 15 google, tata sponsored lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi employees faking computer work, domain ownership since 2010, yet wastes taxpayer money paying them monthly salaries.

ILO should investigate the labor law violations, government slavery of the indian internet sector and indian government since 2010

In one of the most shocking example of government slavery, allegedly bribed by google, tata, the indian government is openly involved in labor law violations on some indian citizens, especially single older women professionals doing computer work, refusing to acknowledge the work they do, and falsely giving lazy greedy young people, especially in panaji, credit, government salaries only for CYBERCRIME and making fake claims.
In a clear case of discrimination, the indian government is blindly believing in the complete lies of the lazy liar goodlooking young people,who do not do any computer work at all, rely on their fraud fathers, relatives to make fake claims.
The person writing is not a professional writer, the government is not allowing the engineer to get any paid work after criminally defaming her in the worst manner, so she is writing.

Fraud LIAR google, tata employees involved in labor law violations, BANKING FRAUD making FAKE CLAIMS about panaji pathological LIAR SCAMMER students led by perverted jio employee nikhil chand

After CHEATING, EXPLOITING goa 1989 jee topper, a hardworking single woman engineer to rewarding COOKING.CLEANING CHEATER housewives and other frauds like stock trader amita patel for 11 years, now fraud tata, google employees REWARDING panaji pathological LIAR SCAMMER students led by perverted jio employee nikhil chand who are involved in involved in labor law violations, BANKING FRAUD making FAKE CLAIMS about the panaji scammer students who are not doing any kind of computer work at all, are involved in CYBERCRIME, STEALING data to make fake claims

Usually if students cannot open a bank account, they will ask their parents to open the bank account, especially if they live with them., If the father is a business owner, he should have no problem opening another bank account for his children, if they are really doing all the work or have found someone willing to do the work.

Yet indicating how ruthless the indian internet sector, panaji society and goa government is in CHEATING, EXPLOITING a hardworking single woman engineer who has no one to help or defend her against greedy goa government employees, high status panaji fraudsters especially gujju, sindhi officials, community like nikhil sha, parmar, tushar parekh, the single woman is subjected to CYBERCRIME since 2010, all her data is systematically stolen by the greedy gujju, goan scammer sindhi officials,

Then the greedy gujju, scammer sindhi officials, goan fraudsters are falsely claiming that sindhi scammer brothers karan, jio employee nikhil chand, joshua who actually do not spend any time and money doing computer work, do not have the skills, are doing the computer work to get the SCAMMER students of panaji and other frauds like sunaina, siddhi, riddhi raw/cbi jobs .

The goa government is aware that the panaji scammer students are living with their biological parents, yet no one questions their complete fraud of falsely claiming ownership of the bank account of a single woman who is these scammer students and fraud families HATE, CRIMINALLY DEFAME

Rich and powerful communities like greedy goan, gujju, sindhi, brahmin, bania are ruthless in their labor law violations on professionals from poorer communities

One of most shocking realities of indian society for the last decade is how Rich and powerful communities like greedy goan, gujju, sindhi, brahmin, bania are ruthless in their labor law violations on professionals from poorer communities
The liar fraud cunning officials like pritesh chodankar from the rich and powerful communities like the gujju, goan bhandari community specialize in making up completely FAKE STORIES to criminally defame hardworking skilled honest professionals from poorer communities and repeat their lies like parrots to criminally defame the professional to ruin the persons reputation completely
Then these fraud officials falsely claim that someone from lazy greed fraud from their community owns the bank account, domains of the professional who they have criminally defamed to get the fraud a monthly government salary at the expense of the hardworking skilled professional. the problem is very severe in the indian internet sector, since top companies like google, tata lick the feet of fraud officials like pritesh chodankar who specialize in criminal defamation of hardworking skilled professionals
The greedy goan bhandari fraud officials pritesh chodankar is one of the greatest liars in the world, criminally defaming the hardworking goa 1989 jee topper, to get his lazy greedy fraud relatives like sunaina chodan, piyu, purvi, teji government jobs falsely claiming that these frauds who do not even have a computer at home, are doing writing work on computers, own the bank account of the goa 1989 jee topper.
In a similar manner, the panaji sindhi scammers school dropout naina chand, her fraud sons karan, nikhil do not even have a computer at home, are falsely claiming that they are doing the computer work, and the government blindly believes all their lies because they have criminally defamed the hardworking single woman doing the computer work in the worst manner.
The negative google reviews of google’s favorite domain fraudster gujju stock trader R&AW employee amita patel are proof of how gujju officials used 100% FAKE STORIES to criminally defame, cheat, rob and exploit the domain investor since 2010, since those complaining against powerful amita patel are using their own name, while the gujju fraud raw/ntro employees like parmar can provide the names of their fraud friends making fake allegations of cheating