Atheist Foundation of Australia

Our Aims


  • To encourage and to provide a means of expression for informed free-thought on philosophical and social issues.
  • To safeguard the rights of all non-religious people.
  • To serve as a focal point for the community of non-religious people.
  • To offer verifiable information in place of superstition and to promote logic and reason.
  • To promote atheism.
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Census No Religion Campaign

The next Australian Census will be held on Tuesday 10th August 2021 and we need it to accurately reflect what Australians truly believe. So, when you’re filling in the census and you come to the question on religion, this is your chance to think carefully and decide whether you still see yourself as religious.

If you don’t see yourself as religious anymore, this census, mark ‘No Religion’.

Do Not Divide Us Campaign

Everyone should be able to go about their lives free from discrimination.

But the Morrison Government is writing laws that would see people discriminate against their fellow Australians in ways that will affect all of us.

Australia is a great country and we need your help to stop these invasive laws and to keep Australia free from discrimination.

Join the campaign today

Do Not Divide Us

Latest News

Atheism is not a religion, mark “no religion”

As you know, the Australian Government is conducting a census of the population on the 10th August 2021. The census is an important snapshot of the country and informs government and businesses in their decision making. Census data is used to plan and deliver services...

Census21 No Religion Campaign Rejects Fake News and Fearmongering

The Census No Religion campaign is aware of a particularly hateful and misleading message circulating on social media, by email and SMS text message. The message suggests that non-religious people should incorrectly record that they are religious or face the...

Census No Religion Campaign

On the 10th of August, a census is being conducted to collect important data on the circumstances and attitudes of the Australian people. Your friends and family will be asked if they hold religious beliefs, and it’s an important chance for them to think carefully...

Religious Discrimination Bill is resurrected

In a recent webinar with Family Voice Australia, Kevin Andrews (Liberal Party Back Bencher) indicated that "compromise had been reached" regarding the proposed Religious Discrimination Bill, and that it would be introduced into the Parliament "shortly". Mr. Andrews...

Religious Freedom Bill Submission

Religious Discrimination Bill – Second Exposure Draft Date: 19 January 2020 Submission type: Non-Profit – Atheist Foundation Of Australia and Sydney Atheists Email: [email protected] Confidentiality: For Public Release The Atheist Foundation of...

Submission to the Australian Bureau of Statistics – Review of 2021 Census Topics

The question on religion in the Australian Census contains an element which is problematical in obtaining accurate figures. The problem is that it asks “What is the person’s religion?” This is a leading question and can elicit a religion of baptism when the person may...

Submission to the Queensland Law Reform Commission Review of Termination of Pregnancy Laws

February 2018 In line with the recommendations of groups such as the Queensland Branch of the Australian Medical Association (AMAQ), Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG), the Queensland Nurses Union, the Health...

Non-believers now Australia's largest religious group: Time to listen to what we want

What is the role of the godless in Australia’s current social and political climate? What level of influence should the the non-religious have in Australia’s version of secularism? The Atheist Foundation of Australia (AFA) is calling for a national discussion on these...

Religious Freedom Review Panel Submission

Religious Freedom Review, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet Parliament House, Canberra. Submission: Copies to all members of the Review Panel and PMC Secretariat: To whom it may concern, The Australian Law Reform Commission interim report 127 has previously...

Politicians cannot hide from fact any more regarding voluntary assisted dying

The Atheist Foundation of Australia (AFA) supports the two Voluntary Assisted Dying (VAD) Bills before state Parliaments in NSW and Victoria. This is an important demonstration of evidence-based medical opinion and indisputable patient need triumphing over...

Our Philosophy

The Atheist Foundation of Australia recognises the scientific method as the only rational means toward understanding reality. To question and critically examine all ideas, testing them in the light of experiment, leads to the discovery of facts.

As there seems to be no scientific evidence for supernatural phenomena, atheists reject belief in ‘God’, gods, and other supernatural beings. The universe, the world in which we live, and the evolution of life seem to be entirely natural occurrences.


No personality or mind can exist without the process of living matter to sustain it. We have only one life – here and now. All that remains after a person dies is the memory of their life and deeds in the minds of those who remain.

Atheists reject superstition and prejudice along with the irrational fears they cause. We recognise the complexity and interdependence of life on this planet. As rational and ethical beings we accept the challenge of making a creative and responsible contribution to life.

Hast thou reason? I have.
Why then dost not thou use it?
For if this does its own work,
what else dost thou wish?

Marcus Aurelius

If God has spoken, why is the world not convinced.

Percy Bysshe Shelley

Millions long for immortality who don’t know what to do on a rainy Sunday afternoon.

Susan Ertz

I cannot be angry at God, in whom I do not believe.

Simone de Beauvoir

It is usually when men are at their most religious that they behave with the least sense and the greatest cruelty.

Ilka Chase

To assert that the earth revolves around the sun is as erroneous as to claim that Jesus was not born of a virgin.

Cardinal Robert Bellarmine

The Bible and Church have been the greatest stumbling block in the way of women’s emancipation.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.

Galileo Galilei

The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one. The happiness of credulity is a cheap and dangerous quality.

George Bernard Shaw

Truth in matters of religion is simply the opinion that has survived.

Oscar Wilde


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Because everyone is a self proclaimed medical expert now... make them all sit a 1st year Nurses exam. And if they pass, they are still not even close to their opinion being respected. But they may respect those who can...

The psychological power of mythology is a characteristic feature of human behavior. Since man began to think, man has organized a power structure to take advantage of this. Millions of unfortunate victims today would likely be incapable of achieving a happy life without their mythological convictions.

this meme needs a fact check bro

And there’s plenty of atheists like myself who would prefer to wait till the clinical trials finish in 2023. Yay for science!!!

The current Pope is vocally pro vax.

Let people do what they want..

Let the Lord send down a pestilence to smite those who don't believe.

but... Francis has been saying that one should get vaccinated so... 🙄

I guess they can't be always wrong. 🤷

I'm 100% atheist and using same logic will not take this experiment pushed by same manipulative tactics as organized religion....

Well they do think that they are going to a better place lol

They Googled researched God and found evidence on the internet.

Rosie Ryan

Nick Judas


Rachael 😂

evidence suggests that its about as worth while getting as the flu shot. I'll wait a few years til they develope one that is actually a vaccince and not a bandaid

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Sad but true

As Gore Vidal once said " the pilgrams didnt go to America cos there were being oppressed. They went there to Oppress"

You're thinking of Muslims. Christians were persecuted for a few centuries. It was kinda their schtick for a while.

Look... we're supposed to be the logical ones right? So why are we conflating ancient Christians with modern ones? I'm also pretty sure that being outright prohibited from worship by the state is a breach of their rights. We're the first to say something about separation of church and state when the fundies want to force God into public schools, it's pretty hypocritical therefore to ban them from their own institutions where they worship privately among their own.

The question is why do Christians in Australia believe themsleves to be opprressed? They have to be the most privileged religious group in the country. Tax free status. Money poured into their coffers by the govenment to build insanely luxurious schools while the Public shools are lucky to get the crumbs. From our PM down they believe themsleves to be superior to the rest of us. And they want more power to infiltrate the lives of non Chriistians including the power to deny us the right to die, the right to sack teachers and expell students who don't fit with their narrow minded beliefs. I could go on .....

Swap Christians with people in power abusing religion and exploiting the uneducated to commit atrocities and I will agree with you.

*all religions

Looks like a cyclist pedalling into the West Bank

Not quite from the beginning. They suffered persecution for the first few centuries.

100%! Perfect analogy!

Spot on!😂

They always shriek about being oppressed. It's what they do. Addicted to a torture-porn fairytale.

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2021 Census completed, thanks to @timminchin for the wee reminder of choosing #NoReligion #Census21.

I'm trying to figure out why Margaret Court's church received half a mil in JobKeeper whilst public unis did not receive a cent. I have two degrees and a grad dip and still, this perplexes me.

2021 and this is still happening. A legal right to fire staff and expel students for their sexual orientation. Both major parties promised to change this three years ago. And the #ReligiousDiscriminationBill will make it worse.
#auspol #LGBTIQ

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Steph Lentz was sacked this year for being gay. It was perfectly legal

LGBTQ people who work at religious schools can be sacked for who they are, and they fear the federal religious ...