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Who we are

AAI is a global federation of atheist groups and individuals committed to educating its members and the public about atheism and critical thinking, and to supporting atheists around the world who are discriminated against and criminalized. AAI was granted UN Special Consultative status in 2013.

What we do

AAI supports atheist organizations world-wide by assisting them with local campaigns, secular education and coaching, and by encouraging interactions between groups. AAI also provides advice, community and support to individual atheists, especially those whose lives are threatened or diminished by theists. Watch our video ↠

Atheist Support Network

Do you have the freedom to believe or not believe in a religion? In many countries, nonbelievers do not have this freedom, and in thirteen countries, nonbelievers face arrest or a death sentence!
Atheist Alliance International has been working to help atheists and ex-Muslims for years but have ramped this up by developing the Atheist Support Network (ASN) in 2019.

Read more about this lives saving campaign ↠

Donate Now!

All funding to ASN goes directly to the atheist/ex-Muslim at risk.

We have a team of amazing volunteers – that’s right, they are not getting paid – who are equally passionate about assisting atheists/ex-Muslims at risk. Several have been refugees or asylum seekers and know first hand the hardships that the people we help are going through.

We cannot do this work without your generous financial contributions!
YOU can make a difference and help save lives!

All of us at ASN are immensely appreciative of your help and support.

Donate now to the ASN fundraiser

The ASN fundraiser

Atheist Support Network Rescue: Standing tall in the face of fear

AAI win: A persecuted #LGBT #atheist in a Muslim country relocated with the assistance of our Atheist Support Network and the generous support of donors like you…

Full story here ↠

Secular education in Greece

AAI is monitoring the situation and supports the information campaign for an exemption process that is quick and easy and for the implementation of alternative lessons of equal value for those who choose to opt-out.

Read more here

Letter from an Afghan atheist

An atheist activist from Afghanistan wrote this letter to us. He wants the world to know his plight. For security reasons, his name and other personal details were marked with xxx.

Read it here ↠

UNHRC passed resolution condemning witchcraft and harmful religious practices – Contribution by our affiliate MANS.

After six years of tireless efforts by the Maharashtra Andhshraddha Nirmulan Samiti (MANS), Witchcraft and Human Rights Information Network (WHRIN) and many NGO’s, universities, subject matter experts, the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) has unanimously approved the resolution ‘condemning witchcraft and harmful religious practices’ at its 47th session on July 21

Read more here

Atheists in Lebanon: Human Rights Violation Report

Our affiliate, Freethought Lebanon, recently published a study called: “Atheists in Lebanon: Human Rights Violations”. It is the first study of its kind on the various aspects of discrimination against atheists, agnostics, and freethinkers in Lebanon.

The findings of this study are presented in four sections.

Full Story here ↠

Greek Court Recognises Atheism as Ground for Asylum

A very important judgement by a Greek Court!  In a first final judgement of the Greek judiciary, and we believe, one of the first in the world, atheism got recognised as ground for the vulnerability of a citizen of a fundamentalist religious state.
It can now be argued, in Europe at least, that atheists are at special risk in some Islamic countries and, consequently, need to be protected

Full story here

Humanist Leader Illegally Detained in Northern Nigeria

Mubarak Bala, the President of The Humanist Association of Nigeria was arrested on April 28 and taken to Kano State in the custody of the Kano Police Command. Since then, Mubarak has not been charged, he has not appeared in court, he has not been permitted to see, or speak with, his family or his lawyers. Police refuse to disclose his whereabouts to his lawyers or even to provide proof of life. Mubarak has disappeared and Kano police are responsible.

Every Story Here:

Free Mubarak Bala! ↠
14-Day Update ↠
Mubarak—45 Days in Custody ↠
Happy Birthday, My Brother, Mubarak Bala! ↠
Mrs. A Mubarak Speaks [text] ↠
Mrs. A Mubarak’s Video 
Putting Mubarak’s Accuser To The Test ↠
Kano Police Chief Rips up Court Order ↠
After 100 days, Mubarak’s wife petitions the Nigerian Senate ↠
Best News in 24 Weeks ↠
Nigerian Court Fails to Deliver Fundamental Rights Judgment ↠ 
Court Orders Mubarak Bala to be freed ↠
Illegally detained for one year

AAI-supported campaign for secular education in Greece

An interesting development regarding an AAI supported campaign for secular education in Greece.

The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) addresses the Greek Government as well as the Atheist Union of Greece (one of our affiliates) with the question:

“Does the applicant’s inability to prevent the alleged ‘contemptuous and sectarian’ presentation of atheism in the religious course for the school year 2017-2018 violate the right to freedom of conscience of its members, which is enshrined in Article 9 in conjunction with Article 14 of the Convention?”

Full story here

Photo credit: Adrian Crycuk https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:European_Court_of_Human_Rights,_courtroom,_2014_(cropped).JPG

Umar Farouk is FREE!

Today, prison guards escorted Umar Farouk to a Kano court where he was handed over to our lawyers. Sixteen-year-old Umar had been found guilty of blasphemy in a Kano magistrates court on August 10 and was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment with menial labor.

Full Story here ↠

AAI Internet Café—Democratic Republic of the Congo

Atheist Alliance International has funded and supported the creation of an AAI Internet Café in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

Accessing the internet in the DRC is a big challenge. Many people are forced to travel long distances for internet services that are scarce and far too expensive for most people to afford.

Full Story here

ASN Officers awaiting the judgment
ASN Officers awaiting the judgment

Atheists Appeal Judgement in Nigeria

Our affiliate, the Atheist Society of Nigeria (ASN) has lodged an appeal against the decision of the High Court at Akwa Ibom to dismiss its claim that the government of Akwa Ibom state’s funding and promotion of a huge Christian worship centre in the city of Uyo was unconstitutional and illegal.

The ASN Board has resolved to fight the case all the way to the Supreme Court of Nigeria if it turns out to be necessary. ASN believes that the constitution of the Federation requires separation of church and state, a principle that is widely abused in Nigeria.

More details here ↠

Also see:
The back story ↠
Summons served ↠ 
Defense filed ↠
The decision PART I ↠
The decision PART II ↠


Fighting for Atheist Rights

People should be as free to be atheists as they are to be conservative or liberal; Christians or Muslims. The truth is, in many parts of the world, atheists are not free. Too often atheists are persecuted and discriminated against by civil authorities.

In some countries, particularly Islamic countries, atheists are criminalized and live in fear of fear of loss of rights, imprisonment, public lashing or execution by the state.

AAI is campaigning for the Right to be Secular. We need to clarify Human Rights declarations and treaties to explicitly confer upon atheists the same rights as are enjoyed by the religious.

Read more about this exciting and important campaign ↠

Know someone who loves books?

Books are a wonderful present that can last a lifetime. We have curated a treasure trove of books on all aspects of atheism, and other topics too—including a selection of books suitable for kids.

Many of these books will be especially valuable for people who are doubting their religion and for people who have recently discarded their religion and want to learn more.

See the full selection here

AAI Blog

No deberás: Cómo la religión distorsiona la libertad / Thou shalt not: How religion distorts freedom

En 1974, cuando nací, poco más del 2% de los mexicanos declaraba no ser católico o no tener religión. En Aguascalientes, la ciudad en que nací, menos del 1% de la población lo hacía1 (el total de habi...

Atheist Support Network Story: Standing tall in the face of fear

Ezzat is an Egyptian-born artist. She uses her art for activism (images on this page are her own art). In a normal society, this is something we would appreciate, but in many societies, this could mea...