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Spoz Watch
Tue, 6th Apr, 2010 16:30

Usually if i go see a band in Adelaide there's a guy up the front taking photos and videos. Usually that guy is Spoz or some guy called 'Colin'.  To document this phenomenon, here is the first edition of 'Spoz Watch':

Photo of Spoz at Seabellies 1

Photo of Spoz at Seabellies 2

Spoz's Rant

1 Comment

Tue, 18th Mar, 2008 0:00

Posts from Adelaide Blogs (and one non Adelaide blog) and a forum

Mojo Hannah has some photos of the Northern Lights here as well as mention of the cost it will take to run for a further 2 weeks
Tracy combines old and new memories of Adelaide here while writing about Junk Theory

Ben mentions here why a someone wearing a Dietrich Bonhoeffer t-shirt in the Central Market is funny

The Vanilla Slice blog gives the prize winning Orange Spot Bakery vanilla slice 12.5/20 here

Pavlov's Cat remembers what it was like without electricity here

Sensational Adelaide has a thread here on how to get Krispy Kreme donuts in Adelaide


Tidal Wave
Sun, 16th Mar, 2008 0:00

I went to see 'Lovers and Haters: The Turbulent Times of Don Dunstan'.  Part of the play covered Johh Nash (not the Russell Crowe - John Nash), the clairvoyant who predicted Adelaide would be hit by a tidal wave midday, January 19, 1976 - causing some people to sell their houses and move inland and Adelaide to be mentioned in some places where an example of modern day collective delusion is needed.

The State Library has a clipping of a 1976 Advertiser article about the event here

Rex Jory recounts the story of the tidal wave here


Wed, 12th Mar, 2008 0:00

Some posts from Adelaide blogs:

Nathan has a post here about being vox popped by the Advertiser

Chris has a post here about the similarities between the Adelaide Film Festival and Durban Film Festival Posters

Drew has a post here containing toilet humour

Adel Flash Mob has a post here about the first Adelaide Flash Mob


New Quiz!
Sun, 25th Mar, 2007 20:00

Over the years I've heard some people brag about their knowledge of Adelaide. This is a quiz for them. Well, mostly for the males amongst them.

Adelaide Male Toilet Quiz

I'd like to make a female version for the sake of completeness (plus I've heard from some fairly reliable sources that all female toilets have soothing music, couches and are covered in rose petals), but it's unlikely to happen.


Sun, 25th Mar, 2007 0:00

I've got a lot of code that I've written for this website, but not put in place. As a result, this site has become a bit of a wasteland.  However, I have finally gotten around to putting a link to the results of one piece of code which tracks Adelaide YouTube users videos.

some of the videos are:

Stop motion in Rundle Mall here

Jubeisaotome rants about the use of the word random here

An animated music video for Bird Lantern here

A documentary on open mic night at the Grace Emily here

David M. Green interviews Jack Nicholson here

An old advertisement for Miss JM here

A video of Kaleth the Adelaide Gothic here

A video of the Alphabet here


Wed, 14th Feb, 2007 14:00

Some posts from Adelaide blogs:

Audrey has a post here about the Miss (+ Mr) Adventure section in Thursday's Advertiser

RK has a post here about Valentine's day

Danny has a post here about appearing on A Current Affair in relation to a post on his blog about his New Year's Eve

Pavlov's Cat has a post here about the Central Market

leblogmac has a post here about the differences between the Eastern and the Standard Messenger

Samela has a post here on the differences between Australian states

Ianto has a post here about the launch of the Fringe Zine Resource Room

Colin has a post here about the return of Humphrey Bear


Tue, 5th Dec, 2006 12:30

Some posts from Adelaide Blogs:

The Grumpy Poet has a post here about the underground poetry scene in Adelaide

Raoul Duke has a humorous compendium here of Adelaide hair salons

Mark has added some new photos here to the Adelaide 'Alleyways and Side Streets' Project

redcap has a review here of Scoozi's Pizza

Stewart has a post here about ETSA's trial of direct load control


Mon, 13th Nov, 2006 14:00

Some posts from Adelaide blogs:

solivagant7 has a photo here of lightning from the storm on Saturday night

redcap has a post here about Remembrance day and diggers she has met

Saathiya has a post here about flirting

Ms Smack has a post here about finding her g-spot

Spoz has a summary of his weekend here


Wed, 1st Nov, 2006 0:00

Lines and Lines have a filmclip here featuring a trip from the Adelaide Hills to Henley Beach in 1.5 minutes

Mia Handshin has a post here on how to create change in Adelaide (with comments on whether Adelaide is interesting or not)

The MySpace forums have a thread here on the best hairdresser in Adelaide

L has a post here containing reviews of her father's music

RK has a post here on Taj Tandoor being better than Beyond India and questions why there are no good Sri Lankan restaurants in Adelaide