VVAW: Vietnam Veterans Against the War
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Some Photos from the 1990s

It all started in 1967, with six Vietnam veterans marching together in a peace demonstration. Now, fifty-four years later, VVAW is still going strong-- continuing its fight for peace, justice, and the rights of all veterans.

Explore these pages; see what we've done, what we do, and why we do it. The struggle continues, perhaps these days more than ever. VVAW has never stopped working to protect the welfare of those who served their country.

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march Latest Commentary: From the National Office 1971 was a year of great crisis in the US. 1971 was also a year of intense struggle, and growth, for VVAW. 2021 is the 50th anniversary of many of VVAW's iconic actions—national, regional, and local: the Playboy ad, the Winter Soldier Inv...

Taken from "We Have To Be Winter Soldiers" by Bill Branson Read More

View the 1971 50th Anniversary Pages and Guestbook

Excerpt From  THE VETERAN:  Now Online

Taken from 50 Years Ago by John Lindquist:

As I sit at the kitchen table and think back 50 years to the time period of April-December 1971, I'm flooded with memories and pride. Dewey Canyon III (DC III), April 19-23, 1971, Operation Heart of America, Kansas City, MO July 4th weekend and Operation Peace on Earth, Christmas Time 1971, flood my brain, or what is left of it. In April 1971, I was released from jail in LA and could not wait to leave for Milwaukee. Ann Bailey and I rode back with another couple to Milwaukee and, luck for us, to a VVAW fundraiser at UWM. The Milwaukee Chapter was leaving the next day for DC, in a convoy of three or four cars. Buzz Noyes (RIP) and I had not seen one another since July 1970. We were in the same company in Vietnam in the USMC. It was a great reunion. I will not rehash all the events, but will recall some memories. The car convoy was long and luckily uneventful. On our first action, a march from Potomac Park to Arlington Cemetery, we had such high hopes.... Read More


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