Armazém do Campo: 5 years of the largest network of People’s Agrarian Reform products in Brazil

The network consolidates the brand of flavors and achievements in the struggle of the MST and healthy eating, with organic products and fair prices

Between the months of July and August of this year, the MST celebrates the five-year anniversary of the Armazéns do Campo (Country Stores) chain, which opened its first store in the city of São Paulo. And today it has 34 points of sale spread across 13 Brazilian states, with services via physical stores, deliveries and orders for products from People’s Agrarian Reform.

Over these first years, the network has been consolidating itself as the largest network of Agrarian Reform products in Brazil. It has become a reference for those looking for real food and organic products at a fair price, both in São Paulo and in other states of the country. In addition to becoming a meeting point between countryside and city, where the idea that eating is also a political and cultural act is nurtured.

On the website, launched this commemorative month, it is possible to order agro-ecological baskets, and find the closest point of sale for those who want to support the MST’s struggle, consuming healthy food, free from exploitation and poison. The expectation is that in the next two to three years another 30 Armazéns do Campo will open their doors in several cities in the country, in the interior and in the capitals.

Read the full story of the Armazém do Campo.