How two Aussies found financial freedom by moving

Linda Moon|Jun 24, 2021
Making a tree change or a sea change has become massively popular lately, with more people finding they no longer need to be tied to their office or spend hours commuting every day.
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How two Aussies found financial freedom by moving

How to decide if relocating is the right move

Susannah Hardy|Jun 18, 2021
Whether you’re relocating to a relaxed location with lower house prices or upsizing in the suburb you know and love, there’s a lot to consider before making the move.
How to decide if relocating is the right move
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Simple home updates that could improve your sale price

Melissa Gerke|Apr 1, 2021
You don’t need a full-blown kitchen renovation to catch the eye of a home-buyer. Cleanliness, curb appeal and quality finishes can all check the boxes of a successful sale.
Simple home updates that could improve your sale price

How to quickly upsize before the market really booms

Daniel Butkovich|Mar 8, 2021
Surging auction clearance rates, record median house prices and strong competition between buyers means upsizing home owners can't leave anything to the last minute.
How to quickly upsize before the market really booms

How much does it cost to sell a house?

Daniel Butkovich|Nov 20, 2020
Successfully selling a home requires smart investment in the right areas, and the major costs include pre-sale preparation, marketing and legal costs, and the agent’s commission.
How much does it cost to sell a house?

Why Lynn's 185-year-old home needed the right buyer

Kate Farrelly|Sep 2, 2020
Although it's one of the prettiest houses on one of the neighbourhood's finest streets, the impressive property only had a small pool of buyers.
Why Lynn's 185-year-old home needed the right buyer

How to choose a real estate agent

Daniel Butkovich|Aug 29, 2020
Buyers are motivated but also well informed on the market, so do not leave selecting the best equipped agent for you and your property to the last minute.
How to choose a real estate agent

How a knock at the door let Maree know it was time to sell

Kate Farrelly|Aug 26, 2020
Loose plans to sell up and downsize were accelerated thanks to a recent sale, eager buyers and a proactive agent.
How a knock at the door let Maree know it was time to sell

Who inherits the home in a blended family?

Linda Moon|Aug 24, 2020
Almost one in two Aussie mortgagors don't have a will, according to new research, but it doesn't have to be all awkward conversations and disgruntled family members – managing expectations is key.
Who inherits the home in a blended family?

How Michele timed the market to future-proof her finances

Kate Farrelly|Aug 17, 2020
Although she was reluctant to sell her beloved art deco apartment, Michele Mossop's strategy was to take advantage of the lack of stock on the market.
How Michele timed the market to future-proof her finances
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