Here's what the ATO is cracking down on this financial year

Daniel Butkovich|Jun 20, 2019
The taxman is targeting property investors, with dodgy deductions under the microscope. This is what the ATO is looking for and how to avoid getting stung.
Here's what the ATO is cracking down on this financial year

The ratio affecting price growth that most investors ignore

David Johnston|Jun 13, 2019
This figure can affect how quickly a property will rise in value, yet it's commonly overlooked. Here's how to work it out and use it to your advantage.
The ratio affecting price growth that most investors ignore

How to invest in property without affecting your lifestyle

Kate Farrelly|Jun 7, 2019
There are ways to minimise investing expenses so you can still indulge in dinners out, a gym membership and even the occasional holiday abroad.
How to invest in property without affecting your lifestyle

How to rent out your home for extra cash without using Airbnb

Lee Dashiell|May 27, 2019
There's a way home owners can earn income on the side by renting out their homes, and it doesn't involve a stranger sleeping in your bed.
How to rent out your home for extra cash without using Airbnb

Why population growth doesn’t always mean price growth

David Johnston|May 18, 2019
Population growth is one of the key signs to look for when choosing an investment location, but more people doesn't always translate to higher prices.
Why population growth doesn’t always mean price growth

How to increase your rental return by 30 per cent without renovating

Daniel Butkovich|May 7, 2019
New data has highlighted a simple strategy investors can use to boost profits, and it's a win for both tenants and landlords.
How to increase your rental return by 30 per cent without renovating

How to tenant-proof your home when moving abroad

Elle Vidovich|Apr 29, 2019
Mention living abroad and most people will say they wish they could be as carefree as you. But the reality of living overseas and renting out your home can be far less idyllic than it may seem.
How to tenant-proof your home when moving abroad

Looking to invest? Here's how you can minimise downturn risks

Daniel Butkovich|Mar 27, 2019
Having all your eggs in one basket might seem smart when values are is increasing, but it's a risky strategy during a downturn.
Looking to invest? Here's how you can minimise downturn risks

Is a studio apartment a good or bad investment?

Kate Farrelly|Mar 27, 2019
A little as $200,000 will buy you a compact property in a prime location in one of Australia's capitals. But as an investment, does it stack up?
Is a studio apartment a good or bad investment?

Five common mistakes made by first-time developers

Trent Fleskens|Mar 5, 2019
Subdividing and developing a property can be a tricky process for a first-timer, and even small mistakes can be costly.
Five common mistakes made by first-time developers
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