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How technology is changing the way investors build a property portfolio

Kate Farrelly|Aug 31, 2021
From online auction platforms to mobile apps for trading property stocks, here are some of the tools you may want in your kit.
How technology is changing the way investors build a property portfolio

14 ways to slash your energy costs while staying home

Sue Williams|Aug 26, 2021
Energy costs have soared as millions of Australians spend more time at home, but there are smart and simple ways to save power and money.
14 ways to slash your energy costs while staying home

RBA keeps cash rate steady as lockdowns hinder recovery

Sue Williams|Aug 3, 2021
With millions of Australians under lockdown and the economic recovery faltering, an earlier than expected rise to interest rates is looking unlikely.
RBA keeps cash rate steady as lockdowns hinder recovery

Five common yet confusing property finance terms explained

Daniel Butkovich|Jul 13, 2021
Property finance is riddled with terminology and jargon that can confuse even experienced buyers and sellers, but arming yourself with knowledge before making a move improves your chances of success.
Five common yet confusing property finance terms explained

RBA holds rates but begins winding back emergency stimulus

Sue Williams|Jul 6, 2021
The Reserve Bank of Australia has left the official interest rate on hold, but flagged key changes to its bond buying program as the economy continues to rebound.
RBA holds rates but begins winding back emergency stimulus

Is relocating the ticket to home ownership?

Lisa Calautti|Jun 30, 2021
With house price growth across the nation’s capital cities continuing to rise, many home buyers are choosing to escape the city in a bid to increase their purchasing power and gain more bang for their buck.
Is relocating the ticket to home ownership?

Official interest rate on hold as economic recovery continues

Sue Williams|Jun 1, 2021
The Reserve Bank has kept the cash rate at a record low of 0.1 per cent, with inflation remaining below targets despite short-term spikes.
Official interest rate on hold as economic recovery continues

'A nation of upgraders and improvers': The Australian renovation frenzy

Sue Williams|May 28, 2021
Australian's are spending record amounts on renovations according to the Housing Industry Association. COVID-19 travel bans coupled with generous government stimulus are undoubtedly fuelling the frenzy.
'A nation of upgraders and improvers': The Australian renovation frenzy

RBA holds cash rate at 0.1 per cent as inflation inches up

Sue Williams|May 4, 2021
The official interest rate remains on hold despite inflation speculation dominating global markets, but some big banks have already started increasing rates for fixed loans.
RBA holds cash rate at 0.1 per cent as inflation inches up

Money tricks to turbocharge your savings and boost your buying power

Daniel Butkovich|Apr 28, 2021
With buyers bidding with more money than ever, having extra cash to spend could mean the difference between securing your dream property or missing out.
Money tricks to turbocharge your savings and boost your buying power
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