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After a long struggle, San Diego Indymedia is back on the web and coming at you with ~monthly media-themed events. In a media environment dominated by corporate, commercial, anti-community monsters like f***book and utube, we are working on figuring out what our role should be and hope to post some thoughts on that in the coming months. The web site appears stable for now, but there might be a few hiccups in the coming weeks. Thank you for your patience.

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Kanahus Manuel discusses the case of Chickasaw Political Prisoner Orlando Watley.

Latest Story

sdindymedia | 12/30/16 02:08am

PLEASE join United Against Police Terror - San Diego and The Movement Productions San Diego as we remember the following 23 San Diego Stolen Lives of 2016, reminding us for the new year, we must fight for EVERY life taken at the hands of every branch of Law Enforcement. This will be a vigil/visuals, candles and drawings encouraged. --Read More--

Saturday, December 31 500-800pm
City Heights/Weingart Library and Performance Annex
3795 Fairmount Ave
San Diego, California 92105

San Diego Stolen Lives List || Lives Brutalized by Law Enforcement List (Non-Fatal) || Known Killer Cops in San Diego || United Against Police Terror San Diego


sdindymedia volunteer | 12/05/16 04:38pm

There are at least three reasons why organizing using social media is a bad idea:
(1) It robs us of the face-to-face relationship building that is necessary to develop the trust required to do anything that could challenge the state. f***book events are either toothless or a security risk.
(2) Governments and corporations have finely tuned their ability to use social media for surveillance. The recent revelations that social media platforms were giving Geofeedia, a firm used by pigs, preferential access and that only tw***er committed to not helping the government to build a Muslim registry are only two of numerous examples of how social media are our enemies.
(3) Relying and becoming dependent on corporate social media prevents us from working towards Autonomy. The decline of Indymedia, which corporate social media co-opted and fed off of, is one example of the losses our movements are suffering by organizing through social media.

sdindymedia | 09/06/16 10:53pm

The Dakota Access Pipeline is being built to carry 500,000 barrels of crude oil per day from the heavily fracked Bakken oil field in North Dakota to Illinois and from there along existing lines to Texas. The construction of the pipeline is destroying and desecrating numerous indigenous burial and sacred sites, and threatens the water and environment of lands it is invading. The Standing Rock Tribe, along with many other Tribes and accomplices is saying NO to the pipeline and calling for construction to stop.

Local Kumeyaay and urban Natives are organizing a Rally in solidarity with Standing Rock on Friday, September 9, 930am-300pm at the San Diego Federal Court House. A meeting to organize San Diego's response to the pipeline and to plan for the rally is scheduled for Wednesday, September 7, 500-800pm at Sixth and Laurel in Balboa Park. The organizers are asking folx to participate in the planning on Wednesday and come out to support at the rally on Friday.

NO Dakota Access PipeLine Organizing Meeting
Wednesday, September 7, 5pm to 8pm
Balboa Park
Corner of 6th Street and Laurel

NO Dakota Access PipeLine Rally
Friday, September 9, 9:30am - 3pm
San Diego Federal Court House
333 W Broadway, San Diego, CA 92101

Background: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

anonymous | 08/04/16 05:34pm

On the weekend of February 13 and 14 of 2016, nineteen presentations were shared focusing on the border region of Southern California and Baja California. A purpose of the semillero organized by Sexta Tijuana and San Diego was to better know and understand our region to organize ourselves against Colonialism that uses Neoliberalism to try and save Capitalism from destroying itself. Each day consisted of 3 two-hour blocks of presentations. After each block, there was a 30-minute question and answer segment.

We share with community the presentations of those that wanted to share their word. We share 16 videos along with a translated summary for each presentation. --Read More--

Videos: Angélica Medina || Manuel García Vega “Bule” || Daniela Fernandez || El Flipper || Colectivo Grieta || Jaime Cota Aguilar || José Manuel Valenzuela Arce || Juan Carlos Cota || Mujeres en Resistencia || Nicolette Ibarra || Partido Comunista de Mexicali || Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM) - SD || queer-j brad || Rogelio Ruiz || Waldo López || Yhaira Gonzalez

anonymous | 06/29/16 05:37pm

We call on anyone who practices art to contribute rebellious art, resistant against capitalism, to CompArte San Diego during the week of July 10-16, 2016. Capitalism uses exploitation, displacement, repression, and disdain to attack us. CompArte San Diego is the local version, here on Kumiai land, of the Zapatista Festival and Sharing Exchange ‘CompArte for Humanity.' The location for CompArte San Diego is the streets of our barrios, classrooms, gathering places, anywhere we claim as our communities.

To participate in CompArte San Diego: However/wherever you or your group or collective practice rebellious art between the week of July 10-16, document the art and upload the images, audio and/or video to --Read More--

Update from the EZLN: But we Zapatistas think that supporting the teachers is so important that we have decided…
First: To suspend our participation in the CompArte festival, in the caracol of Oventik as well as in CIDECI in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, which will be held July 17-30, 2016.
Second: To donate all of the money and food we have saved for our transportation to and from Oventik and CIDECI and for provisions while we are there to the teachers in resistance. Read More

Update: Compilation Video

Zapatista Convocation for 2016 Activities

anonymous | 06/20/16 10:09pm

On Wednesday, June 15, 2016, in early morning hours several activists and organizers protested in front of the Mexican Consulate office in San Diego to demand an end to the violent repression and attacks against the National Coordinator of Education Workers (CNTE) and their supporters by the government of Mexico. The CNTE teachers, along with community, are denouncing the education reform implemented by Mexican President Peña Nieto, supported by all of Mexico’s political parties. This reform attempts to privatize public education and exploit labor, among more horrendous effects on the people of Mexico.

At this protest organized by Raices Sin Fronteras, there was an introduction by one of the organizers, leaflets handed to patrons, and rebellious music blasted from the PA system. Also, beautiful rebellious and resistant art hand drawn with chalk in front of the consulate office. --Read More (with fotos)--

More Features

sdindymedia volunteers | 03/09/16 02:55pm

“From Big Mountain to Palestine, relocation is genocide!” sings Klee Benally, Diné activist, filmmaker and former member of the indigenous punk band Blackfire, in his song 'An Act of Liberation.'

Benally refers to two of numerous politically and economically motivated displacements of people in recent memory. For one, the Nabka, 700,000 Palestinians were forced to leave their villages in 1948 to make way for the creation of the state of Israel.

The other was the topic of a screening and discussion of the 1985 documentary film Broken Rainbow, hosted by the San Diego Independent Media Center at the Metate Infoshop on January 29, as part of Enero Zapatista. The film details the historical context, events leading up to, and human and environmental impact of the forced relocation of 14,000 Diné people from the Black Mesa area, beginning in 1974, to permit expansion of the operations of Peabody Coal. --Read More--

Event Announcement

sdindymedia volunteer | 03/03/16 11:52pm

Early this morning, March 3, 2016, armed individuals forcibly entered and assassinated Honduran activist Berta Cáceres, founder of COPINH, in her home in La Esperanza, department of Intibucá in southwestern Honduras.

Our friend and colleague Gustavo Castro Soto was injured during the attack. Gustavo is Mexican and a member of the organization Otros Mundos Chiapas/Friends of the Earth-Mexico, the Mexican Network of Mining-Affected Peoples and the Mesoamerican Movement against the Extractive Mining Model (M4). Gustavo survived the attack and has become a key actor in the investigation into the murder of our friend Berta.

In the context of the terrible assassination of the much loved Berta Cáceres, we call on the government of Honduras to pay immediate attention, to intervene, and to follow up on this devastating moment for the Honduran people. We also call for all legal and political measures possible to guarantee the immediate protection of our friend and colleague Gustavo Castro so that, once he has given his testimony to the Honduran state, he can safely return to Mexico. --Read More (english)-- | --Read More (español)--

Sign the Petition (english) || Sign the Petition (español) || Interviews with Berta Cáceres || Interview with Gustavo Castro

san diego indymedia volunteer | 02/28/16 07:24pm

PM Press author and legal/media activist Kris Hermes spoke at Groundwork Books Friday evening about the ways that activists can use the legal system to push back against state repression. Drawing on his experience organizing with ACT UP and against the 2000 Republican National Convention in Philadelphia, Kris described collective strategies that dissidents planning an action or caught up in the legal system could implement to avoid or reduce charges, including jail solidarity such as withholding identity, clogging up the court system by demanding a jury trial and refusing to plead out, and developing a coordinated media strategy that paints a sympathetic picture of activists and their cause for the general public. --Read More--

Event Announcement

sd indymedia volunteers | 12/22/15 04:59pm

Orlando Watley, a Chickasaw Native from Corcoran, California, is a political prisoner with a life sentence at Calipatria State Prison in the Imperial Valley. He was charged and acquitted for one crime, a double armed robbery and double attempted murder, and then Riverside County tried to pin another crime on him, a triple homicide, because they were trying to clear unsolved cases by targeting Native Youth and People of Color. Despite being 100% innocent, Orlando was convicted based on falsified testimony and DNA evidence, and has been in prison for twenty-two years for crimes he didn't commit.

On November 11, 2015 in Los Angeles, San Diego Independent Media Center interviewed Kanahus Manuel from the Orlando Watley Innocence Project, which is working to reverse Orlando's conviction and secure his release. Kanahus, a Secwepemc womyn warrior based in so-called British Colombia, described Orlando's case, Orlando's life as an Indigenous political prisoner, Orlando's reunion with his Mother after eighteen years, the connection of Orlando's situation to colonial repression of Native peoples on stolen lands, and the ongoing struggle for justice and freedom for Orlando Watley.

Summary Interview of Kanahus Manuel (Video: 16 minutes) || Full Interview (Video: 32 minutes) || Selected Quotes from the Interview (with Photos) || Article: Secwepemc Activist Fights for the Freedom of Chickasaw Political Prisoner Orlando Watley

For more information, go to
To contact the Orlando Watley Innocence Project, write to: orlandowatleyinnocenceproject At
Donate via paypal to
orlandowatleyinnocenceproject At

anonymous | 12/11/15 11:32am

El sábado 24 de octubre, en Tijuana, B.C., a las 17:00 horas, en el Campus Etzétera, con la asistencia de poco mas de 60 personas, Presentan el libro El Pensamiento Critico Frente a la Hidra Capitalista: María de los Ángeles Eraña Lagos, Sergio Rodríguez Lascano, Carmen Valdez Pérez, adherente a la Sexta y Miriam García Aguirre, maestra de la Ibero, perteneciente al grupo Dialogantes y simpatizante de La Sexta. El libro nos invita a aprender a ver, a leer, a tocar, a sentir. Aprender a observar el momento, aprender a observar el cambio. --Leer más--

Video: Parte Uno | Parte Dos | Parte Tres | Parte Quatro | Parte Cinco || El Evento in San Diego || Las Partes del Libro en Español más Traducciones Inglés