
Showing posts with the label Tollai

Suette Yu'

Suette Yu’ Tumotohge gi me’nan i fanhalum’an i ante-ku Mames i linamlamlam i magagu-ña I pekkåt-ña siha muna’fakmåta yu’ Ya i gaige-ña muna’figan gi sanhalom-hu Un ti chaguayan na guafi Anai humålom gui’ Ya ha faloffåni yu’ Malingu i tano’ gi papa’-hu Sa’ ha guaiya yu’ Achokka’ ti må’gas yan matua yu’ Tåya’ lulok oru na potseras para i kannai-ña Ya i dibi-hu taihinekkok Ha atanñaihon yu’ gi hinanao-ña Ya ha chatgeñaihon yu’ Ya hu li’e’ i semnak uma’atok gi chinalek-ña

Identities Lost

It is intriguing when we see epochs of time shift and change and replace each other. These are like grand markers in time, like huge arches that delineate when everything was one way and when it all changed and became something else. On Guam we have antes di gera and despues di gera which draws a clear line of memory between what existed prior to World War II and after. World War II survivors will tell you the smells in the air, the sounds of the island were different in 1940 as they were in 1945. Most people in the United States and elsewhere in the world mark recent memory with "9/11" as if to say that things were fundamentally different before September 11th, 2001 than they were afterwards. All of this is a fiction of course, but there is still a way that communities tend to lay out the stretches of time behind them in certain blocks, to make them easier to manage, but propping up these important moments as providing the keys to understand all those temporal tectonic shi