
Showing posts with the label Kamehameha

Does Guam Need a Haunani-Kay Trask?

In my post last month Yobimizu , I wrote some of my thoughts about the Chamorro decolonization movement and progressive movement in general on Guam, and how the paralysis sometimes stems from the need to wait for the right leader to come along and bring sense to un gof kaduku na tano'. During the course of the past week, a statement related to that conversation came up. It was one I'd heard before in the precise form in which it was stated, but also the general sort of form that it carries is something we all hear in some way or another. The statement was basically a wish that Chamorros or Guam movements have their own "Haunani-Kay Trask." As I said, I've heard this diniseha uttered before amongst Chamorros, so it wasn't new, but hearing it this time made me reflect a bit more on what I was hearing. For those who don't know, Haunani-Kay Trask is a long time academic and activist in the Hawaiian sovereignty movement. She is one of the most well-known vo

DNC Day 3 - Kelly Hu

After seeing a parade of Asian American celebrities and political figures, I was glad to finally see someone of Pacific Islander descent. Actress and model Kelly Hu stopped by at the Asian American Pacific Islander Caucus meeting this morning. Although Kelly is most well known for her roles in the films X-2 and The Scorpion King, and tv shows such as Nash Bridges and Martial Law, I know her best and most fondly for her support for the Kamehameha school in Hawai'i. In addition to being party English and Chinese, she is also Native Hawaiian, and attended the Kamehameha school in Oahu. She has been on record as supporting these schools for Native Hawaiians, and in 2006 she even made a video which was posted on Youtube through which she expressed the importance of the schools to Native Hawaiians, and rebuffed any claims that the school's existence is tied to racism, but rather to restorative justice. For years, there are have been efforts to close the school or force it open to st