
Showing posts with the label Drea

Pagat Protest Today

A pe aceful p rotest and demonstration will be taking place today on the backroad to Anderson near the Pagat trail and cave area. It will happen from 3-7 and is being organized by We Are Guahan. For those of you who don't know why this protest is happening , read the articles below. You can also check out some of the recent posts from Drea on Waiting on Wonderland . The images in this post were painted by her for today's protest. From her post " Liberate Pagat :" Today is the day we celebrate Guam's liberation from the Japanese. As a child, my grandmother would have our mothers get all of us together. We'd go to the parade and watch as all the amazing floats rolled by. The floats are always really amazing. It was so much fun for us kids, but for my Grandma it was deeper than just candy, music, and floats. When she was our age they weren't marching in parades. The marching they did was different. My grandma is gone now, but I still respect today as her