
Showing posts with the label TV

Fanhokkayan #4: Minagahet Mission

The other day Independent GuÄhan's held it's April teach-in at UOG, this time with a focus on "democratizing the media." The discussion focused on Guam's media landscape and ways that community members can create alternative means of educating or informing people on island about pertinent issues. For years I ran a number of different forms of alternative media, such as blogs, websites, podcasts and even a zine called Minagahet. From 2003-2010 I, and sometimes others ed ited a zine which focused on Chamorro issues from a critical and largely progressive perspective. You can still find it online, although the last issue was released during the DEIS comment period in early 2010. The name Minagahet which means "truth" came from a comment that a friend of mine had written on a message board many many years ago. It was an exchange with some Chamorros who felt that decolonization was stupid and impossible. My friend had written a long response see

Why I Can't Take My Eyes Off of Rachel Maddow

Gof malĂ„te' si Rachel Maddow. Gi este na pakyo' taihinasso. Hu sen agradesi i minalate'-ña. Mana'annok este gi primet na attikulu. Ti ha tatitiyi i hemplon i otro na media. Kada kumuentos si Trump. Ya ha na'annok ta'lo i tinaimamahlao-ña. Yan mabababa i ilu-ña. I otro media, ma tatiyias i take'-ña. Kulang puyitos gi lancho. Ma kekekĂ„nno' todu i papet etgue-ña Twitter. Lao si Rachel ti ha cho'cho'gue ayu. Mas tahdong i chine'gue-ña. Ha cho'cho'gue' i diposti i che'cho'-ña i journalist.  Ha kekena'famta i minaghaet. Yan ha na'annok i manmana'attok ni' i manakhilo'. ******************** Rachel Maddow on How She Doubled Viewership Under Trump: 'I Stopped Covering the Twitter Feed' by Brian Flood March 3, 2017 The Wrap MSNBC’s “The Rachel Maddow Show” has been on a roll, posting her best ratings month ever in February and nearly doubling her viewership. Her

I Manaitintanos

In this image we see SumĂ„hi and Akli'e' finishing up a 3D puzzle for the show The Walking Dead.  I've only watched the first season and the kids refuse to watch any of it at all, but we saw this puzzle at a bargain store earlier this year and decided to grab it. At 150 pieces it isn't too exhausting. As trying to get the kids to finish puzzles with 500 or 1000 pieces can end up feeling like trying to get a fanihi to jump into a pot of boiling coconut milk.      As zombies are so pervasive in popular culture nowadays, the kids and I have had plenty of conversations over the years about what word to use for zombies in Chamorro. When the kids were much younger I would use the term "taitintanos" or "brainless" and zombies in general would be " i manaitintanos."  This phrasing was cumbersome and confusing for the kids as zombies no longer moan "brains..." as they shamble. We later switched to " i mamomokkat na man

Micronesian Blues

The book Micronesian Blues is supposed to be made into a show for Cinemax. Given the articles below, it has nothing to do with Governor of Guam Eddie Calvo's recent "deportation" of criminals from the FSM. I wonder what a show titled Chamorro Blues would focus on or look like? Would it focus on the drama in the Catholic church? I halacha na yinaoyao gi halom i gima'yu'os Katoliko? Or perhaps it would focus on the drama between Chamorro dance groups? Hekkua' ti hu tungo' I wonder, even more so, what a show like Guamanian Blues would be? BĂ„sta, mungga yu' tumungo'. ********************** Cop's memoir 'Micronesian Blues' to be adapted into Cinemax show by Amanda Pampuro Guam Daily Post 10/23/16 “It was slam down and flaps up, braking all the way. We landed so hard the oxygen masks fell down and several of the overhead storage compartments popped open. Babies squalled, while most of the adults just sat there in stunned sil

Rachel Maddow Interview with Playboy

Gof ya-hu si Rachel Maddow.  Gof malĂ„te' gui'. Gof maolek gui' kumuentos yan maneksplika.  Guaha taotao ni' gof sinimai i hinasson-ñiha ni' patida. Ya gi este na botasion gi sanlagu, nai si Donald Trump muna'fafamta' meggai na chatminalate, gof presisu nu Guahu i kuentos-ña yan tiningo'-ña si Maddow. Estague i transcript annai ininterview gui' ni Playboy Magazine annai ma na'huyong i primet na tĂ„ya' kesnuda na issue gi Febrero gi pĂ„'go na sĂ„kkan. ********************** Rachel Maddow Talks Hillary, Hate Mail and More in Our First Non-Nude Issue By David Hochman February 4, 2016 Playboy Upstairs in MSNBC’s studios at 30 Rockefeller Plaza in Manhattan, Rachel Maddow is practically mainlining the news of the day. Her staff of 20 (women outnumber men and diversity of skin color, gender expression and age is clearly valued) calls out headlines as Maddow scribbles in micro-script on a white