
Showing posts with the label Of Gold

Meanwhile Back on Guam...

I'm currently in Okinawa doing research on resistance to militarization, but things were heating up this past week back in Guam with regards to our own recurring strain of militarization, known infamously as "the military buildup." The Governor of Guam Eddie Calvo met with a group over more than 50 activists and community members to discuss their concerns about the recent signing of the Record of Decision, which means the Department of Defense plans to move ahead with their plans for militarizing Guam. I wish I could have been there, I saw photos on Facebook and saw this article from the Pacific Daily News. Mambanidosu yu' nu ayu siha ni' mantachuchuyi i taotao gi este na asunto. ************ Activists voice concerns over buildup by Jerick Sablan Pacific Daily News 10/22/15 Several local activist groups met with Gov. Eddie Calvo on Tuesday to discuss their concerns about the military buildup. Despite the recent release of the Record of Decision — a d

Force of Culture

The play Pagat, that I co-wrote with Victoria Leon Guerrero was performed several weeks ago at the UOG Fine Arts Theater and was a huge success. Although it was performed six nights total, the last three nights were not only sold out, but hundreds of people were turned away. It was amazing to see an original local play sell out its tickets within fifteen minutes of opening the box office, and that people started to line up to get tickets two hours before the box office even opened. On the last two nights, the playwrights and the director, we all gave up our seats in order to make room for those who wanted to see the play. I’ve never been so elated to lose my seat before. On three of the nights there were talk backs, or discussions where the audience could ask questions to the crew and the cast. The conversations were very important to me, because I got a sense of what people were seeing and feeling about the play, and how closely or not so closely their inte