
Showing posts with the label Milestone


I made a silent resolution at some point this year that I would post 200 times on this blog over the course of 2011. My blogging has its ups and downs, as I chronicled earlier this fall in my post " 300,000 ." I don't find as much time to post because of teaching, parenting, activism and writing for other things. I was determined though to reach the 200 post plateau this year, and with this post I have done it. It's a great way to end one year and welcome in a new one. Adios 2011! Hafa Adai 2012!


I just noticed that I passed a pretty big milestone yesterday. As you can see from the image to the left, I recently passed 300,000 hits on this blog. This means that according to Statcounter, pages on this blog have been loaded 300,000 times, and it does not necessarily mean that 300,000 people have read my blog ( olaha mohon na taiguihi). What's weird is that if I follow the internal counter that Blogger uses, then I've had 300,000 hits for quite a while, since Blogger's counter always counts twice as much as Statcounter. Needless to say, this is an exciting day for me and my blog. I started this blog in August 2004, and this post is my 1,431th. I meant to commemorate the 7th year of this blog last month, lao maleffa yu'. In 2004, my blog posts were brutally short. Sometimes one or two sentences, sometimes a paragraph. Sometimes I would post several tiny posts in a day. Although I only had this blog for 4 months in 2004, I still posted 120 times, meaning at least


This past week I hit a big milestone in terms of my Youtube account. I finally got to 100,000 total views for all my videos. I currently have about 360 videos, and get a couple of hundred hits a day. For someone who has no editing program and has used for four years a series of pretty crappy cameras, it is a big deal to have reached this many hits. I thought to celebrate this occasion, I'd paste below my top 18 most watched videos. Now keep in mind that these videos are the most watched and not necessarily the highest-rated or my favorites. Some of them, are simply high up on the list because they were given names which people who know nothing about Guam or care nothing about myself or Chamorros would look up and end up accidentally watching a few seconds of. Some of them are several years old, from when my video cameras had very limited memory and so they are pretty short and quick. Right now I use bigger memory cards which can hold longer files, but I'm still limite

300 Videos

I recently hit 300 videos on Youtube. My videos are literally nothing special. Most of them are just random snippets of my life, whether in California or Guam. You'll see my kids, events I attend, my classes, things that I pass by which are interested. They aren't edited, they aren't flashy and for many of them, the camera is so shaky, kulang manunukot gui'. My hope for these videos is that 1,000 years from now, when humanity has been wiped from the face of the earth, as in the movie A.i ., and an advanced alien race visits the planet to try and discover what used to be here, someone, for some insane reason, one of my videos will be the only remanants of human life. And so those alien researchers, archeologists really, will have to conclude that the rules of this world was a cute little girl named Sumahi and that everyone spoke Chamorro with a cute valley girl accent. Anyways, enough silliness. I'm past belowing some of the more interesting picks from the last