
Showing posts with the label Fanahgue'yan

Offisland Chamorros vs. On-Island Chamorros

Here's a excerpt from a thread on the Chamorro Information Activist message board, FANAHGUE'YAN ( ). Anyone interested in really talking about Guam and Chamorros stuff should head over there. Sahuma: A discussion is brewing in one of the less frequented categories so I just thought I'd bring it up here, where more people post. What is everyone's opinions on Chamorros stateside and on island? Alot of the people in this board are not on island right now, in fact demographically more Chamorros are offisland than on, so what's up? Do you lose a piece of yourself and your culture when you leave? Are Chamorros raised in the states just biologically more annoying and clueless? Can you re-connect to something you've probably never known? These are some of the issues involved. Living in the states for half of my life I can tell you that you can re-connect, but its not as easy as everyone thinks it is. When most people talk about r