Tales of Decolonization #5: Message from the Secretary General
I wonder who writes the press releases or the formal statements at the United Nations. Some of them must be easy as you simply include basic pertinent information. You recognize a country, an anniversary, a resolution or something like that. It might also be easy because so many of the press releases and statements, year after year, can be very similar and so you can really just cut and paste something from last year, change the dates and maybe a word or two. Such is possible is any large bureaucracy and so we shouldn't assume the UN is immune from this. But in truth, if you are taking your job seriously you can't do this, you have to give the impression that something is different or that something has changed, even if nothing has. For the issue of decolonization, we are currently in the Third International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism from the world. Over these past 26 years, very little has changed or shifted in terms of ridding the world of colonialis