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Boycott Amazon

I've been wanting to write about WikiLeaks but haven't been able to get ahold of their latest leak dump and so while I've heard that Guam appears in the documents 40 times I haven't been able to see it for myself and analyze it. Everytime I've tried to download them they've been taken offline. In the meantime, I came across this on the website It is a letter from famous whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg, who has weighed in on the issue, noting on Democracy Now! that he is jealous of how scanners and other technology makes it so easy nowadays for whistleblowers to collect mountains of evidence. The Pentagon Papers which Ellsberg made public were 7,000 pages and he said it took hours of slowly photocopying them. Part of the current saga is shutting down WikiLeaks from their US servers. Ellsberg wrote the letter below to them, chastising them for their cowardice and asking others to boycott them. ******************************* Open lett