
Showing posts with the label Factsheet

Sakman Fundraiser

SAKMAN CHAMORRO FACT SHEET THE SAKMAN: The Chamorros owned and built the sakmans, also known as the “flying proa”. It was their largest sailing canoe. It was deeply admired for its speed and agility. Its special asymmetric design attributed to its performance. It is a remarkable pure-blooded Chamorro invention for which they were proud of. TYPES OF CHAMORRO CANOES: —The SAKMAN: the largest sailing single outrigger type canoe. 40 ft long with sail; 30 in wide; and stood 6 ft tall. The outrigger was 20 ft long. — The GALAIDE: the smallest fishing dugout canoe measuring 10-12 ft long. Used primarily for in-reef fishing. No sail. Single outrigger. Used the paddle (poksai) and maneuvering pole (tulus). DISCOVERY: When Magellan discovered the Marianas, he named the islands, “Islas de las Velas “ for the many sailing canoes that greeted him. He was fascinated by their agility and speed. DESTRUCTION & END: Since the Spanish colonization, Chamorros were forbidden to bu


MINAGAHET ZINE "GUAM DEIS" Volume 8 Issue 1 January 10, 2010 Hafa Adai, yan welcome to i mina'kuarenta unu na Minagahet. While speaking to a friend the other day she remarked that what is happening right now on Guam is the most pivotal moment in our lives, we will find the near future of this island and everyone on it defined by what happens in the next few months and then, the next few years. My friend was of course referring to the massive military buildup which the United States Department of Defense has been planning since at least 2005, and is less than a year away from "officially" starting. My friend went so far as to say that this will be what for us, what I Tiempon Chapones or World War II was for our parents and grandparents. Ti manggaige hit pa'go gi i parehu na klasin gera, lao guaha minagahet gi este na sinangan. Even if you look objectively at the buildup and what is being planned for Guam and how it will likely be impacted, then this is not