
Showing posts with the label Website

UOG Language(s) Drive

The petition drive to protect language learning at UOG continues.  If you haven't signed the petition yet, please do so at this link . Here is the website for the UOG Language Drive , which is being spearheaded by myself and other UOG faculty to protect language learning at UOG in the face of GE requirement changes which could drastically affect language programs at UOG, in particular my program, Chamorro Studies.  Below is the petition statement for the UOG Language Drive, in Chamorro, Japanese, Tagalog, French, Spanish, Mandarin and English. ***************************** Kinalamten para Lenguahi Siha gi UnibetsedÃ¥t Guahan  I hinangai-ña este para u na’adilÃ¥ntu yan u chonnek mo’na i fina’nÃ¥’guen lengguÃ¥hi siha gi UnibetsidÃ¥t GuÃ¥han. Manmama’nÃ¥nÃ¥’gue, manmane’eyak yan manmansesetbe i fafa’nÃ¥’gue siha yan i estudiÃ¥nte siha gi UOG para u manteteini i takhilo’ na minetgot-ñiha i kottura-ña siha yan i guinaha-ña iya Micronesia. Ginen este, siña ta us

Mensahi Ginen i Gehilo' #11: Commission on Decolonization

Decolonization is the most important issue on Guam, that few people want to really talk about. I mean this in terms of average people and their relationship to it, but also political and community leaders, who may mention it and take stands on it, but still don't show a real commitment to getting us to the point of formal decolonization, or an evolved political status change. The Commission on Decolonization is the part of the Government of Guam that is supposed to help educate the island community, both Chamorros and non-Chamorros about this formal process of decolonization, which involves a political status plebiscite, or vote. Unfortunately, a number of governors in recent years have either ignored this Commission or severely underfunded it and taken resources away from it to the point where it is keyao yan kana' taisetbe. The Legislature hasn't moved things very far forward either. Even though individual senators may so strong things in support of decolonizatio

Crazy Talk

“Crazy Talk” Michael Lujan Bevacqua The Marianas Variety July 4, 2012 The same scene happens every couple of months at my grandfather’s shop at the Chamorro village. A military family comes into the check out my grandfather’s handmade tools. They look around and are impressed. I answer their questions and give them some background on my grandfather Tun Jack Lujan’s role in perpetuating the Chamorro culture today as a Master Blacksmith. As they are leaving one of them turns to me and says “I want to thank you for showing this to us and answering our questions, you aren’t as terrible a person as I thought you were.” The first few times this scene took place I was taken aback. How did they know anything about me and what did they know that made them assume I’d be terrible? We’d never met before and how could they possess such strong negative feelings to me already? I’ve come to learn that the reason for this is because of my internet presence, primar

Romney Economics

Ti meggai i ekspirensia-na siha Si Mitt Romney gi gubetnamento. Guaha na biahi na mas maolek este sa' i manenimigu-mu siha, ti sina ma hatme hao put i meggai na tinaya'-mu! Lao, ti ilek-hu na taya' ekspirensia-na, ilek-hu ti meggai. Desde 2002 asta 2006 Si Mitt Romney ha fa'cho'chu'i i taotao Massachusetts komo maga'lahin-niha (gubetno). I mas dangkolu-na Si Mitt Romney na este na bida-na, ti gof maolek. Ti atanon este, ti gof bunito. Meggai inefresi-na siha lao guahlo' gui'. Ilek-na na Guiya para u atbansa iya Massachussetts, lao gi durante i tiempo-na gumof tunok i tano'-na put cho'cho', ekonomiha, salape' yan kobransa. An malalagu hao para un takhilo' na ofisinan pulitikat taiguihi i Apa'ka na Guma' (lol), debi di fattayon i che'cho'-mu pulitikat. Lao para Si Romne ti meggai yan para i Republicans ti umaya yan i sisteman hinegge. Massachusetts un sen "asut" na tano' gi i US. I bida-na