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Act of Decolonization #9: Read the Marianas Variety

Print these articles out and carry them with you to use for any discussions with Chamorros and people from Guam who believe that the United States military has the interests of Guam and its people first. These are some of the clearest and most direct examples I've seen in mainstream print so far, of what the relationship between the US military and Guam is. Not one based on love, loyalty or even the boundaries of citizenship. Its one based on military strategy and geographic location. These are excellent articles and I'm glad that they were covered in the Variety, because if they had been in the PDN , no doubt whoever was writing about it would probably try to use this memo to show how much things have changed, instead of tracing for readers, how very little has changed other than rhetoric. It is crucial that those interested in truth and justice on Guam, support an opening up and a grassroots growing of the media in Guam, and contesting the control that the PDN has over public