
Showing posts with the label Ammendment

The Stupak Ammendment, George Carlin and Monty Python

From John Amato on Crooks and Liars I want to propose a new amendment be added during the conference committee when the House and Senate get together to merge the health-care reform bills. I know the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops will love it, since they are officially members of Congress now. Here it is. All pro-life male members of Congress who ejaculate without the express intent of making a baby will be considered to have had an abortion. (This will include airport-bathroom encounters.) Under this new rule, the male pro-life members then must fall in line with the same restrictions to health care as women will have to under the Stupak Amendment . Then starting in 2013, all pro-life men in America will be covered under this provision as well. Remember, sex is for one thing and one thing only. I believe a man has an even greater responsibility than a women does just by the fact that the Congress is made up of mostly men . Out of the 56 women in the Democratic caucus, only two