
Showing posts with the label collage


  Fanachu! was first started by Manny Cruz in 2016 as part of the media committee of Independent GuĂ„han. When he left island for graduate school, it was taken over by Lawrence "Signezama" Lizama. Since the start of the global COVID-19 pandemic, I've been taking over hosting duties. I've always been a part of Fanachu! but since last year, I've taken over much of it, with help in producing or organizing and hosting episodes from others every once in a while.  Several things helped me get through the pandemic and all its sort of low fi craziness. One thing was Fanachu! Having something to focus on each week, to bring people into conversation, to learn more about things I'm interested in. It was a nice way to focus my life and feel like I was still having an impact, albeit small one, at a time when things were being delayed or cancelled.  Earlier this month Fanachu! reached 100 patrons! An exciting milestone, I never thought it would reach.  As part of finally get

Final Lecture

Maga'lahi Ed Benavente is our last speaker for the Chamorro Experience gi Fino' Chamorro series! I am excited and honored to have him be our final presenter. I've been posting pictures of Nasion Chamoru and their actions all week on Facebook to help prepare people. Although Nasion Chamoru were reviled by many on Guam for years, their group nonetheless had a profound impact on Guam. I wrote extended essays on the impact of both Angel Santos and Nasion Chamoru for the website Guampedia this year. His talk will be tonight at 5:30 at the CLASS Lecture Hall.