
Showing posts with the label Impeachment

Why I Can't Take My Eyes Off Ezra Klein

In genera the website Vox is like a hundred breaths of fresh air each week. The videos that it puts out each week are enjoyable and informative, bumping up against critical political and cultural issues (ranging from borders, to hip hop, to even the infamous worst movie ever The Room). But on a regular basis, the voice that I appreciate the most is that of its co-founder and editor-at-large, Ezra Klein. His articles are well-written and often help bring together my diffuse and disparate thoughts about the new list of scandals from the Trump administration. They help articulate thoughts still fuming and forming in my mind, with a welcome clarity, at a time when it seems so difficult to be politically sane. His most recent piece on Trump's impromptu interview with The New York Times at his golf club, helps bring together so many troublesome issues about the Trump administration, and connects them to the man at its core, where there is increasing evidence each day, that he may no

Militarism and Colonialism

I traveled to South Korea last year on a research and solidarity trip and I hope to travel back there in the next year or so. Here are four of the silly and serious reasons why I would like to visit there again: 1. When I was in South Korea, I saw many similarities in history and struggle with Guam. South Korea, like Guam is a flashpoint for US military aspirations in the Asia-Pacific region. It plays a key role in how the US is intending to contain Asia, most importantly China, and so as someone who is interested in peace and not war in this part of the world, I feel it is important to learn more about the other sites of US militarization. 2. I had known about South Korea being a central front in the war for spreading the glories of esports prior to traveling there, but while I was there I took on a new appreciation for it. While sitting in my hostel room in Seoul, and surfing through the few channels that I could watch and understand what was happening, one of them regularly featu

Questions Journalists Never Ask

Published on Monday, August 11, 2008 by The Capital Times (Wisconsin) Questions Journalists Never Ask by Roberto Rodriguez Having recently returned from a national journalism conference, I was reminded how most national mainstream journalists nowadays fail to ask the most basic of questions of powerful corporate executives or government officials. This is especially true in regard to issues of war and peace, where many journalists and commentators seemingly continue to act as government stenographers at best, and cheerleaders at worst. Since 9/11 of 2001, many journalists have begun to fear that being watchdogs of freedom will brand them as disloyal and anti-American. Here are some questions you will most likely not hear in the next few months from mainstream journalists. Questions for President Bush: If everything you warned about regarding Iraq was demonstrably false, why should you — or anyone who has supported your policies — be believed about anything regarding Iran or anything

Articles of Impeachment

Olaha mohon na sina mumagahet este. Gi i fino' Pelosi yan Reid "ti gaigaige gi hilo' i lamasa " impeachment." Lao baba este. Kontat ki taigue este na " threat" kulang taichi i pusishon i Presidente. An taigue este ti sina macho'cho' maolek i sisteman " checks yan balances." Yanggen umisao i Presidente, i obligashon-na i Kongresu, para u na'luhan gui' yan na'tunas gui' ta'lo. Lao yanggen un laknos este na "threat" taimanu sina un atgoya i Presidente? *************************** Published on Thursday, June 12, 2008 by Gore Vidal’s Article of Impeachment by Gore Vidal On June 9, 2008, a counterrevolution began on the floor of the House of Representatives against the gas and oil crooks who had seized control of the federal government. This counterrevolution began in the exact place which had slumbered during the all-out assault on our liberties and the Constitution itself. I wish to draw the

DK and MLK

Hu pega gi pappa’, un mensÃ¥hi ginnen Si Dennis Kucinich, put i anten I Ha'anin Martin Luther King Jr. Olaha mohon na lokka'ña hao Dennis! Siempre yanggen lokka'ña hao siña manggana hao gi i botasion AmerikÃ¥nu!!! Giya Guahan, in tingo' na yanggen umachÃ¥nda Si Juan Malimanga yan Si Nano gi un botasion, siempre manggana' Si Juan. Lao ti manggana' gui' put suette, bininitu, minalate' pat pao'fresko. Manggana' gui solo put i etigo'-na Si Nano'. Gi i Comedy Shows guini (gi lÃ¥gu) todu tiempo ma sÃ¥ngan na ginnen "The Lord of the Rings" Si Kucinich, kulang Elf pat Dwarf. Lao giya GuahÃ¥n, guaha otro na fina'na'an para este na taotao: Duendes . Humanao yu' nigap para un dinaña' nai ma gof honora Si MLK, lao bai hu post mas put este agupa' pat agupa’ña. Para pÃ¥'go, taitai este na palÃ¥bras, sa' kumekuentos Si Kucinich put i umababÃ¥k-ña i Intenon Demokratik giya i United States. Lao kontat ki ma gof dalalaki i ante


Wexler Wants Hearings A website everyone interested in justice and a new direction for the United States of America, should check out, and become involved in. For those in Guam and the other territories who don't vote for President, don't have a vote that counts in Congress, yet get sent in huge numbers to the frontlines every American war, the issue of impeachment is still very important. We may not be "full" members of the American family , but the abuses of power that take place at the White House, Congress, the Pentagon all very much affect us. I wrote last week about the ways in which Guam has been brought into the War on Terror. When Donald Rumsfeld and Company were looking for a place to detain their freshly captured enemy combatants, Guam was one option. This is just one instance where we on Guam could have been made accesories to the abuses and excesses of power and authority that the Bush Administration has wrought. Thankfully the island was spared this, b


Yanggen un ekungok nu i manapa'ka giya Guahan, siempre hinassosso-mu na giya Guahan ha' " corruption." Lao yanggen un taitai i gaseta siha put i chine'guen i Bush Administration, annok na manggof kapas siha manggcororrupt, sin Guahan yan sin i Chamorro siha. I otro na biahi na guahan un taotao sanlagu, ya ha tacha' hao put i sen tahdong na corruption i kuttura-mu yan isla-mu, na'li'e gui' este na klasin tinige'. Patmada gui' ni' este na klasin infotmasion. Put i "corruption" i mangga'chong Bush, meggai esta manmatai giya Iraq yan meggaigai mamadedesi. Ti sina ta tungo' pat komprende pa'go hafa todu i lina'la yan tano' siha para u madestrosa ya para u mafunas put i isao i manggubetno i United States. ***************** Editorials Hit Libby’s Get-Out-of-Jail-Free Card by E&P staffwriters Published on Tuesday, July 3, 2007 by Editor & Publisher NEW YORK - The bloggers, politicians, and TV pundits weighe

Why I Can't Take My Eyes Off of Sean Penn

Published on Tuesday, December 19, 2006 by the Huffington Post On Receiving the 2006 Christopher Reeve First Amendment Award by Sean Penn Sean Penn received The 2006 Christopher Reeve First Amendment Award from The Creative Coalition on December 18, 2006, in New York City, where he delivered the following speech. The Christopher Reeve First Amendment Award. For the purposes of tonight and my own personal enjoyment, I'm going to yield to the notion that I deserve this. And in the spirit of that, tell you that I am very honored to receive it. And for this I thank the Creative Coalition and my friend Charlie Rose. It does seem appropriate to take this opportunity to exercise the right that honors us all - freedom of speech. Note for later: The original title for the Louis XVI comedy called "Start The Revolution Without Me" was one of my favorites. That original title was "Louis, There's a Crowd Downstairs." But I'll come back to that... Words may be

Worse Than Watergate

Published on Tuesday, April 18, 2006 by Vanity Fair Senate Hearings on Bush, Now by Carl Bernstein Worse than Watergate? High crimes and misdemeanors justifying the impeachment of George W. Bush, as increasing numbers of Democrats in Washington hope, and, sotto voce, increasing numbers of Republicans—including some of the president's top lieutenants—now fear? Leaders of both parties are acutely aware of the vehemence of anti-Bush sentiment in the country, expressed especially in the increasing number of Americans—nearing fifty percent in some polls—who say they would favor impeachment if the president were proved to have deliberately lied to justify going to war in Iraq. John Dean, the Watergate conspirator who ultimately shattered the Watergate conspiracy, rendered his precipitous (or perhaps prescient) impeachment verdict on Bush two years ago in the affirmative, without so much as a question mark in choosing the title of his book Worse than Watergate. On March 31, some three