
Showing posts with the label Debates

Democracy Needs Debates!

  SIGN THIS PETITION! DEMOCRACIES NEED DEBATES! CALLING FOR THOSE SEEKING TO BE ELECTED AS THE SINGLE NON-VOTING DELEGATE TO GUAM, MEET PRIOR TO THE NOVEMBER 3rd ELECTION FOR AT LEAST ONE DEBATE.  Text is below" *************************** Albert Toves  started this petition to  Congressman Michael San Nicolas  and  2 others The people of Guam are only allowed to elect one delegate to represent us in the U.S. federal government. While this is a non-voting delegate position, whoever is elected to this position has a lot of power as Guam’s main, and often only voice in Washington D.C. This person must ensure the even though we are thousands of miles away, our voices are heard. Our representative also has the ability to create new opportunities for Guam and should help keep us informed of federal policies and activities that might affect us.  Guam’s representative to Congress must have in-depth knowledge about the needs of our island and a solid understanding of how to navigate U.S.

One Guam Debate

Meggai hinasso-ku put i One Guam Debate gi nigapña. Hu kekepula' todu gi halom i ilu-hu, ya siempre bai hu fånnge' mås guini gi tiempo. Lao på'go, hu keke huchom este na simester gi UOG! Ai adai! Dimasiao meggai cho'cho' gi meggai i ora yan i minaigo'!

Daily Dose of the Post

My addiction to news about the 2016 election for President in the United States reached previously inexperienced levels for me, when a few months ago I did the unthinkable, I signed up for a paid subscription for the digital version of a newspaper. I've had magazine subscriptions before, The Nation, The Smithsonian, Mother Jones, Z Mag, even Guahan back in the day. But newspapers were always something that I either purchased regular physical copies of, or I simply read articles online if they had been reposted into paywall-free forms. This election was different in so many ways for me, primarily because of the type of candidate that Donald Trump represented, whereby he followed very few established conventions for candidates and seemed to relish in energizing some of the grossest aspects of the American present and past. One thing that struck me early on was not his willingness to attack the media, as every candidate claims that they are not being treated fai

By Benen

Esta hu sangani hamyo na gof ya-hu i bidada-na si Steven Benen. Kada diha ha na'huhuyong meggai na tinige' put hafa masusesedi gi botasion AmerikÃ¥nu para presidente. Fihu gof tinanane' yu' guini giya Guahan, ya mappot para bei taitai todu ya tattiyi todu gi sanlagu. Lao sesso inayuda yu' as Steve Bene. Estague noskuantos na tinige'-na ginen pa'go ha' na diha. *********************** Team Trump Wants Credit for all the wrong reasons by Steve Benen 9/29/16 MSNBC During this week’s presidential debate, when the discussion turned to race relations, Donald Trump explained that he opened a golf resort in Palm Beach that doesn’t discriminate against racial or religious minorities. “I have been given great credit for what I did,” the Republican boasted , adding, “I’m very, very proud of it…. That is the true way I feel.” It was a reminder of one of Trump’s worst habits: he wants credit for doing the things he’s supposed to do anyway. In July, f