
Showing posts with the label Ray

One Guam Debate

Meggai hinasso-ku put i One Guam Debate gi nigapña. Hu kekepula' todu gi halom i ilu-hu, ya siempre bai hu fånnge' mås guini gi tiempo. Lao på'go, hu keke huchom este na simester gi UOG! Ai adai! Dimasiao meggai cho'cho' gi meggai i ora yan i minaigo'!

Makpo', Lao Ti Makpo'

The ballots for the Gubernatorial election for Guam's 2010 election were recounted today. The unofficial Tuesday night count of the votes placed Calvo/Tenorio ahead of Gutierrez/Aguon by 583 votes. The recount today placed the official vote count with Calvo/Tenorio ahead of Gutierrez/Aguon by 487. The results were certified declaring Calvo/Tenorio the future Governor and Lieutenant Governor of Guam. The Gutierrez/Aguon team, while not protesting, has refused to concede because of some irregularities and problems their campaign witnesses with the storing and transporting of votes. In their letter that they submitted to the Guam Election Commission, they outlined the following issues which they feel affected the integrity of the vote count. There concerns were that election officials had not followed Guam law when transporting votes, that lockboxes which carried already cast votes, were seen opened at voting stations even though they are supposed to be kept closed and secur

Workless Rhetoric

After the Record of Decision was signed, the Pacific Daily News  collected responses from Senators in the Guam Legislature, detailing their thoughts and concerns on the military buildup finally being officially declared "begun." I have pasted them below for people to read and reflect on. I have heard so many people over the past few months speak with some satisfaction that the rhetoric of so many of our political leaders have changed, that the efforts of so many who were critical of the buildup have helped make it so that no potential political leader who wants to be taken seriously can be 100% supportive of the military buildup, but instead has to hover around 50% - 70% good and the rest bad. This is a very real shift in rhetoric since for the first few years of the buildup, politicians would try to convince people that the buildup was a boon, that it was great and that the problems were minor and not such a big deal. That was how the public was shaped back then, in such a

Fino' Chamoru na Inadaggao

One of the many things which looks to keep my October exciting and stressful is that I'm helping to organize a Chamorro Language Forum or Fino' Chamoru na Inadaggao for the Senatorial hopefuls in this year's election on Guam. For those of you who are interested in attending or just submitting a question via email let me know. Also, even though it is completely ready yet, I have started yet another blog, which will have information about the Forums at this address: . Sina un sodda' mas infotmashon guini pappa'. ******************** UOG's Chamorro Language Program, We Are Guahan, Peace Coalition host gubernatorial, senatorial forums from PACIFIC DAILY NEWS NEWS@GUAMPDN.COM SEPTEMBER 10, 2010 The University of Guam Chamoru Language program, We are Guahan, and the Guahan Coalition for Peace and Justice will co-sponsor a series of Chamorro language senatorial forums on Oct. 19-21 and a gubernatorial Chamorro language forum fe

I Hiniyong I Primary

Estague i hiniyong-na i botasion Primary nigap. Ti magof yu' put i mapedde'na i gayu-hu lao estague i hiniyong sinembatgo. Sigi ha' umessitan yu' gi este na ha'ani, na esta para bai falak as Guitierrez/Aguon yan fanule' franela, sa' achokka' matalonan i gayu-hu, ga'no-ku Gutierrez kinu Calvo. Este i fine'nina na biahi na mambota yu' gi i bandan pat patidan Republican. Ha gof fulot yu', ya ti ya-hu i sabot-na. Siempre agupa' gi duranten i taicho'cho' na ha'ani bai hu guakse i hila-hu. Desde dumongkolu yu', Democrat yu' pat mas liberal pat Inakague, lao taya' nai Republican pat Inagapa'. Achokka' ha na'triste yu' i mapedde'-na Si Mike Cruz, lumamagof sa' kaikai este na banda, para i mas payon yu' na pueston pulitikat, i Democrat na banda. Este na "experiment" i fine'nina na chinagi ya puede ha' i uttimo lokkue'. ************************** REPUBLICANS Calvo,

Great Debate Moments

My cousin got me a ticket last night to go and watch the Great Debate held at the UOG Field House between the two Republican gubernatorial teams for this year's election, Eddie Calvo and Ray Tenorio and Michael Cruz and Jim Espaldon. I have a headache right now and I have a translation project I need to finish this weekend, so my blog post might not be the best or most well-thought-out tonight, but I just wanted to share some of my thoughts on the event. In the interests of full disclosure, Segundo Maga'lahi Mike Cruz is i gayu-hu. ************************* 1. The bigger and more official-feeling the debate, the more boring it tends to be. I really wish it wasn't so, but last night's event featured the most boring, most stale and therefore mas mata'pang na questions imaginable. They all had the same format, and were as banal as possible, and to make things even worse, were read in a tone which made them even less interesting. "Compare and contrast your stanc

Ray Tenorio Cuts the Strings of Life and Death

Un empe' finayi ginnen i kachido Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence : "Life and Death are both marrionettes wandering the same table. Cut their strings and they are easily ignored." Annai fine'nina humalom yu' gi iyo-ku Ph.D. program giya San Diego, hu kilili este guatu lokkue' gi i hinasso-ku. Sina na "estupido" este na sinangan, lao ti para Guahu. Este na sinangan yan otro na research na hu cho'gue, mana'dana' gi i hinasso-ku, ya chine'leghua iyo-ku idea siha put decolonization. Meggai giya Guahan, yan meggai na Chamoru gi lagu, ti ya-niha kumuentos pat humungok put decolonization, ya fihu ma na'chechetton gi iyo-niha resistance, chatguinife put mina'a'nao, minatai yan i madestrosa-na Guahan. Gi este na hinasso, achapiligro decolonization yan pinino' maisa ( suicide). I dipotsi na hiniyong este na kuentos, "mungga madecolonization, sa' siempre pon na'fattoigue hao ni' minatai yan dinestrosa para u t

2008 Guam Political Sign Awards

I watched Shiro's Head: The Legend last week and one of the stupid jokes that I made with people, is that you can't really be sure it was filmed on Guam. As a film which is billed as the first Guam/local major motion picture this might seem stupid, but the joke is that for all the landscape they showed of Guam, there were no political signs! For those of you who don't know why this is an issue, every two or four years (for some races) the roadsides of Guam become crowded with signs for Guam's legislative, mayoral, congressional and gubernatorial races. For most people on Guam, unless they have had the opportunity to meet a candidate at a funeral, party or other public event, these signs are the main way of "getting to know" the candidates. For some the candidate's face is most prominent, making what they are wearing, how their hair looks, or what kind of facial expression they are making crucial in determining whether people feel that they can trust/li