
Showing posts with the label Syria

Decolonization in the Caribbean #5: Chair in Crisis

The Chair for the committee of 24 is Rafael CarreƱo Ramirez who is the permanent representative to the UN from Venezuela. He opened the seminar in St. Vincent with a statement, but soon had to leave the conference, with one of the committee’s vice-chairs, from the Russian Federation taking over. This regional seminar is taking place in the seventh year of the Third International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism. The United Nations sometimes sets large goals for itself or its programs, hoping to achieve substantive results or progress within a generous time period. The UN attempted a similar thing with regards to decolonization, establishing ten year periods during which is was to work towards achieving significant progress with regards to eradicating colonialism from the world. Over the past 17 years, no territories have moved closer in any measurable ways towards self-determination or decolonization. The last territory to be removed from the li

100 Days

Commentary from 44 different political leaders, community activists and artists about what Trump has or hasn't accomplished in his first 100 days. Some very insightful remarks. ********************** 44 Leaders, Legislators and Artists Sum Up Trump's First 100 Days by Paige Lavender Huffington Post April 29, 2017 In October 2016, before  Donald Trump defeated Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton , he  outlined a plan  of all the things he hoped to accomplish during his first 100 days in office. But in the wake of failure and unfulfilled promises  as his 100th day approaches, the president has changed his tune. Last week, he criticized “the ridiculous standard” of the first 100 days, slamming the deadline in one sentence. To mark the milestone, HuffPost asked lawmakers, activists, lobbyists and influencers to offer their own (roughly) one-sentence takes on Trump’s first 100 days. Here are the responses, which have been lightly edited for cl

Forum Failure

Ti hu egga' i Commander and Chief forum gi NBC yan MSNBC pa'go. Tinane' yu' ni' mamana'na'gue. Hiningok-hu meggai gi internet put hƄfa masusedi. Ti makopbla si Trump. Machanda si Hillary. Ti nahong i minagahet gi sinangan-Ʊiha. Lao, impottante nai na ti ta po'lo na parehu este na dos. Ti chumilong i hinasson-Ʊiha. Ti chumilong i minalate'-Ʊiha. Buente ti ya-mu i idehƄ-Ʊa pat i sinangƄn-Ʊa si Hillary, lao ti puniyon na gaitiningo' gui'. Lao ai adai si Trump. Annok na ti meggai, ti nahong i tiningo'-Ʊa put este na asunto siha. Ti listo gui' para u presidente. ********************** Clinton: No US Ground Troops in Iraq, Syria; Trump: Steal Iraqi Oil by Juan Cole Informed Comment September 8, 2016 The NBC Candidates Forum continued the shameful corporate coverage of the Great American Meltdown that is our election season. That season has given us a Faux Cable News that runs clips of only one side and p

The Week in American Militarism

 The website Common Dreams is a very good resource for those interested in a wide range of progressive topics. You'll find Democrat politics articles, which aren't very critical or radical. You'll find pieces that both support Israelis right to defend itself but also condemn it as a nation that is perpetuating genocide and colonialism. There is plenty of environmental coverage and economic justice news on everything from unions, to climate change, to resource wars. For me personally, as someone who comes from an island in the Pacific that is known as the tip of the spear and an unsinkable aircraft carrier, I truly appreciate the coverage that Common Dreams provides on militarism, in particular American militarism. Naturally, their lens for filtering through the possibilities of news focuses primarily on the hotspots where Americans troops are currently bombing, fighting and occupying and so it doesn't attend much to places where the bases have existed for a long