
Showing posts with the label Famous People

Hiroshima Trip, Post #9: Picturing the Multitude

During the Hiroshima Rally for the 2010 World Conference Against Atomic and Hydrogen bombs, as an overseas delegate I got to sit in the very front row, with a great view of every speaker who stood at the podium or almost everyone who got on stage. This meant that even with my cheap K-Mart digital camera I could still take “cool” looking shots, which would have been mediocre or impossible to discern if I had been a hundred feet or so back into the crowd. As I saw dozens of speakers cycle across the podium and dozens of activist groups from around Japan come up to present their efforts, I didn’t only take pictures of them, but also found myself taking pictures of the people who were taking pictures. For different speakers, a different, always evolving and morphing throng of people with cell phones, digital cameras and yes even disposable camera would be surging forward to get a better shot at what or who was on stage. For some there would be just a handful of picture-takers, who would l

Famous People I Saw at the DNC

Right now I'm writing up my final thoughts on my trip in August to the Democratic National Convention and will be posting them soon. While writing, I had a chance to go back through my photos and see all the pictures I took of famous people while I was there. For those who want to radically increase the amount of people that they can claim to have been in the same room or within five feet from them, I highly reccomend going to a a Democratic National Convention (or even a Republican one). My list of famous movie, media and political celebrities that I can claim to have bumped into or been pushed aside by their secret service entourage shot up to well over two dozen. Here are some pictures of the famous people I saw at the DNC (naturally if we were to change this to list of people that I actually had the chance to talk to at the DNC, it would be much much shorter): The formating for the blog makes it tough to write the names of each famous person underneath their pictures, so I&

DNC Day 4 - I Manmatungo' (ta'lo ta'lo)

The continuing list of famous people I've seen so far (seen, not necessarily talked to). Jonathan Alter, journalist Paul Begala, pundit Ann Curry, tv person (who was, according to rumor born on Guam) Fran Drescher, actress Tammy Duckworth, former Congressional candidate in Illinois New York Governor David Pattersen Penn. Governor Ed Rendell Former California Congressman Norman Mineta California Congressman Mike Honda DNC Chariman Howard Dean Minnesota Congressional Candidate Ashwin Madia Hawai'i Congresswoman Mazie Hirono Congressman from Maryland Steny Hoyer Colorado Congressional Candidate Hank Eng Guam Senator Ben Pangelinan Guam Senator BJ Cruz California Comptroller John Chiang California Congressman John Chiang Susan Sarandon, Actress and Activist Tamlyn Tomita, Actress and Activist Lisa Edelstein, Actress Minnesota Senator Amy Koblucher Maya Sotero-Ng, Barack Obama's sister Kansas Governor Katherine Sebelius Former Democratic Presidential Candidate George McGovern J

DNC Day 3 - I Manmatungo' (ta'lo)

The continuing list of famous people I've seen so far (seen, not necessarily talked to). Jonathan Alter, journalist Paul Begala, pundit Ann Curry, tv person (who was, according to rumor born on Guam) Fran Drescher, actress Tammy Duckworth, former Congressional candidate in Illinois New York Governor David Pattersen Penn. Governor Ed Rendell Former California Congressman Norman Mineta California Congressman Mike Honda DNC Chariman Howard Dean Minnesota Congressional Candidate Ashwin Madia Hawai'i Congresswoman Mazie Hirono Congressman from Maryland Steny Hoyer Colorado Congressional Candidate Hank Eng Guam Senator Ben Pangelinan Guam Senator BJ Cruz California Comptroller John Chiang California Congressman John Chiang Susan Sarandon, Actress and Activist Tamlyn Tomita, Actress and Activist Lisa Edelstein, Actress Minnesota Senator Amy Koblucher Maya Sotero-Ng, Barack Obama's sister Kansas Governor Katherine Sebelius Former Democratic Presidential Candidate George McGovern J

DNC Day 2 - I Manmatungo'

Famous people I've seen so far (seen, not necessarily talked to) . Jonathan Alter, journalist Paul Begala, pundit Ann Curry, tv person (who was, according to rumor born on Guam) Fran Drescher, actress Tammy Duckworth, former Congressional candidate in Illinois New York Governor David Pattersen Penn. Governor Ed Rendell Former California Congressman Norman Mineta California Congressman Mike Honda DNC Chariman Howard Dean Minnesota Congressional Candidate Ashwin Madia Hawai'i Congresswoman Mazie Hirono Congressman from Maryland Steny Hoyer Colorado Congressional Candidate Hank Eng Guam Senator Ben Pangelinan Guam Senator BJ Cruz California Comptroller John Chiang California Congressman John Chiang