
Showing posts with the label Bob

A Music Festival for My Social Change Warriors

This Saturday, December 12th, We the People Inc. is sponsoring The First Guam Music Festival , which in addition to feature some local bands, will include the off-island acts of Ky-Mani Marley and Hawaiian group Ooklah the Moc. Click the link above for more details. I'll be at the festival partially in order to hopefully catch Ky-Mani Marley's live version of my favorite and only known song of his "Warriors" and because I was told that there'll be several bouncy castles there that I can release Sumahi into and watch ricochet around. But the main reason that I'll be there is in order to bring out the "We the People" aspect of the concert. Most will go there in order to hang out, see Bob Marley's son play and also just listen to some good island and reggae music. But one of the main purposes behind this festival is to try and mobilize people to register to vote and to get people active and engaged for next year's election. I'll be manni

Lamasa Para Singko

Regardless of who you are, whether you are a close friend, a fellow activist or even just a perfect stranger, or perhaps someone who mistook me for Rasheed Wallace, if I have ever spoken to you for any decent amount of time, then I am sure I have complained in someway about my brother Kuri (Jeremy) and his banding . Of course when I say banding I'm not referring to (prepare yourself geek joke on the horizon) to "banding" from the game Magic: The Gathering. But rather to the activity that Kuri regularly does, playing in bands, which keeps him from doing his chores around the house, or makes him impossible to get up in the morning. Kuri is currently in at least three bands that I know of, Freedom Fries (ska), Last Standing All-Stars (reggae) and Table for Five (reggae) and also allegedly participates in several other musical groups, such as UOG Jazz Band, George Washington Alumni Band, and he's probably also the trombone player for Rush's latest tour. (gi minagahet

Kantan I Isla-ku Siha

I will be on Guam again very soon. There are reasons that this visit will be incredibly exciting and stressful, lao I'm still not ready to discuss them on my blog just yet. Anai hoben yu’, kada na bai hanao yan gupu Ã¥pmam, bei fama’tinas tep ni’ manmapo’lo todu i mas ya-hu na kanta siha. Gof ñateng este na fina’tinas, lao sen gaibali. PÃ¥’go achokka; mas dongkÃ¥lu iyo-ku “library gi kanta” mas chaddek para fuma’tinas tep mesklao, sa’ CDs siha tumatahgue i tep siha. Matulailaika i tiempo yan i technology, lao ti i kistumbre-ku. Kada na bei travel chago’, bai hu fa’tinÃ¥si yu’ fine’ñina un tep mesklao. I'm spending a week with my family in Atascadero before I fly out from LA right after Christmas and so before starting the six hour drive from San Diego, I decided to make myself a CD. Given that I'll soon be spending more than half a day riding various Continental Airlines aircraft in order to get home, what better theme for a CD then "kantan i islÃ¥-ku siha" or so