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The Dance of Hula yan Hineti

--> One highlight from the recent play “Pagat” is the dance “Hula yan Hineti” performed by Inetnon Gefpago. In the context of the play, the dance appears at a moment when the question of unity and divisiveness is being discussed and the actors are wondering if it is possible for the Chamorro people to unite, when they seem to determined to divide themselves. The story of Hula and Hineti is a historical tale, meant to be an example of the tragedy when people fail to unite.   The 1670s was a period of turmoil in the Marianas and in particular on Guam. The decade began with Maga’lÃ¥hi Hurao’s army attacking Hagatna in 1671, Maga’lÃ¥hi Mata’pang killing PÃ¥le’ San Vitores in 1672, and the remaining years were filled with sporadic resistance. The Spanish had their own campaign of terror meant to quell resistance to their rule. Chamorros were tortured, publicly humiliated, executed villages burnt among other atrocities committed in the name of preparing Chamorros for Christian