
Showing posts with the label dawkins

Atheism v. Feminism?

I've been reading more and more articles by atheists lately. At first I was confused as to why, because while I've been critical of religion for most of my adult life, I never wanted to seek out a new framework for housing my lack of belief. Part of what seemed to spurn me in this direction is my World History classes and to a more limited extent my Guam History classes. In my World History classes we discuss the origins of human religion and the relationships between Zoroastrianism, Islam, Christianity and even Buddhism. I have an entire lecture in which we compare the historical figure of Jesus Christ, with the religious figure of Jesus Christ. From this we often move into the Bible itself and the notion that so many people whereby they feel the Bible must be true, but haven't thought about the consequences of that belief. We compare the God in the Old Testament to the God in the New Testament. The God of Noah and Job, to the God of Isiah