
Showing posts with the label Huegon Ninalang

Trump and Consequences

“Trump and Consequences” by Michael Lujan Bevacqua The Guam Daily Post March 30, 2016 There’s a Chamorro saying, comes in different forms, but follows this basic logic, “ an esta masÃ¥ngan, mappot pumañot tÃ¥tte .” Once something has been said, it’s difficult to swallow back. This applies to what parents say to their children. What friends say to each other. What people post on their Facebook or Instagram. It is a simple reminder, that while it is easy to spit whatever nonsense comes into your mind at any given moment, the ease with which it is verbalized, is in direct contrast to how impossible it may be to rid the world of it. Nowhere is this more true than for politicians. There is an amazing process in which lifetimes of public service, legacies of accomplishment are reduced to gaffes, or mistakes or slips of the tongue. You must always be vigilante about what you say, because once it leaves your mouth, it belongs to the world, and it can be used to elevate you higher

Huegon Ninalang Siha

In egga' i "Huegon Ninalang Siha" gi i ma'pos na simana. Ya-hu didide', lao nanalang ha' yu'. Mas maolek i lepblo kinu i kachido. Lao kao nina'manman hao ni este? Siempre ahe', sa' sesso taiguihi. Komo lepblo fine'nina, fihu i orihinat i mas maolek yan kabales. I kachido ti nahong, sa' meggai ginnen i lepblo ti un kubre, ti un na'annok. Para ayu ni' gumaiya i lepblo kalang mantrinaiduti siha ni taimanu na mafa'diferentes i mubi. Siempre este un tungo' anggen taiguini hao. Anggen mata'ta'chong hao gi i fanegga'an  ya sesso un essalaoggue i screen taiguini: "Taigue ayu gi i lepblo!" "Sa' hafa ti ma na'halom ayu gi i mubi!" "Ti nahong i tetehnan na tiempo gi i mubi para u makubre ____! Ti hu tungo' hafa sina macho'gue. Ai adai!" Lao kao pumarehu anggen mofo'na i mubi ya tinatitiyi ni lepblo? Gi hinallom-hu, dipende. Kao i lepblo ni&#