The Tip of the Iceberg
After writing so much about Okinawa over the years, as its fate has been tied to Guam's through the long proposed transfer of troops from there to here, I am finally going there. There will be a conference taking place there later this month where peace and a nuclear free future for the Asia-Pacific region will be discussed. I, along with other activists from Guam will be going there and speaking on what is happening locally, to inform people from South Korea, Japan, the Philippines and even the Marshall Islands and Palau as to our own struggles with the US military. I have lots of grading to do, but I'm not doing it right now because I have to prepare my speech for the conference. Here's a great article on Okinawa and its base issues that I came across on the site Close the Base . ************** Governor Nakaima: Washington & Tokyo “should stop doing deals and return the bases promptly” Yoshio Shimoji: “Futenma: Tip of the Iceberg in Okinawa’s Agony” October