
Showing posts with the label Pirates

The Parting Glass

When my son Akli'e' and I played Assassin's Creed Black Flag (Ã…ttelong na Bandera) together, we were both touched by the game's ending ballad, "Parting Glass," a famous Scottish farewell song. Even  after  I stopped playing it years ago, we still find ourselves singing to it in the car and referencing his favorite line from the song "for want of wit." Este uno gof ya-hu na huegon bideo. Ya hu hasso gi finakpo' annai makÃ¥nta este na kÃ¥nta, kulang tumÃ¥tanges yu'.  Over the years when we sing this song, my kids and I eventually added in our own Chamoru lyrics for it. I've pasted them below.  As I reflect back on the year that was 2019; the love, the pain and everything in between, this song was a beautiful way to bid it adios. ************************* The Parting Glass Of all the money there ere I had I spent it in good company Put todu i salape’ ni’ hu chule’ I manabok-hu hu gastÃ¥yi And all the harm that ere I

I Mismo Na'Ã¥n-mu

One passage that has long stayed with me in terms of understanding ethics is from one of Slavoj Zizek's books, where he mentions the Egyptians being swallowed up by the Red Sea as they trail the escaping Israelites. According to Jewish tradition he writes, when the Israelites celebrate the death of their long-time enemies, God chastises them. He tells them, how dare they celebrate that which he created. Who are they to celebrate the destruction of something that comes from God. Even if they were opposed in the drama of life on earth, they come from the same source and they have right to celebrate something which is equal to them in its origin. This type of repositioning is the basis for many types of ethical engagement. The idea that there is always some deeper level, some deeper intersection of humanity that we can and should appeal to in order to create something that is more just and more moral. But we can become so comfortable in our identities, so stuck in them, that it

Setbisio Para i Publiko #33: I Estorian Sirena

Ti Guahu tumuge' este. I sodda' este gi internet lao ya-hu muna'famta este guini gi iyo-ku blog. Sa' ti meggai na kabåles na tinige' taiguini gi Fino' Chamorro sodda'on gi internet. Gof impottånte este na estoria gi kotturan Chamorro. Gi inaligao-hu put i estoria-ta, esta hu interview fa'na'an mas ki dos siento na manåmko'. I meggaiña manininterview hu faisen este na finaisen "gi dumangkolo'-mu, håfa i lihenden pat estoria na'manman sina un huhungok ginen i mañainå-mu pat i manacha'amko'-mu?" Kalang kada unu sumångan este na estoria put si Sirena. ********************** Estorian Sirena Åntes na tiempo, guåha un familia mañasaga giya Hagåtña . Guåha lokkue' un bunitan palao'an gi familia ni na'an-ña si Sirena . Gus ya-ña si Sirena ñumangu, espesiatmente gi halom i saddok Hagåtña. I nånan Sirena ha sangani gue' na kalan guihan gue' gi halom hånom. Un diha, tinago

Un Popblen na Familia

Storytelling has long been such a big part of Chamorro culture. When Chamorros were largely shut out of the governing of their islands and their lives during the last few centuries of colonization, often times their stories were their means of fighting back, whether through teasing, through imagining, through remembering. Even when they largely appear to have accepted their colonial realities, the stories persisted, sometimes changing to accommodate new beliefs and new senses of normality, but still the love of storytelling and of using words to create meaning, to incite responses, to give an extra dimension to life did not fade. You can find it in the stories of Juan Mala, where Chamorros expressed their dislike for the Spanish government of the 19th century through a folk hero, who shared their love of joking, laughing and eating. You can find it in the stories of the giant fish who saved Guam, some versions focus on female power, others on explaining the shape of the island and so