
Showing posts with the label Statham

Botayi Yu'

When I first took a Chamorro language class at UOG (oh so many years ago), I had some sort of assignment, where I needed to write some sort of political campaign advertisement in Chamorro. At that point in my life, I knew about as much Chamorro as I knew Esperanto, and so I asked my grandfather for help with my project. When I asked him how to say "vote for me," he laughed, and responded that it was so simple, he was almost shocked that I didn't know it. I fought off the urge to remind grandpa, that the reason I don't know already how to say this phrase is because he and grandma made a conscious choice in the 1950's and 1960's to kill the Chamorro language in our family. Instead I smiled and politely asked again how you translate "vote for me" into Chamorro. Even since that day, grandpa has loathed helping me with my Chamorro homework or anything with the Chamorro language. He always insists that I ask grandma, that she's smarter (it's true