
Showing posts with the label Liberation Theology

Liberate Liberation from Liberation Day

The one the reasons why so many scholars, activists and often times community members feel the need to rethink or rearticulate or reimagine "Liberation Day" is because of a recognition of hope integral it is or has been to our relationship to the US. World War II changed dramatically the relationship between the Chamorus of Guam and the US. It changed it somewhat from the US perspective, but it was dramatically altered from the Chamoru side of the equation. Chamorus who felt a clear distance to their colonizer, even if some were eager to be patriotic, prior to the war, emerged from the war eager to find whatever way possible to express their loyalty, their newfound attachment to America. But as I've written many times before, what Liberation Day does as the basis for Chamoru identity in an American context, is create the Chamoru as a subordinate subject, a minor footnote, that must always be superpatriotic for fear that America will withdraw funds, support, recognition an

Quest for Decolonization #6: Liberation Theology with Father Miguel D'Escoto

This year's regional seminar featured two keynote addresses by Father Miguel D'Escoto, a longtime priest, champion of human rights and a former President of the United Nations General Assembly. He has been a very controversial figure because of his outspoken criticism of the United States in particular. As a priest in Nicaragua he was very supportive of the Sandanista Revolution even to the point of joining the government of Daniel Ortega and serving as the Minister of Foreign Affairs. For this and his other explicitly political activities he was suspended by Pope John Paul II in 1985. He was reinstated last year after he reportedly petitioned the current Pope that the 81 year old be allowed to perform mass again before he dies. His speeches last week were fiery. He did not pull punches in condemning the United States for its lack of respect for international law. He criticized it for the wars it is carrying out around the world. He admonished it for its role in making Lati

Zizek on Mandela

Published on Monday, December 9, 2013 by The Guardian If Nelson Mandela Really Had Won, He Wouldn't Be Seen as a Universal Hero Mandela must have died a bitter man. To honor his legacy, we should focus on the unfulfilled promises his leadership gave rise to by Slavoj Žižek     ‘It is all too simple to criticize Mandela for abandoning the socialist perspective after the end of apartheid: did he really have a choice? Was the move towards socialism a real option?’ (Photograph: Media24/Gallo Images/Getty Images) In the last two decades of his life, Nelson Mandela was celebrated as a model of how to liberate a country from the colonial yoke without succumbing to the temptation of dictatorial power and anti-capitalist posturing. In short, Mandela was not Robert Mugabe, and South Africa remained a multiparty democracy with a free press and a vibrant economy well-integrated into the global market

Hafa Na Liberasion #5: The Liberation Theology of the Chamorros of the Marianas

Liberation Theology for the Chamoru of the Marianas By: Jonathan Blas Diaz The Pacific Voice - 2007 On February 22, 1981, the late Pope John Paul II on his way to Asia, briefly stopped on the island of Guahan, kissed the ground and said in Chamoru: Hu Guiya Hao (I love you). It is also the same Pope who, in the year 2000 at the opening of the Church’s Jubilee, apologized for the Catholic missionaries that forced the Christian religion on Indigenous peoples, including that of Oceania. Out of all the places in the world, why would the Pope stop on an island, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, to celebrate Eucharist with the Chamoru? Perhaps, the Holy Father knew deep in his heart that the Chamoru people, since 1665, have been the longest colonized people in the Islands of Oceania. The late pontiff lived during the time of Communism in Poland and understood deeply what suffering and oppression meant. I begin this article with the Pope’s historic visit to the Marianas in order to help u