
Showing posts with the label Lewchew

Okinawa Today

I am in Okinawa this week. I'll be speaking at a conference in Ishigaki Island this weekend, but I've spent the past week traveling around doing interviews with various activists involved in the struggle against US bases here. I haven't had much time to write up anything for this blog or elsewhere since I've gotten here as things have been so crazily busy. On Facebook one source of information about Okinawa that I've found very informative is the group Okinawan Independence and Free Ainu. It provides a very intriguing perspective on these two native groups within Japan which the Japanese government and people once sought to erase. These two groups are native to locations which lie at the opposite ends of Japan, but it is heartening to see a group that is seeking to connect their histories and futures. I've included some recent updates from the group below: *********** 181 environmental groups support LewChew (Okinawa) governor Onaga’s revocation of Henok

Okinawan Independence Movement

I ma'pos na biahi na hu bisita iya Okinawa, tinatiyi yu' ni' pakyo' dangkolu. Matto guihi para un konferensia, lao ma cancel i dinana' put i pakyo'. Gi ayu na hinanao sumaga' yu' gi un kuatton hotet para tres dihas, ya taya' bida-hu. Ti manali'e' ham yan i meggai na atungo'-hu siha guihi. Para kuatro na sakkan hu bisisita iya Okinawa. Kumuentos yu' meggai biahi gi diferentes na klasin dinana' academic pat activist. Hu bisita i diferentes na lugat, taiguihi Henoko pat Takae, nai guaha protest pa'go put taimanu trinatrata i tano' ni' militat Amerikanu.  Guaha otro konferensia guihi gi otro na mes. Malago' yu' na bei hanaogue, lao kalang mappot. Ayu Mes Chamoru, fihu i mas mitinane' na mes para Guahu.  I kinalamten para Independensia guini giya Guahan esta gof machalapon. Guaha na biahi gof annok i taotao ni' sumapopotte gui' gi media, sa' meggai gi gurupun-mami yan-niha manoghe gi kanton chala

Hu Hahasso Okinawa

Gaige yu' pa'go giya Belau. Este i fine'nina nai hu bisita este na isla. Esta meggai hu taitai put Guiya. Meggai hiningok-hu put Guiya. Hu tungo' na este na nasion i fine'nina ni' tumachu kontra i dano' i atmas nuclear gi este na mundo. Ma pas gi i Constitution-niha i fine'nina na "taya' nukes" na lai. Siha i fine'nina fuma'tinas lokkue' un "fanliheng'an" para i halu'u siha gi i tasi. Achokka' maoriyayi yu' ni' Binelau, hu hahasso ha' iya Okinawa. Manhahami yan Si Yasukatsu Matsushima yan Si Ed Alvarez gi este na hinanao. Si Yasukatsu ha kokonne' magi i estudiante-na siha para u fanmanaligao giya Belau. Esta mambisita siha giya Guahan. Manmanaliligao siha put i islan Guahan yan i islan Belau, yan taimanu giya Guahan ti ma gubetnan maimaisa (ya i hiniyong na prublema) yan giya Belau put taimanu ma gubetnan maimaisa (ya i hiniyong maolek). Malago yu' mohon na bei fanngge